War is a-comin’. And with three episodes of The Walking Dead left, it was pretty
clear about 10 minutes into “Prey” that the structure will be watching Woodbury
mobilize, then next week’s will be watching the prison folk get ready (I
guarantee a crossover moment where we see Rick at his post hearing Andrea get
muffled again), and the final episode will be the showdown itself.
This episode was very Andrea-centric, and to be honest, I
was pretty darn convinced she was going to be killed. (Seeing Laurie Holden on
teasers for The Talking Dead made me
think it even more, since they always seem to have the actors on that show
after they were killed off TWD.) The
flashback to Andrea with Michonne also made me think this was it; what better
way to kill off a character than gain our sympathies from the get-go?
But no, instead she becomes the Governor’s “prey” for the
entire episode, trying to elude him with insincere smiles in Woodbury, then
mouthing off to Tyrese that the Governor is batshit insane (why did she think
the Guv wouldn’t come after her when she said that, knowing how loyal Tyrese
and his crew are?! God, Andrea, I’ve tried to make excuses for your behavior in
recent weeks, but I gave up on you and your stupidity in that moment), and then
actually outrunning him in a field (what?!) before being cornered by him in the
ramshackle, um, whatever that place was (setting of the Texas Chainsaw
Massacre?!). And yet, every time, Andrea got away. One thing was certain in
this episode: she’s pretty darn tough. She fights off three walkers in the
woods, keeps hidden from Martinez and his group, outruns the Governor’s truck,
and then — beautifully — outsmarts the Governor himself in the warehouse,
staring at him with her face framed in broken glass as he’s almost overpowered
by a room full of very hungry zombies who’ve been trapped upstairs for god
knows how long.
But the face being framed by glass was merely foreshadowing,
for, as she stands outside the prison, weakly waving to Rick, she’s nabbed from
behind by the Governor, sneaked back into Woodbury, and set up in his medieval
torture chair. I’m sure bits of broken glass will be the least of her worries
very soon. No doubt, she wishes she were dead. In this final harrowing screen
shot, of her stuck in the chair, looking frightened beyond anything she’s ever
felt before, and suddenly the title of the episode has a double meaning. Pray,
Andrea… it might be all you’ve got left.
Joshua: With so
much of its runtime occupied by the cat-and-mouse game between Andrea and the
Governor, this week's episode offered more straightforward thrills than we've
been seeing in recent weeks, but it exchanged the carefully crafted
interpersonal moments for lesser, more typical character beats in the process.
And that's fine – I love a good suspenseful chase scene, too – but it isn't the
kind of structure that leaves us with much to discuss. I also thought Andrea
was marked for death from the outset, but considering the circumstances of her
homecoming, now I'm practically certain of it. The fact that the Governor has
kept her recapture hidden from everyone, including his trusted inner circle,
heralds dark days for her, indeed.
I hate to be down on the girl when she's in such grave
danger, but boy, did Andrea botch her
'awakening' here or what? One would think, considering how long it took
her to clue in to Philip's psychosis in the first place, that she might take
that fresh understanding as a hint to exercise special caution against haste
and recklessness, that the mental image of all those shiny implements of
torture might inspire her to be exceptionally careful in how she chose to
escape it. But instead, what does she do? She simply walks right up to a gate
in broad daylight, explains in detail why she's leaving and where she's going to
those who guard it, and then she just runs off down the road, daring them to
shoot her in the back. And really, WHAT THE BLINKING NEON HELL WAS SHE
THINKING? Did she forget what happened when Michonne left the first time? Did
she not believe that her departure, particularly when prefaced by such blatant
antagonism (and, you know, the whole going-to-war-against-your-old-pals stuff
in the offing), would warrant more specific attention? Truly, I think we have
uncovered whole new cathedral-sized chambers in her shortsightnedness. And
that, my friends, is really saying something.
