I have come to realize that Brooklyn Nine-Nine might be my favourite
show on television right now. Last year started off a little bumpy, but by the
end of the season it was the most consistently funny and sharp show on
television. Just two episodes in this year, it’s even better. This week’s
episode featured an A plot of Terry trying to get a vasectomy (which Jake
somehow thinks means lopping off his penis) and Jake trying to talk him out of
it as they investigate a stabbing that happened at a hipster chocolate milk bar
called DRK MLK (haha!!) while the B plot was about Holt and the precinct
getting evaluated by a woman (played by Kyra Sedgwick) whom Holt sees as his
Boyle: I got a vasectomy. No big deal, just
numbs you all the way from trunk to skunk for about a year.
Terry: It’s... not supposed to!
Jake: Trunk to skunk?!
Jake: Guys, if the Sarge wants to chop off
his penis that is his choice.
Terry: That is NOT what a vasectomy is! If
you guys don’t get back to work I’m gonna start firing detectives.
Santiago: And blanks! Sorry... I just never
think of jokes.
Jake: So look, we’ll work this thing
together and afterwards I will be your friend chariot to the penis removal of
the century.
Holt: Good news, our evaluation will be
done by Chief Deputy Brant. We have a good rapport, he was once my captain.
Boyle: So he’s kinda like our grand captain.
Holt [face remaining unchanged and stoic]:
That... was amazingly funny.
Terry and Jake try the chocolate milk and
both look like they’re going to be sick.
Jake: Oh! Aw... it’s SO bitter. What’s
wrong with this chocolate milk?!
Hipster douche: Dark milk isn’t chocolate milk. This is teat to
mouth raw cow’s milk. The bitterness of the dark chocolate brings out the
sourness in the milk!
Jake: That’s the worst part of both of those
Holt: Captain Wuntch. Good to see you.
But... if you’re here, who’s guarding
Jake [in waiting room as Terry is wheeled
out]: Hey, how’d it go, is his voice all high-pitched now?
Doc: What? No, of course not.
Jake: Of course not.
Terry [high on drugs]: Jake, the doctors
made me into a superhero! I’m SO STRONG! [looks at his fingers] Gasp! And they
made me black!
Doctor: He’s on a lot of medication. We
weren’t able to do the procedure, your friend is so large that...
Jake: That you needed a bigger saw to cut
through his dingus?
Jake: The text reads, ‘Your ideas are
dum-dum batter in a stupid pancake you steaming pile of human fences.’
Terry: I assume that was autocorrected from
Terry: When’s the last time you had a
Jake: Well, it’s my least favourite kind of
cake so, rarely.
Jake: You wanna know the other thing that
drives up premiums? Unwanted genital
Wuntch: Spot checks are done.
Needless to say I am thoroughly underwhelmed
Holt: Huh. From your expression I would
have guessed constipated. Or chilly.
Holt: Where did you get this?
Santiago: I just went down to One Police
Plaza and applied some of my signature Amy charm.
Gina: And when you wouldn’t stop they just gave it to you?
Gina: And when you wouldn’t stop they just gave it to you?