Monday, July 18, 2011

Harry Potter in 99 Seconds

This is quite fantastic.


Picard said...

I liked the "Lost in 3 minutes" better. In fact, I do not like Harry Potter films.

Gus Brunetti said...

This is about the nerdiest thing I've ever watched. More than a bunch of libriarians playing D&D through their PSPs at an engineering convention.

It was great.

Efthymia said...

I love "Edward Cullen gets slayed!".
It makes Cedric's death seem far less sad.
Plus, of all the possible words they chose 'slayed'... ;)

AEC said...

haha, that was great!

Rebecca T. said...

That. Was. Amazing. :D

JS said...


Suzanne Gardner said...

Hee, so cute! I have the same t-shirt from Threadless as the guy on the left! :)