Yup. It’s that time again… time for
Josh Winstead and myself to
The Walking Dead for y’all!
This week marked the return of our favourite zombie show, and since it’s been a
while since I’ve watched a show that truly made me squirm in my seat and punch
myself in the leg repeatedly while looking down and moaning, “No… no… no… so
wrong…” it’s probably time for a quick recap.
Where we left our survivors in S2 (you can read our
- Lori showed her true colours:
all season long she’d been pushing Shane to take out Rick, and Rick to take out
Shane. I believed she truly loved Rick, but when Rick stepped out and killed
Shane, she reacted with true revulsion, freaking out that she couldn’t believe
Rick would do that. And that’s when you could tell he realized it was Shane she
wanted to survive that battle.
- Carl killed a walker. The
little annoying kid who never stayed in the house even though they
constantly told him to STAY IN THE DAMN HOUSE finally stepped up and
killed a walker. Oh, and Lori’s pretty pissed about that, too.
- T-Bone disappeared for most
of the season and came back at the end and somehow didn’t die.
- Hershel took out a ton of
zombies before vacating his farm because his shotgun happens to carry TWO
THOUSAND ROUNDS at once. Amazing.
- Maggie and Glenn got it on.
- Fans wished Carol and Daryl
would get it on.
- Hershel did not get it on.
- Dale died.
- Hershel’s other daughter,
Beth (the suicidal one), also made it off the farm.
- Andrea split off from the
rest of the group and fought off a ton of forest zombies, only to be met by
what I referred to in my final recap as “Dark McScary and his two faithful
creepazoids,” showing I really had no clue who this person is. For, as we now
all know if you’ve followed entertainment news at all this year, Dark McScary
is actually a SHE named Michonne.
Jack Shephard Sawyer
Rick told the gang that there’s a new sheriff in town, and he is it, and
secondly, they’re all infected with the zombie virus, and if they die they will
reanimate as a walker. They’re pretty ticked off that he had kept this news
from them. (Our main discussion post-episode was whether or not this was
information he should have shared.)
And that’s where we’re at. So before I bring Josh on board
for his opening comments, I’ll just say I really enjoyed this opening episode,
especially because for the first time things have been pushed far into the
future. We’re now several months later (and even though we saw the prison in
the distance, they are only finding it now) and Lori is very, very pregnant,
and somehow they still have all their numbers intact. The episode opened with
an incredible shot that looks almost like the inside of a seashell, then it
pulls back and we realize we were inside a zombie’s eyeball, and it’s as
lifeless on the inside as it is on the outside. What an extraordinary shot.
From there we watch our gang move into a house by first
killing all the walkers, then going through the cupboards for food, and Carl
finds some dog food. He pries it open and Rick sees what he’s doing and, in
front of everyone, picks it up and hurls it to the other side of the room.
There’s tension you could cut with a knife, and when they see another group of
walkers coming they all hop in their cars (Daryl prefers his bike) and leave.
There isn’t a single word uttered in this opening, but the
silence is heavy with meaning. Rick and Lori don’t even look at each other, the
people aren’t happy with Rick’s leadership, Carl has grown up, Glenn and Maggie
are still together, and it is tense.
The perfect way to open the season.
What were your initial thoughts on the opening of the
episode, Josh?
Joshua: Opening
on the close-up of an eye like this seems... familiar somehow. I can't shake
the feeling that I've seen it somewhere before. Help me out here, TV Scholar.
Well, we're back on This Island Earth, and Jack
whoever this eye belongs to has seen better days. So has this kitchen. And
whoa, that may be the most desiccated corpse I've ever seen on this show. In
fact, everything appears to have continued its steady decline into
post-apocalyptic miasma and ruin except our band of merry misfits, who instead have
grown lean, cool and ruthlessly efficient in the interim. Or maybe they're just
really frickin' hungry.
I too loved the way the lack of dialogue in this sequence
further communicated how well the group has adapted to the day-to-day
operational demands of their situation, requiring no more than hand signals
between them to carry out their search and destroy mission. And, of course, it
also served as a poignant reminder of how golden silence has become in a world
wherein the noisier you are, the more attention you attract from your ravenous
adversaries, a fact further telegraphed by the large handmade-looking silencers
on their guns.
All in all, we are given the impression that during the six
or seven months' time that has passed since the end of last season, everyone
has moved well past the kind of growing pains we previously experienced ad
nauseam and have fully accepted their new lot in life, if not exactly embraced
it. Even Carl appears quite capable, and now that I think of it, that's a great
way to keep up with him – put him on point!

