And... welcome to week 6 of
Game of Thrones, which picked up many story lines that have been left aside for a couple of weeks, and then ended on a WHOPPER of a scene. Yes, we caught up with Theon and Stannis, but this episode belonged to Tyrion Lannister and Peter Dinklage, who may not have killed King Half-Wit, but he certainly killed this scene. To start us off, I call to the stand
Christopher Lockett, the guy I'd call on for a character reference any time.
Judging from a lot of the discussions I’ve been reading, the writers are making
fans of the books increasingly nervous with this season’s deviations … and this
episode will likely only serve to ratchet up that anxiety, given that
essentially its first half comprises storylines that do not appear in the
novels. I remain fairly sanguine, as I simply cannot imagine that the series
will change the overarching story in any substantial ways. These narrative
doglegs are interesting, however, for the simple question of how the writers
will get us back on track. Certain things have to happen, and some of these
departures make me wonder just how the writers will unknot the threads down the
Sorry to be cryptic, but that’s about as spoilery as I’m comfortable
Let’s talk first about Stannis’ visit to the Iron Bank of
Braavos, but before I say anything about that I need a little moment to geek
out about seeing Braavos appear in the opening credits. This city is one of
GRRM’s most intriguing inventions, modeled on late medieval Venice, and about
as close to an egalitarian society as one is able to find in that world. Like
Venice was in its heyday, Braavos is a hub of commerce, a city run not by
hereditary nobility but by its moneymen and merchantmen. And we meet the most
powerful of the former. Stannis and Davos cool their heels in an impressively
austere room while Stannis paces and complains about being made to wait. Davos
is more patient, observing that this is the Braavos way, and starts to relate a
story of his smuggling past … and stops, presumably thinking that it might not
be the time to remind his king that he used to be a criminal. And then the
doors open and in walks … MYCROFT HOLMES! My, but that fellow does get around
in the corridors of power. (If only Tyrion could have hired his brother later
in this episode.)

As mentioned, this entire sequence does not appear in the
novels. Stannis does ultimately have
dealings with the Iron Bank, but that comes much later, under rather different circumstances.
I find it interesting that the series is choosing to make the Iron Bank more
prominent: not just because they’re having a major plot point pivot on whether
or not Stannis will get bankrolled and hence have the resources to renew his
war with the Lannisters, but because they’re emphasizing that crucial aspect of
GRRM’s writing I mentioned last week: the pragmatic logistical component.
Stannis is a man of unwavering principle, but his legal claim on the Iron
Throne holds absolutely no water for the bankers (something Stannis should have
understood in the first place when Mycroft bluntly dismissed the title of
“lord,” and then further repeated all of Stannis’ titles back to him in a bored
voice). He points out the fact that patrilineal right has counted for little in
Westeros’ history, that its history books are littered with such words as
“usurper,” and that the question of who is the rightful king is always open to
interpretation. “Here our books are full of numbers,” he tells Stannis. “Much less
open to interpretation.” And again, the question of logistics: he makes Davos
list all of Stannis’ forces and resources, which amounts to a whole lot of not
very much. “You can see why these numbers don’t add up to a happy ending.”
I like that it was Davos who convinced them—Davos, the
pragmatic man, who points out in no uncertain terms why the Bank’s current
arrangement with King’s Landing is a losing bet: Tywin is rock-steady and
reliable, yes, but he is also old (sixty-seven, apparently), and he is the only stable presence there: Tommen is
just a boy, Cersei is crazy, Tyrion’s on trial for killing Joffrey, and Jaime
is a king-killer.
I love this bit, even if it does feel a little
disingenuous—one has to assume that Mycroft has already worked all this out for
himself. Then again, it may be that he’s just taking the measure of this
would-be king. A bird in the hand, after all … Tywin might be a thin thread to
hang the bank’s investment on, but until Davos’ impassioned speech, he has no
reason to think Stannis is anything more than just another usurper. And Davos
speaks Mycroft’s language in terms of payment and debt, showing him his
mutilated hand, his punishment for years of smuggling as the price for entering
Stannis’ service. A Lannister may always pay his debts, but as we gleaned from
Jaime’s discussion with his father, Lannisters are as dwindling a resource as
their gold.