Regardless, she's caught, she's trussed, and she's in big,
big trouble. I see a few different ways it can go from here, but almost none of
them end well for the beleaguered Miss Andrea. Milton was/is certainly her
biggest ally within Woodbury, but whether he was the one who set the fires at
the pit or not, the Governor certainly thinks he did, and he'll likely be
unable to roam freely about town any more, precluding any chance of a fortuitous
discovery for the dental chair's first occupant. And I guess Cutty or his
sister could stumble across her in there, but it seems doubtful. In fact,
circumstances look so dire for Andrea at the moment that I find myself hoping
he won't be able to torture her too much for fear of her screams giving
their position away. But that town's so screwed up, I'm not even sure
disembodied shrieking from the very walls would rouse any suspicion.
Nikki: I’m fairly certain it was Milton who set the
fires at the pits, because Martinez and crew don’t talk to Milton, and there’s
no way he would have known about the fires if he hadn’t set them himself. I was
fairly certain it was him even as they were being set. Milton really annoyed me
in this episode, too, to be frank. Andrea had her shot, and he grabbed the gun
from her and refused to let her take it. No, she didn’t take her chance when
she could have, when the Governor was sleeping, but now she’s certain he’s
completely nutters, and so she sets up the shot. And we’ve seen Andrea shoot
before: she’s pretty amazing. But Milton grabs the gun. Whatever happens to
Andrea from this point on, Milton’s got her blood on his hands.
I’m wondering if we’re going to be privy to the torture
scenes at all (knowing this show = yes; I’m hoping not so much… I couldn’t have
been the only woman who shuddered when they panned across his torture
instruments and there’s a certain gynecological implement lying there) but if
next week is at the prison, what will we see of Andrea’s fate? It’ll probably
be kept secret until the finale in two more weeks.
Speaking of Andrea’s shortsightedness (we’re both coming
down hard on her this week, eh? Hard not to…) I was really surprised that when
she was walking through Leatherface’s den, there were all these spiked
instruments of death just hanging on the wall and she didn’t grab a single one
of them. And the Governor wasn’t exactly sneaking up on her, either; he was
dragging his shovel around so she’d know exactly where he was at all times. But
I really loved that scene (hence me mentioning it again!) and it was one of the
most tense and suspenseful long scenes we’ve seen on the show to date. I have
to add, also, that when the Governor whistled while he was searching for
Andrea, all I could think was… How Omar
of him!
I mentioned briefly the opening scene of Andrea and
Michonne, and I’d like to return to that. I guessed earlier in the season that
the two jawless zombie puppies on leashes were actually her brothers, and I’m
pretty sure that is correct now. However, I thought they were brothers that she
cared about, and her words this week — “They deserved what they got. They weren’t
human to begin with” — make the whole thing sound more nefarious. Brothers?
Uncles? A father and a brother? Did they sexually abuse her? It certainly
sounds like it was something personal. She keeps them on leashes to punish them
for what they did to her, and despite saying earlier in the seasons that
walkers are nothing but pieces of meat, her actions with them belie that
statement: for her, they still retain the essence of who they once were.
Now compare that scene to the later one with the Governor.
Milton knows that the Governor has lost his mind, but he tries to talk some
sense into him about the whole Michonne deal. He knows he’s after Michonne for
revenge, and the Governor gets right in Milton’s face and demands to know if he
believes there’s still a morsel of the human being left in the walker. Milton
says yes, and for the Governor, it’s cut and dry: Michonne. Killed. His.
Daughter. Milton objects, “Whether that was Penny or not, it’s done. It doesn’t
matter.” The Governor leans in and hisses, “It’s ALL that matters.”
The Governor used to be a human being. Then he became a
power-hungry monster. But now? He’s a parent out for revenge. And that’s the
most dangerous type of person you can come up against.
