It's been two weeks since the last episode, and two weeks is TOO LONG! Oh, what will I do with the writers on strike and missing my Pushing Daisies?! But the return was SO brilliant. This show has not given me a dull moment yet.
-the title of the episode
-That wonderful claymation moment at the beginning when we flash back to Ned's childhood
-Little Ned and Little Chuck wearing her crazy hats and looking at the moon
-EMERSON!! "That girl dropped a bomb in your subconscious with her saliva."
"Some women love like ganstas. They all like, 'Ooh, baby, you're bleedin', how did that happen?' while they're hiding a razor in their weave."
-The scene of how the polygamist died, and how he was stabbed multiple times because of his "tenacity" and slipping on the coffee, stabbing himself over and over. I was doubled over with laughter.
-the four of them going undercover to interrogate the wives, and none of them actually being very undercover
-Emerson being controlled by the dog trainer's snapper
-The Collador-Russell-a-poo
-the Snuppy's Puppies corporate headquarters, with the giant puppy rotating head
-the trio waiting in the Snuppy's breeding room, and you see a bunch of covered crates rocking back and forth with the dogs inside, breeding (ha!)
But the absolute gem of the episode was the Vertigo dream that Emerson has. I've seen that film half a million times, and to see it parodied with Emerson's head instead of James Stewart was a new level of genius for this show. I especially loved the closeup of his head, and the confused look on his face, followed by the silhouette of his body free-falling into the pies.
Wow... can this show GET any better??!! I hope so! :)
I just watched the episode today as I had recorded it. I LOVED the Vertigo dream sequence. One of my fave Hitchcock films of all time. And Emerson was the funniest he's ever been this week.
With all the crap on television it's so amazing to have found this show. I heart Pushing Daisies.
Ha! Way to stick to your guns, Nikki. No Heroes blog this week and I can't say I miss it.
I'm loving this show and it's great to have something to hold me over until LOST starts back up.
Danielle: I agree... all the other shows this season started out strongly and went downhill fast. But this show just gets better and better. It's like Heroes was last season (cough, cough).
Brian: I'd love to accept your praise, but it's actually been a case of me not getting a chance to watch the episode yet! I know it's supposed to be getting better and all reports are saying this week's was going to be better than the rest of the season so far, but I just haven't watched it yet. When I do, I'll probably say something about it. Maybe a combo post next Monday. While talking about something else. :)
I think you find a man's murder to be far to humerous :-)
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