After Davos re-hires Salador Saan, we cut to Yara’s raiding
party, as she reads Ramsay’s letter to her crew and riles them up. This raid on
the Dreadfort is odd on two fronts: one, it’s geographically problematic; and
two, it is a complete deviation from the books. What did you make of Yara’s
abortive attempt to rescues Theon?
Nikki: I too
loved it when the doors opened and freakin’ Mark Gatiss strode in. I’m sure
there was a huge audience of cult TV that squeed in that particular moment. He
played it so straight, never wavering from that pasted-on smile until Davos
began challenging him, and then we saw that confidence begin to waver. I, too,
was thrilled with that scene (Stannis never would have been the one to say
anything to convince him; that guy seems to be trapped in an arrested
development where he requires everyone around him to do and say everything on
his behalf) but it was brilliant.
And yes also on Braavos making it into the opening credits
model. Just as my husband moaned, “Does this 28-minute opening sequence ever CHANGE?!” they showed it and I sat right
up and exclaimed, “Ooh!! New city!! Ooh!! Back it up!! Big statue!!” Fantastic.
The Theon “rescue” sequence was heartbreaking. As Yara
climbs back into the boat after failing to capture Theon, she bluntly says, “My
brother’s dead,” and we know that’s the story she’ll take back to the Iron
Islands and her father.
And the sad thing is, she’s absolutely right. Theon is dead.
Now we have Reek, a quivering, shivering, shadow of his former self, who
thought his sister was nothing more than another trick by Ramsay to make him think he was about to be rescued, rather
than his actual rescue party. Yara’s departure means there’s no more rescue
coming for him, and Reek’s complacency and actions in that moment solidified
that he was 100% Ramsay’s puppet. (Speaking of Ramsay, the cuts all over his
body — and the rough sex he was having right before Yara showed up — show
his masochism equals his sadism.)

viewers, we internally beg Reek to go with Yara, to just be Theon again and run
away rather than hinder the rescue mission. And yet… the writers oh so cleverly
pull us in on the whole ruse in the following scene, when Ramsay tells him he’s
drawn a hot bath for him and wants him to get in. Now we’re right there with
Reek, shouting no, no, don’t get in there, he
will drown you. And just as Ramsay has brainwashed Reek, he’s brainwashed
all of us. He doesn’t do anything at all to Reek when he climbs into the tub;
he simply begins washing him. Notice how Reek grabs the edges of the tub,
almost to brace himself for the expectation that Ramsay will try to dunk his
head under the water. Notice also the sadistic smile that creeps over Ramsay’s
face when Reek drops his britches and one can only imagine the scarred,
mutilated absence between Reek’s legs that Ramsay stares at. Now that Ramsay
has his total loyalty, he tells him it’s time for Reek to pretend to be someone
he’s not: Theon Greyjoy.
I thought the cutaway here to the Daenerys story was utterly
brilliant. As I’ve been saying on here for a few weeks now, Daenerys (my girl,
always my girl, please don’t take any offense to what I’m about to say oh First
of Your Name, Mother of Dragons) has been “freeing” the slaves and punishing
the slavemasters, but that opens up a whole new host of problems. Last week Ser
Jorah told her that in Astapor and Yunkai she’s left more of a mess behind than
perhaps was there to begin with AND she took the city’s armies from them, so
now they’re utterly defenseless. She pulls the slaves on side and makes them
love her, but it’s only so they’ll follow her into battle where most of them
will be slaughtered. She expects their love and loyalty, but she’s freed them
from one master only to control them herself. Cutting away from Theon’s story —
where Theon has been beaten into submission, to the point where he now loves
Ramsay, who seems to be freeing him from the life of torture he’d received from
. . . Ramsay — reminds us that Daenerys frees them from one hell only to plunge
many of them into another.