Within the first few minutes after the new credit sequence,
Rick has found the prison we saw in the distance at the end of last year's
finale, and everyone's quickly delegated to clear the yard for some
well-protected campground. The whole group seems much tighter, more like a real
team than a loose aggregation borne out of necessity, and I found myself really
enjoying their banter for the first time in as long as I can remember – Carol's
playful flirting with Daryl, the tenderness between Maggie and Glenn, Hershel
urging Beth to sing. Their choice of 'The Parting Glass,' an old traditional
farewell song from the British Isles, was a poignant one, and the lyrics in
this context gave me chills:
But since it falls unto my lot,
That I should rise and you should not,
I gently rise and softly call,
Good night and joy be with you all.
I thought Emily Kinney's rendition was lovely. She has a
singing career on the side, and it shows. (As a side note, I understand the
version available on iTunes is orchestrated, not a cappella; I'll try to check
it out before next week.)
And then there's Rick, who has certainly made good on his
promise of leadership but comes across as haunted and hollow in a way the
others don't. We are shown that his relationship with Lori is more strained
than ever, despite (or perhaps because of) her growing belly. What do you make
of this, Nikki? Is Shane still coming between then, even from beyond the grave?

Nikki: I didn’t
actually rewatch the end of season 2 before season 3 began, and it could have
been why I was perplexed about his behavior towards Lori in this episode at
first, but when I reread our recap of that S2 finale, I was reminded of her
hostile reaction to him reassuring her that he did away with Shane and Shane
won’t be botherin’ them no more. Rick clearly saw through her in that moment
and realized that she wanted to be with Shane over him. Now, several months
later (hard to tell since she was a month or two into her pregnancy at the end
of S2 and now she’s near the end, so maybe 7 months later?) she’s come to terms
with Shane being gone, and knows Rick is her only hope of a relationship, and
obviously she still has feelings for him. But he’s decided to bury his feelings
(again like a certain doctor we’re both very familiar with) and has hardened
himself to the group. He’s more of an army commander out of necessity, and
can’t let Lori cloud his judgment by getting in his way, so he just nudges her
However, watch how instantly concerned he is when Carol
comes out and asks for Hershel in the jail cell.
The jailbreak scene (er… what do you call it when someone is
breaking INTO a jail?) was gruesome and horrific, and made me groan with
disgust and look away more than once. As you say, these people are no longer a
haphazard group of survivors throwing rocks and shrieking as they run away:
they are killing machines, and they’re REALLY good at it. They move swiftly and
efficiently, doing away with the zombies usually with a single stab. Though I’ll
admit, my husband and I couldn’t figure out why they’d throw open the gates and
go right in there, when clearly the zombies are stupid enough to walk right up
to the fence and you could take them all out, one by one, without ever risking
anything. That said, they did move
pretty quickly to do the job on this one. And it wouldn’t have been as
entertaining for us as an audience to watch them jabbing people through a fence
for half an hour.
Two moments of fan service I loved in this one:
- Carol
propositioning Daryl: something we’ve wanted all along (though she was
- Rick
saying, “Carl? Stay behind.” HAHA! Both my husband and I simultaneously
through our arms up in the air and made noises of disgust. And then… he
stayed. Turns out, the only thing that’ll keep Ranger Carl rooted to one
spot is a super-cute girl.
So what did you make of the Andrea/Michonne situation? You
probably know something about Andrea’s illness via the books, but I’m thinking
it could just be a flu. Something small could bring a person down and spell
death in this new world.

Joshua: Actually,
I don't recall Andrea's illness being part of the comic's narrative. If memory
serves, Michonne appears outside the walls of the prison one day, saves Otis'
life (who was around a while longer in the books) and is assimilated into the
group. The show obviously has other designs for her. But flu (with maybe a
bacterial complication like pneumonia) is what I thought, too, and you're
absolutely right in that it could easily be deadly without a source of
medication or even a place to rest. Their storyline was only grazed in this
episode, but we did get a nice implication of the closeness that has developed
between them with their brief exchange in the cooler. I am more curious about
the ambiguity of Andrea's statement that “They're coming,” which almost gave
the impression they're being pursued. It could certainly have been referring
only to walkers in general, but I like the idea that there might be more going
on than meets the eye. At any rate, I assume the two of them will get more
focus in Sunday's outing.