Joshua: Sometimes,
like during last week's lengthy convo with Rick, it seems like the Governor is
relatively lucid and in control. But other times I could swear we're just about
to walk in on him making belts and handbags out of human skin. The look on his
face as he tested those chains during the opening was the scariest thing I saw
in this episode, largely because of how serene it was. Anyone calmed by the
promise of such extreme sadism and perversity begs a label much stronger than
We're given the impression that Milton has known the
Governor for a long time, perhaps even before the Whatever-Happened happened,
but certainly before Penny's re-release at the point of Michonne's sword. So if
the Governor's clarity is just an act, and an ephemeral one at that, then how
can Milton continue to doubt? How can he see what he sees and hear what he
hears and still think the man has any rational capacity left? Is it willful
ignorance? Misguided loyalty? Puppy love? Some combination thereof? As the two
of them spoke about the pit fires near the episode's end, I couldn't help but
wonder if Milton had set them fully conscious of the idea that he would be
caught, as if he were deliberately testing their relationship, like a child
feeling out their parents' boundaries. There's a certain logic to it, but
somehow it must have escaped his attention that this parent spanks. With
Then again, maybe poor Milton is just ready to be done with
it all. Maybe the guilt over hitching his wagon to a Stygian horse is simply
more than he can bear, and he'd rather have it be the end of him than face the
possibility that he's been facilitating torture and casual genocide and heaven
knows what else behind his back. He's certainly done his share of damage
already, however willingly, from ruining Andrea's shot through the blinds to
being the Governor's snitch (and a terrible, terrible liar, which is almost the
same thing). I sure hope he can find a way to help Andrea in some way, but it
doesn't look like he'll be around long enough to benefit anyone much.
Speaking of being marked for death: your thinking with
regard to Andrea's fate was perfectly in line with mine, inasmuch as my
instincts also tell me we won't see what becomes of her until the finale. And
really, I hope not. (Some men know what a speculum looks like, too, and were
shuddering right along with you.) This show loves its gore, to be certain, but
the shock value of presenting only the aftermath of Andrea's treatment would be
hard to beat, particularly when used in the context of a season finale. And at
this point, I can't think of another way to garner audience sympathy for her;
it's no secret that her stay in Woodbury has done little to endear her to the
viewership, despite the best efforts of certain soft-hearted tv bloggers.
Nikki: Sigh. I tried. But she just insists on
continuing her dumbassery, so I’m moving on. (And you’re right; I’m sure most
men knew what the speculum was, but the women shudder because we’ve had them
used on us in annual exams that are tantamount to torture, so my shiver was a
combination of my mind going to the worst possible place, combined with, “Oh my
god, how will I ever be able to have that exam again?!”)
Let’s talk about Tyrese and his gang. I can never remember
their names, but I just adore Tyrese. After this season, I’m diving into the
comics once and for all, because fans had been talking about him and how
amazing his character is for years. So I was excited to see him, and he didn’t
disappoint. He was truly treated terribly by Rick and the prison folk (he
respected and understood their reasons for locking him and his people in a
cage, but Rick’s behavior was unforgiveable) so it’s understandable that he
went to the Governor’s side when he realized the Governor’s enemy was the same
prick who had treated him so badly at the prison. But Tyrese is a smart man,
and unlike Milton and Andrea, he’s starting to see the signs and is quickly
piecing together that the Governor Is Not A Nice Man. Thank god ONE character
on this show has some sense.
What will be interesting in the war, as we discussed last
week, is how people could change sides during the battle itself. The only
downside to all of it: while my husband has officially had his fill of this
storyline, I love the character of the Governor and his complexities, and wish
he wouldn’t go. But someone has to, and I doubt it’ll be Rick and his
Joshua: Excepting their de facto leader, Tyrese's
group haven't been referred to by name with any kind of regularity, so it's
understandable you wouldn't have them straight yet. (And since I'm the one who
called him 'Cutty' earlier and failed to notice until re-reading just a moment
ago, I don't think you have anything to feel bad about.) A quick Wikipedia
check enables me to refresh all our memories: his sister is Sasha, and the
abrasive father & son are Allen and Ben, respectively.
Unlike the more wholesale imports from the source material,
the character of Tyrese from the comics and the one from the show are largely
incomparable, aside from sharing superficial details like their name, ethnicity
and general levelheadedness. The comic's Tyrese is largely defined by his
relationship with his daughter, and secondarily by her relationship with her
boyfriend, to such a degree that it drives most every aspect of his arc. This
Tyrese has the benefit of no such restrictive framing, so his character and
what they choose to do with him is wide open.