In this episode we see that the dragons are roaming the
countrysides and fields, looking for herds of goats that they first barbecue
and then eat. The goatherder approaches Daenerys on her throne and tells her
what they’ve done, and she promises him three times what the goats are worth,
and he backs away happily, grateful for his queen. (Did anyone else think that
was his son’s bones in that blanket? When he first opened it I was horrified
until I realized he was saying that was one of the goats. Apparently I didn’t
notice the giant HORNS when I watched it the first time.) Daenerys looks
thrilled that she’s made someone happy, and excitedly calls in the next
supplicant. And… yeah, it’s not as happy as the first one. This guy is the son
of one of the masters whom she had crucified (against Ser Barristan and Ser
Jorah’s advice) and now she realizes the world isn’t black and white, with
slaveowners being bad and slaves all being good: sometimes the slaveowners are
good people, who fought against cruelty to the slaves, who treated the slaves
well. In attacking the city and doing what she did, she looks like a despot who
is forcing the people to trade one cruel monarchy for another. We know Daenerys
wants the best for people, wants to be loved, and cares about her people, which
sets her apart from other rulers, but this job ain’t as easy as she thought it
was going to be.
What did you think of the Daenerys scene, Chris?
Christopher: I
thought it was very well done, and unlike much of this episode, more or less
hewed to the novel (more or less—there were a few deviations, but it got the
gist of things). Dany has placed herself in a difficult spot, insofar as that
she wants to be a liberator, but in order to do so, she has to be a conqueror
too. And she faces a quandary we see through much of history: in liberating one
segment of a population, it is necessary to overturn the customs and structures
of another, and however much the revolution might be guided by moral
imperatives, chaos and injustice are inevitable. In the case of something like
slavery, there are no neat solutions, as the institution of slavery itself
deforms a society in myriad pernicious ways.
One of the things that is admirable about A Song of Ice and
Fire is that GRRM doesn’t shy from this basic fact, but places it front and
center. There is a lot in the depiction of Daenerys’ “liberation” of the slave
cities that is cringeworthy—first and foremost being the image of an extremely
white person playing magnanimous saviour to pitiable people of colour (the final
shot from last year’s season finale exemplifies this)—but on the level of
storytelling, the degree to which the entire process is shown to be fraught is
well done. Hizdahr zo Loraq’s entreaty reminds us of the grey areas, that not
everyone is as deserving of punishment as others. On the other hand, I wanted
Daenerys to remind him that, whatever his father’s opposition to the
crucifixions, he was still complicit in the institution of slavery. The defense
“well, I didn’t want to go as far as the others did” isn’t really a viable one
when it comes to war crimes.
The fates of Astapor and Yunkai are also poignant for us
because they resonate with so much of what has happened in the past hundred
years in terms of the legacies of colonialism and wars of choice like Iraq.
Daenerys’ blithe assumption that those cities would become peaceable simply
because she ousted their tyrants and liberated the oppressed reminds me of
nothing more than the neocons’ naïve belief that all you have to do is
overthrow a dictator and say “you’re a democracy now,” and suddenly there will
be a Starbucks on every corner (yes, I’m oversimplifying). But to her credit,
Dany at least recognizes her mistakes and attempts to come to grips with them.
Will she succeed? I actually can’t say, because GRRM hasn’t gotten that far in
the novels. But I don’t think it’s a spoiler to say that things get much, much
worse in Mereen before they gat better.

The cut-aways in this episode are quite good: from Ramsay to
Daenerys, and from Daenerys’ struggles ruling to a meeting of the Small
Council, with Oberyn taking up his new position there. His presence, as Tywin
intended, is symbolic of the Seven Kingdoms finally resuming something
resembling equilibrium … but for how long? The obvious antipathy between Mace
Tyrell and Oberyn reminds us of long-standing feuds, and Oberyn’s own vendetta
against the Mountain sneaks in with the mention of the Mountain’s brother. And
of course we hear tell of a new threat—Daenerys and her army and dragons. There
is a palpable anxiety in the room when she is mentioned, in spite of Tywin’s
attempt to dismiss her with the oddly (for him) naïve comment that dragons have
not been a factor in war for three hundred years. Really, Tywin? What, do you
think she’ll arrive on the shores of Westeros and the people will collectively
say, “Oh, dragons are SO three centuries ago”? It’s tempting to think of that
line as a stumble, but I’m more inclined to think of it as a betrayal of
Tywin’s actual nervousness. After all, if “that Targaryen girl” does in fact
return, Tywin Lannister becomes public enemy number one. He’s trying to
reassure his people … but he’s also trying to reassure himself. And am I alone
in sensing a little bit of goading glee in Oberyn when he tells everyone just
how formidable the Unsullied are?