Since you discussed the jailbreak, I want to make special
mention of the zombies in riot gear, which I thought was a great way of turning
the situation on its ear by introducing a simple, logical element that
complicated their raid in a truly novel way and worked wonders ratcheting up
the tension in an already tense scene. It also gave Maggie a perfect moment to
shine when she figures out how to foil the helmet by stabbing up through the chin,
a technique that everyone else immediately adopts to expert result.
Also, face-off = awesome.
Once they get inside the prison, we get another great
sequence of social moments – the second
of the episode – with Glenn checking Maggie for scratches, and Carl in Beth's
cell, with Hershel appearing at the perfect moment to foil his play for top
bunk, and Rick moving off by himself. I love the balance they struck this week,
with these intermediary personal scenes to offset the violence and horror, and
I think it bodes well for the season as a whole if they look to maintain a
similar tone throughout. I loved the use of your Canadian compatriot Patrick
Watson's beautiful song 'Quiet Sunday' too, which is my favorite from his
recent album and was perfect accompaniment for their moments of repose.
But, of course, the quiet never lasts long on 'The Walking
Dead.' Rick, knowing Lori could give birth any day and desperate to provide the
group with a safe haven after months of being on the run, has them press on into
the interior of the compound, to predictably horrific results. How's that for a
cliffhanger? Yikes.
Nikki: Not only
that, but looks like Lori may be out of luck for a delivery doctor. Eep. I was
so happy to see that Hershel was still with the gang after all these months,
and so sad to see that he might be the first major casualty of the season. But
mostly, as I said aloud to my husband, what the hell will Lori do if the doc
isn’t there to deliver the baby? (Poor Hershel, reduced to his occupation…) I guess
we’re going back to the basics: she wouldn’t be the first woman to deliver a
baby on her own. At least she’s surrounded by other people who are
And the face-off scene may have topped the zombie body
breaking in half as they pulled it out of the well. Geeeeeaaaaaaahhhhhh…..
Next week, I’m looking forward to seeing if Carl will
continue to stand still, if Hershel can survive having his leg amputated (good
GOD that scene was horrible to watch; in fact, I’ll confess now that I covered
my eyes) and what the deal is with Andrea and Michonne. But mostly, finding out
who the other human beings are inside the compound. The fact that they’re all
in prisoner clothing doesn’t bode well (they aren’t exactly upstanding citizens
by the looks of it) but Rick will have to swallow his morality and team up with
them if he wants to survive, methinks.
One note, however: I’m wondering if Carl can possibly
survive this season? I worry he’s going to suffer from Lost’s Walt Syndrome: they have a young actor who is noticeably
aging every year, and they can’t keep zipping us ahead 7 months every time we
start a new season. Will they off him just to keep the storyline consistent?
Any final thoughts, Josh?
Joshua: Scott
Wilson has done such a terrific job with his portrayal of Hershel, and he was
breaking my heart as he weathered the agony of those moments post-chomp. Rick
was fast on the hatchet, though, so maybe he'll pull through. Sheriff's hats
off to Andrew Lincoln for his performance in that scene, as well; I was so
captivated by the two of them that I have no recollection of what anyone else
in the room was doing at the time, Maggie included.

Speaking of anyone else in the room, I think you're correct
that the dirty new faces in prison jumpsuits are reason for concern. But it has
been many months since the fall of the world; maybe they're all simply former
guards who raided the laundry for clean clothes. Right? Let's be positive here.
I'm sure none of them are institutionalized lunatics driven further toward
frenzied psychosis by the dawn of the zombie apocalypse. They're probably all
perfectly nice boys, just in desperate need of a bath. In fact, I hereby
predict that next episode will be all about making fire, for the shared
purposes of ghastly hatchet wound cauterization and warming bath water.
Bits & Bobs:
• Daryl's new
Man-With-No-Name poncho gets a big thumbs up from me.
• Still no substance
to T-Dog's character at all. I hope they figure out what to do with him soon,
because it's gotten a bit ridiculous at this point.
• MICHONNE. Finally.
(That delicious snarl, by the way? Never leaves her face.)
• Despite the
addition of a samurai sword to the ever-broadening combat arsenal, this
episode's pitchfork-and-clawhammer combo may be my new favorite.
• I neglected to
mention so earlier, but the conversation between Lori and Hershel about the
birth and its enormous potential for atrocity accomplished something I wasn't
sure possible: it made me feel sympathetic toward Lori. Well-written,
well-played. Nice work all around.
And that's it for this week, folks. Cinch up those
tourniquets and elevate the injury; it's gonna seem like a long time until
Sunday night.