Which is terrific, as I'm in complete agreement that he's
awesome, and I hope he sticks around for a while. If there is one thing that the
events of this season have made very clear, it's that Rick needs a second – if
not a co-leader as such, then at least someone who can share some of the
pressures of responsibility. It should be Hershel, but even with both legs (and
a magic shotgun) he's better as counsel than commando. Daryl, though plenty
savvy, is just the opposite (and likely wouldn't be interested in a leadership
position anyway). Carol would add great perspective but might still prove too
hesitant to deliver the kind of unilateral decisiveness the position would
demand (but then again, maybe not; she's my current second choice). And Glenn
isn't really cut out to act as authority figure, regardless of who backs him
up. Tyrese seems a logical choice; he just needs to be in the right place at
the right time. And the place he's in right now is absolutely wrong.
Let's hope it doesn't prove to be dead wrong. Because
considering the circumstances of the coming conflict, I'd say bloodshed is
absolutely assured. The only question is, how much will be enough?
Bits & Bobs:
• During the sequence in the warehouse: I loved the creepy,
dispassionate way that the Governor kept idly striking at the heads of the
fallen zombies with that shovel, like a kid burning ants with a magnifying
glass. Morrissey was so amazing this week (and I'll miss him, too).
• Speaking of whom: is anyone else a little surprised by the
Governor's confidence that Rick will accept the terms of his deal? Pretty
cocky, man. And possibly delusional. But if they elect to doublecross his
doublecross, as I've recommended [they should really be reading us, don't
you think?], then that arrogance should prove advantageous as well.
• Understanding that it makes no difference at all: what the
heck was that black thing the Governor had used to gag Andrea when we see her
all tied up in the chair at the end? Looked like a single cup from a bra. Which
I wouldn't put past him, actually.
• I got all excited when I realized we were starting off
with a flashback because I thought, hey! We're finally going to find out who
was shooting at them from the outrigger! Alas, no such luck.
Two more to go, gang. Fasten your seatbelts.
When she wants to, Andrea can be pretty awesome...
Well, this episode reassured me that my heart works fine, since I didn't suffer a heart attack from all the tension.
I was sure that the Governor killed Andrea outside the prison, and that when the others went out to meet him in the next or last episode they would find her body, and in that moment I realised that I don't really want Andrea to die.
All season long, if you had asked me whom I wouldn't mind being killed off (or even whom I actually wished dead on occasion), my answer would have been Andrea, without hesitation. But, despite her 2-seasons-long stupidity, I don't think I'm ready to lose her.
And now there's promise of death in the last couple of episodes by the people involved in the show, and I don't want anyone to die! (well, except for the Woodbury people, duh!)
Hershel seems the easiest choice because, however likeable, he's old and one-legged, but I believe this is exactly why it won't be him. And the one I would probably care the least about losing at this point is Rick, but since this is kind of HIS show, I seriously doubt he will be the one to go.
If it's either Glenn or Michonne, I'll quit the show!
some people like to throw around Lost referenes like they're going out of style... this one, however, made me actually laugh out loud! To you, I bow Ms. Stafford!
• I got all excited when I realized we were starting off with a flashback because I thought, hey! We're finally going to find out who was shooting at them from the outrigger! Alas, no such luck.
Jessica: That line was indeed brilliant, but it is Mr. Joshua Winstead you should be bowing to. Come over here beside me, where I bow to him every week. ;)
(That line made me laugh out loud, too!!)
Philip was holding his arm funny when he got back - I think he was bit.
But maybe it was a werewolf. Spinoff!
Efthymia: I don't want anyone to go, either! Despite how frustrated I've found a lot of Andrea's arc this year, I still want her around, if not just to see her redeem herself. I'm like Nikki -- I don't even want the Governor dead. But I think we'd better steel ourselves for the worst. We all got off light in last year's finale; I have the feeling they're gonna make it hurt this season.
Colleen: Wow, I totally missed him holding the arm. What a twist that would be! (And I would watch every episode of a Werewolf Governor spinoff, without question.)
Jessica & Nikki: You flatter so! I wholeheartedly approve. (And thank you both. But really, Nikki, let's remember which one of us has a shelf of published works and hard-earned awards, and which has only a sad file drawer of rejection letters stained with liquor and tears.)
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