Oberyn is more and more becoming an intriguing character.
Obviously Tyrion’s trial is the most spectacular part of this episode, but I
loved the little exchange between Oberyn and Varys. It was very reminiscent,
deliberately so, of Varys’ verbal fencing with Littlefinger. But where Baelish
and Varys were politely implacable enemies, we don’t entirely know Oberyn’s
intentions … and he doesn’t know Varys’, as we see in his somewhat clumsy
attempt to feel him out. It is made very clear just why Varys is such a
formidable player: like Littlefinger, Oberyn is ruled by desire. Where
Littlefinger’s is focused, Oberyn’s are more diffuse and hedonistic; but in
both cases, neither person can quite understand Varys, who is not ruled by his passions.
Oberyn: Everyone
is interested in something.
Varys: Not me.
When I see what desire does to people, what it’s done to this country, I am
very glad to have no part in it. Besides, the absence of desire leaves one free
to pursue other things.
Oberyn: Such as?
Varys: [looks significantly at the Iron Throne]
This exchange is wonderfully cryptic. He is after the throne
itself? Isn’t that a direct contradiction of what he has just said? Or is there
another, subtler meaning in that look?
What do you think, Nikki?

Nikki: One thing
I love about doing these back and forth discussions with you is that almost
every week, we write down exactly the same dialogue exchanges to be used later.
The Varys/Oberyn (I can’t help but think of them as Dr. Evil and Mr. Sofia
Vergara now… thank you Gay of Thrones) one I have written down word for word in
my notes, just as you did. I, too, am intrigued by Oberyn and think he’s the
best addition to the cast this year. He’s someone with his own ideas, who, like
Tyrion at the beginning of season one, chases his passions and often gives the
finger to political behind-the-scenes wheeling and dealing that everyone else
takes so seriously. For Oberyn, life is about joy and passion; he’ll sit on the
Small Council and seems happy to do so, but only for him to get an inside view
of the goings-on, and then toss out a bon mot or three (my favourite in this
episode being when he comments that the Unsullied are powerful on the
battlefield, not so much in the bedroom, ha!).
The scene between the two of them sizzles because every time
we learn the tiniest little tidbit of Varys’s past life, it feels significant.
Here he keeps his hands hidden inside his sleeves as always, and occasionally
gives a little nod or quiet word to either affirm or deny Oberyn’s leading
questions. But that nod to the throne at the end… wow. It certainly looked like
he was admitting he was the dark horse who’d lately thrown his hat in the ring,
but we know he’s been playing it all along. But does he actually want to sit on
the throne, or be the trusted advisor to the one sitting on the throne? The
line “the absence of desire leaves one free to pursue other things” is such a
loaded one. Could he be referring to Tyrion: with Shae out of the way and stuck
in a loveless marriage, there’s no passion or desire in his way. Or Jaime
Lannister, who, post–rape scene, seems to have lost all desire for Cersei? Or
does he mean himself? While everyone else is giving in to the very passion that
Oberyn deems significant — including Lord Baelish, who despite his cunning, is
still ruled by his unrequited love for Catelyn — Varys just slowly and quietly
keeps his eye on the prize. The question is, what prize, exactly? And for whom?
He’s not the only one with his eye on the prize, however.
Tywin holds many keys in this episode, and while he certainly shows his
vulnerability in the Small Council scene when he waves off the dragons like
they’re not important, as you pointed out, he’s back in charge when Jaime comes
to him to plead for Tyrion’s life. In that scene Jaime comes storming in and
thinks he’s trying to strong-arm his dad into a bargain: you let Tyrion go,
I’ll step down from the Kingsguard, marry, and have children that will carry on
the Lannister name. He thought that was his initial offer and that a
negotiation would ensue, until Tywin triumphantly pronounces, “DONE!” and stops
Jaime in his tracks. Jaime stepping down from the Kingsguard, Tyrion being
banished to the Wall never to be seen again, and the Lannister name being
carried on through the most viable genetic line Tywin had? Exactly what Tywin’s
wanted all along. How much of this entire trial was simply a means for Tywin to
get what he wanted?

