Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Buffy Rewatch Week 42: Spoiler Forum

As always, this is the place where you can talk spoiler about Buffy and Angel without worrying about spoiling the newcomers. Things like... what's about to happen between Spike and Anya (ah!) or Willow and Tara, or... Tara. Sniffle. I'm kind of dreading seeing it again.


Colleen/redeem147 said...

When Anya is talking about the out of town guests - does she say The Gnarls?

Riley calls Buffy "a hell of a woman" which is what Spike calls her when she's feeling down in season seven.

Willow loves Xander - and that love will save the world.

Dusk said...

Avoiding too much detail, Graham's reasons for liking this fantasy world are totally turned on their head in one of the biggest aspects of have problems with in the comics.

Efthymia said...

In "As You Were", it's the second time that Buffy speaks against guns. I don't remember noticing this insistence during my first watch, but I wonder if anyone had picked up on it when it originally aired, or if people just took it for a social message.

Blam said...

Halfrek says to Anya, "Did you think I'd be stopped by a sword in the chest?" Anya will have an even better reason to remember (and be glad) that a sword through the chest doesn't do the job on her kind next season.

Blam said...

Does anyone else get perturbed by the fact that some demons are described by their specialty (for lack of a better word) and others are given proper species names?

Efthymia said...

As we know from Anya's story, Vengeance Demons are humans first, they're not originally a different species (and they can keep their human form), so maybe there lies the difference: some demons are different species, and therefore have a species name, some may have originally been human, or may be a humanoid species or something, and therefore have a name descriptive of wht they do.