So apparently I've been nominated for the Canadian Blog Awards. I don't know who's running it, or if there is any prestige in it, or if it's just a popularity contest to see who has the most friends who will go and vote often for you, but hey, isn't that the basis of ANY awards competition? So I might as well jump in and do what everyone else is doing... to vote for my blog in the areas of Best Blog, Best New Blog, and Best Entertainment Blog, you can go here, and they let you vote once a day, so... vote often. Voting on this round closes Monday. Come on, let's get Nikki to Round 2!! Other blogs to vote for there are Menard Communications for Best Media Blog, and Popped Culture (though, if he's up against me, vote for me... heehee...) I still love ya, Jer. ;)
Jeremy, who runs the Popped Culture blog, and I, have had an ongoing war come Oscar season that has been going since 1996. We have Oscar parties, trash talk each other, and see who can get the most winners right. So now, let's extend our war into blog territory. May the best gal win. Har har...
Oh. It. Is. On! I will study harder, read my EW closer and take you down on Oscar night! Now that we both have baby-induced movie attendance handicaps, we are on a level playing field. I welcome that challenge, however weak. ;)
And Nik at Nite fans - please vote for her in Blog, Best New Blog, and Best Media Blog but pick me for Entertainment. C'mon, look at all the other goodies she's up for. Let's not be greedy know Nik!
Oh no you didn't! On Oscar night, you'll wish you'd never watched a film, that's how badly I will trounce you. And you can't use your wife to help you on your ballot this time. Ooooooh!!
My blog isn't up for Best Media blog (that would be Menard's), but yes, it is up for the rest. And I will throw the man a bone -- seriously, despite his ineptitude at picking winners come Oscar night, this guy's blog is great. So every 4th day, click on his for Best Entertainment blog. heehee...
I would say you can't use you husband either, but we both know he's no help anyway.
And check again, Queen of all Media, you are indeed up for Best Media Blog. So clear outta Entertainment! I was here first!! *pout, whine, stamp feet*
Hey, don't forget me in Best Blog and Best Sports Blog... although I'm up against some stiff competition in Best Blog and Best Media...
Thank goodness I'm not on the Entertainment beat...
What no Genie Award show?? How very un-Canadian of you! In fact, I think all responsible Canadians should vote for me!!!
Maybe we can arrange a three-way tie! Or maybe Paul Wells will smoke us all!
And boo-hoo... I don't have a cool image to show. That's why I work radio. You know, the ol' "Face made for..." crack.
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