The trial (hilariously sent up as
People’s Court in this week’s Gay of
Thrones) is definitely the highlight of the episode, for sure, and one
of the highlights of the entire series thus far, but it’s split up: we have the
initial scene of Jaime walking Tyrion to the “courtroom” in handcuffs as per
Tywin’s orders, with Tyrion announcing loudly, “Well . . . we mustn’t
disappoint Father!” Note how when they’re walking down the aisle, someone
defiantly shouts, “Kingslayer!” from the crowd. We assume the disdain in that
person’s voice means the insult was being thrown at Tyrion, but notice the
irony that it used to be the
they paid to Jaime Lannister. I guess whether Kingslayer is a good or bad word
depends entirely on which king it was that you slayed.
In this scene, we get a parade of untrustworthy people lying
through their teeth about Tyrion’s guilt, which is brilliantly played out as
Tyrion sits small in the prisoner’s dock, the top of his head barely showing
above the rail, listening to these people while not being able to defend
himself. What did you think of Tywin’s control over the trial and Jaime in that
scene I mentioned? Or the group of people who come out in the trial and what
they said? How much of what they said do you think was directed by Tywin, or
are they all speaking of their own volition?
Christopher: A
little from column A, and a little from column B … As I mentioned before,
though much of this episode departs from the novels, the trial unfolds
practically word for word. And I should correct you on a specific point: the
only person who actually lies outright is Shae. Everyone else more or less
tells the truth, but tells it in such a way that puts Tyrion in the worst light
possible. One interesting deviation from the novels is Pycelle producing
Sansa’s necklace and declaring that the missing stone had left “traces” of the
poison used to kill Joffrey (in my notes I’ve written “C.S.I.: King’s Landing”). I remember thinking, back when
Littlefinger drops the necklace onto Dontos’ corpse, “Aren’t you worried that
it will be found when the boat drifts ashore?” (in the novel, they burn Dontos
and his boat to destroy the evidence). But on reflection I thought of course Littlefinger wants that damning
evidence to make its way back to King’s Landing—so much the better for him to
strengthen his hold over Sansa, to make her appear more unequivocally guilty
(not that Cersei et al really need
more evidence).
The most heartbreaking witness (besides Shae, of course) is
Varys, who relates precisely Tyrion’s words to Joffrey after news of Robb
Stark’s death, but then also colours his testimony with a little speculation,
musing that perhaps Tyrion’s marriage to Sansa had made him sympathetic to the
North. That, for me, is always such a painful moment (in the novel as well),
specifically because of what Tyrion reminds Varys of—that Varys had been
Tyrion’s friend and had thanked him for saving the city. But Varys is in no
position to aid Tyrion, as he’s already warned him … whatever power he wields
is tenuous, and in spite of his seemingly omniscient capacity to obtain
intelligence, he cannot openly thwart powerful people. And so he will have to
play Tywin’s game. None of which makes his testimony less damning or less
painful for Tyrion, which prompts his question and Varys’ response—neither of
which, I should note, are in the books. “Have you forgotten?” he demands.
Varys’ answer is as hauntingly cryptic as his earlier discussion with Oberyn:
“Sadly, my lord, I never forget a thing.”
How amazing is Conleth Hill in this role? As I’ve observed
before, he’s nothing like the Varys of the novels except for his baldness.
Oberyn could be excused for making assumptions about the sexual preferences of
the novels’ Varys, who plays the part of a simpering, mincing, effeminate
castrato. Conleth Hill’s Varys possesses a quiet dignity. I don’t know which
version is better: the powdered, fluting Varys, it becomes apparent in the
novels, is merely a performance, one mask worn by a master of disguise. We have
not yet seen any chameleon-esque tendencies in Hill’s Varys, but that
implacable equilibrium he radiates makes him such a compelling
character—especially when displayed in contrast to the histrionics of those
around him.

And then we cut to Tywin and Jaime, and it is a scene that,
as you say Nikki, makes one wonder just how subtle Tywin is. Even given how
much he hates Tyrion and is shamed by his very existence, it seems unlikely
that Tywin would be so eager to see his flesh and blood executed for treason.
And yet, that is precisely how the trial appears to be weighted: the deck has
been stacked very neatly against him, and every avenue Tyrion might take in his
own defense blocked. There seems no chance whatsoever of a not guilty verdict.
And so Jaime pleads with his father for a way out, a chance for Tyrion to take
the black. As you say, Nikki, Jaime presents his offer of leaving the
Kingsguard and returning to Casterly Rock as the opening move in negotiations
and is caught flat-footed by Tywin’s immediate acceptance. How much of the
trial has been orchestrated by Tywin to arrive at this very resolution? It’s
win-win-win for Tywin: the troublesome Joffrey replaced by the malleable
Tommen, his despised son humiliated but not dead, exiled to the Wall, and his
beloved son brought back into the fold to make a new generation of
golden-haired Lannisters. Is he really that clever?
Perhaps not. Perhaps he then overplays his hand. Shae’s
testimony is the most damning and the most mendacious, and that which most
hurts Tyrion, provoking him to reject the whispered deal about taking the black
and demanding trial by combat. There is little doubt that, even without Shae’s
“evidence,” Tyrion is doomed. Shae is there to put the final nail in the
coffin. Which makes me wonder: at whose behest is she betraying her erstwhile
lover? Who brought her back? Did she return of her own accord to revenge
herself on Tyrion’s final words? Was she captured, and gives this false
testimony in exchange for her life? If so, who put those words in her mouth?
Tywin? Is Tyrion’s father doing this to make a perverse point about his
whoring? Or is it Cersei’s doing, making absolutely certain that her hated
brother dies?
What do you think, Nikki?
Nikki: When the
doors opened and Shae walked in, my husband gasped loudly and my hands flew to
my mouth, and I moaned, “Nooooo… not Shae!” It was an absolutely devastating
moment, and the look on Tyrion’s face speaks volumes. Until then he’d become
resigned to who he was, what was happening to him, and just hoped that Jaime
would come through for him. And then… Shae walked in.
You are absolutely correct that the people who come before
Shae aren’t outwardly lying; when I said they were all lying about his guilt, I
meant exactly that: they’ve taken his words out of context and suggested they
were precursors to a murder he didn’t commit. They weren’t lying, but they were
providing a misdirection by way of context. Tyrion took the poisons that
Pycelle accuses him of, but that was to save the city during the Battle of
Blackwater. Cersei quotes him out of context, as does Varys, and the soldier at
the very beginning. All of their witness statements add up to a murderer
proclaiming what he’s about to do . . . except the context in which each of
those statements was uttered, of course.
But Shae . . .
ugh. That was just so heartbreaking and painful, and I asked all the same
questions you did. The day before the wedding, Shae is serving everyone at the
dinner where Joffrey is given the sword, and Tyrion overhears Cersei telling
Tywin that Shae is the whore she’d told him about. It’s in that very moment he
decides he must save her life and send her away, but to do so he destroys her
soul, making her despise him by calling her a whore and telling her she didn’t
mean anything to him. I still think Dinklage’s performance in that scene is
extraordinary: it’s one of the only times we ever see Tyrion outright lie about
something, and every word that comes out of his mouth pierces his own heart
even deeper than it pierces Shae’s. His voice cracks and is almost a growl by
the end of the scene, and his face is screwed up with sorrow, which she takes
to be disgust.
And now, days (weeks?) later, we see that he succeeded: she
hates him. Varys whisked her away to another life, and now she’s back to exact
her revenge. She never believed him when he told her exactly what they’d do to
her if they found out she was his lover, yet she clearly believed every verbal
dagger that spewed forth from his mouth in that terrible scene. To me, Varys is
clearly at the bottom of this: he’s the only one who knew where Shae had gone
to. And when he steps down from delivering his testimony and Tyrion asks him to
recall that they were friends, he drops his head and, as you point out, says, “Sadly, my lord, I never
forget a thing.” And clearly, he’s remembered Shae, where she went, and that by
turning her over to Tywin and Cersei, he makes sure he gets more brownie points
than ever before.
Was Tywin behind it? Cersei? They could have been in
collusion to get her back, but I don’t think Tywin colludes with anyone, and I
think Cersei’s been too drunk and in mourning to have actually gotten her act
together to have created this conspiracy. I think it was Tywin, working with
Varys to get her back.
Regardless of who did it (it was totally Tywin), the impact
it has on Tyrion is immediate and horrifying. As her web of lies becomes more
and more complicated, and eventually devolves into sordid lies about their
sexual acts (which is where Oberyn sits up and starts becoming interested),
Tyrion is not only feared and hated, but mocked. He becomes the laughing stock
of the courtroom, and if he wasn’t already tiny inside that prisoner’s dock, he
shrinks further in this moment. “Shae . . .” he finally says. “Please, don’t.” It’s
the only time he begs, the only time he asks for someone to stop torturing him.
He stood silent and in shock as Cersei pointed at him at the Purple Wedding and
was walked away. He told Jaime and anyone who would visit him that he was
innocent, but he never rattled his jail cell bars or screamed his innocence to
passersby. He strode into the courtroom, silent, and never yelled, “THIS IS NOT
TRUE” when people took the witness stand. But now, quietly, he begs her to stop
lying, to stop breaking his heart.
But she’s only doing what he’d done to her. Lying to break
his heart, to make him hate her the way he made her hate him. The difference
is, he was trying to save his life, and Shae is trying to have him killed. “I
am a whore, remember?” she fires back
at him. And that’s when he realizes that despite Shae’s betrayal, despite his
father’s machinations to get him into this very spot, despite his sister’s
coldness and failure to see the truth, despite his innocence… he was the master
of his own downfall. For he really DID say the things Cersei said he did. He
DID take the poisons out of Pycelle’s store, even if it wasn’t for this and was
ages ago. He DID call Shae a whore
and turned her against him. He DID regularly use prostitutes and drink himself
senseless and was everything his father ever accused him of being.

And it’s in that moment that he suddenly rises up. At first
quietly, then in a booming voice, he says that he wishes to confess. “I am
guilty,” he pronounces. “I’m guilty of being a dwarf. I’ve been on trial for it
my entire life.” Jaime looks
shattered, Shae looks like she has second thoughts about what she just did,
Cersei remains stone-faced, and Tywin simply looks satisfied. As you said,
Chris, he can’t have his son executed for treason, because while he wouldn’t
care about losing the son, he wouldn’t want the blot on the family name.
Instead he can send him to his certain death on the Wall. But… might Tyrion think
he’d somehow won if he didn’t execute him? Hm… can’t have that. So… let’s
destroy him from the inside. Tyrion’s outburst at the end of this episode is
exactly what Tywin wanted: proof that he has triumphed over the son who was
always too smart for his own good.
As Tyrion digs his hole deeper, turning to the disparaging
and naïve citizens of King’s Landing, he tells them that he wishes he’d had the guts to kill King
Joffrey, that he wishes he’d had enough poison to take out the whole lot of
them. Amongst the gasps and oohs and aahs and chatter that rises up from the
courtroom, you just see the look of quiet glee on Tywin’s face. And finally, to
everyone’s surprise, he turns back to his father and tells him that he’s done with
this, and demands a trial by combat. Cut to Jaime and that, “Oh… right” look on
his face. Remember when you told Tyrion just a few episodes ago that if you’d
been at the Eyrie you would have been his champion? Looks like you’re about to
get called out on that.
I am positively giddy about the next episode. The ending of
this was SO spectacular, so upsetting when it cut to credits (my “NOOOOOOO!!!”
was heard throughout the neighbourhood) I just can’t wait until next week.
Near the beginning of the first book in the series, we are
introduced to Tyrion Lannister when he has a conversation with Jon Snow about
who has it worse: the dwarf or the bastard. And this is what GRRM writes:
[Tyrion] favored Jon with a rueful grin. “Remember this,
boy. All dwarfs may be bastards, yet not all bastards need be dwarfs.” And with
that he turned and sauntered back into the feast, whistling a tune. When he opened
the door, the light from within threw his shadow clear across the yard, and for
just a moment Tyrion Lannister stood tall as a king.
In this scene Tyrion once again stands tall, but makes
himself the most hated man in King’s Landing. I mean, things can only get
better from here, right? ;)