“A wise man once said that war was coming to this island. I think it just got here.”
As we enter the second half of the final season, all of the stories are beginning to come together. We were in contact with both camps equally in this episode for once, and even saw what was happening with Widmore. In Locke’s camp you have misery — Jin’s leg is hurting and he’s angry. Sayid confesses that he can’t feel anything at all (I thought that moment was devastating) and Smokey’s suggestion that that might actually be for the best was creepy. Kate and Sawyer are both trapped in their own worlds of sadness. Claire is realizing that Aaron won’t know who she is and she’s wondering what the use of leaving the island even is. Over in Jacob’s camp, it’s not like it’s much better. Ilana just keeps polishing her guns while Sun can’t speak to anyone anymore, Jack tries to keep things together and brings hope to them, Richard and Hurley return, Miles has his caustic comments, and Frank plays cards. And Ben... well, Ben’s become quiet. I’m actually really missing evil weaselly Ben. Bring him back!!
The war is coming, and we know once and for all that Widmore is NOT on the Man in Black’s side... meaning he’s actually a good guy? So what does that make Ben? Widmore suggests that he thought the Man in Black was a fairy tale, but did Ben know anything about it?
And the Kwon candidate is...
I think after this episode it’s possible we had a hint that Sun was the candidate. (Only on Lost could I use the phrase “it’s possible we had a hint” and act like it’s a solid clue.) In the sideways world, she walked by a mirror, looked in it and suddenly stopped and stared like she saw someone else looking back at her... or like she saw momentarily what she looked like in the other world. So far only the candidates have done that with mirrors in the sideways world.
• “Unless Alpert’s covered in bacon grease I’m not sure Hurley can track anything.” LOL!!!!
• Sun flirting with Jin in the hotel room with the buttons on her shirt was fantastic. I LOVED that scene!
• Gah!! When Sun conked her head on that tree I actually gasped out loud.
• Room 23!!!
• Keamy: “I feel like I’m in those damn Godzilla movies.” Hahaha!! I love the little details they gave him to make him more of an idiot, like yelling to make the Koreans understand, and then mixing them up with Japanese people.
• Mikhail!! With two eyes!!
• Miles: “She hits her head and forgets ENGLISH? Are we supposed to buy that?!” Frank: “Asks the man who communes with the dead.” HAHAHA!!! Oh Frank... I would buy a book of your one-liners.
• Richard walking over wearing the cross made me swoon. I’ve been in love with this guy for three years, and after last week’s episode, it totally paid off. ;) Oh Richard...
• Sun unleashing on Richard, who turns to look at Jack, who gives a little shrug and a “Dude, I’m as lost as you are” look. Brilliant!
• Jin looking at the pictures of Ji Yeon for the first time, and the look on his face (only I felt a little bad that Sun wasn’t with him when he saw pictures of his daughter for the first time).
• I know there’s one more highlight I’m forgetting... what could it be???
• DESMOND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
• Desmond My Desmond was the thing in the box. I joked a couple of weeks ago that perhaps the container is like Ben’s box, and contains what you want the most; in which case, if it represented my wish it would have been Desmond. Which means... that container represented my wish!!! Oh THANK YOU Lost writers, for making this show all about ME!! :)
The Numbers:
At the hotel, Jin and Sun are put on the 8th floor; Ben says he told them all 4 times that he didn’t do this to Sun.
Did You Notice?:
• When we were watching Kate and Sawyer chat through the night goggles at the very beginning, it felt very voyeuristic, even though we’re listening in on them every week, there was something different about watching them like that.
• Widmore’s peeps shoot poisoned darts, similar to what the Others used at the end of S2.
• Oh DAMN Liz Lemon is back. Rats.
• Sun seemed so dominant in the hotel room that I don’t believe for a second she would have feebly buttoned up her blouse on the plane for him, nor would her “bodyguard” ahve deigned to speak to her in that way. So that was definitely a false lead for us.
• When Smokey approaches Sun, the red flowers are behind her. They’re always nearby when he shows up.
• When Sun wakes up in the bed beside Jin, he looked dead for a second... it was eerie how still he was sitting.
• When Jin flips the switch in Room 23 and the crazytown Clockwork Orange shit begins to happen, we see DeGroot with his goggles on looking at a microscope... the message “Think About” “Your Life” with many Buddha statues around it, and then “We are the causes of our own suffering” text is laid over a graveyard that looks an awful lot like the one that has Jin’s tombstone in it, then a picture of the moon, then doll’s eyes, another Buddha, “Everything Changes” over an old stove and a compass (not a directional compass but the one that usually comes with a protractor for geometry), then 3 keyboards (interestingly, the top one has a number pad above it with 9 keys on it... much like that one Charlie pushed in the S3 finale that had been programmed by a musician) and then Jin switches it off.
• Now we see why Keamy was wearing that fancy watch in “Sundown”: it was Paik’s watch.
• Is it just me, or has something happened to Jack to make him really super hot in S6?? Is it the hair? Is it his less douchey attitude? It is a combo? Maybe it’s just the hair.
• Smokey always refers to people he hates as “friend,” the same thing he pointed out to Caesar and Bram.
• Sun suddenly speaking in a way that no one can understand made me think of the Tower of Babel story in the Old Testament, where one minute everyone speaks the same language, and the next no one can understand each other.
• It looks like Mr. Paik is a complete dick in every reality.
• “The heart wants what the heart wants.” Sometimes I feel like that could be the mantra of the show.
• There was some weird stuff happening in the fridge. Keamy does all of his talking, and then Jin says, “Thank you.” Keamy is extremely careful around Jin, like he genuinely doesn’t want to hurt him, and when he says, “I’m sorry... some people just aren’t meant to be together” it looks like he’s saying it with more pain than he should. Is that on purpose, or is there something larger happening there?
• In the pictures with Ji Yeon, you can see Sun’s dog Bpo Bpo.
• AH!! Sun is pregnant in the sideways world! Jin’s sperm was OK in that world, and he didn’t need the Magical Island Sperm™ to impregnate her.
• Jack is brilliant in the scene with Sun... it felt like one of those lovely season 1 moments where one character connects to the other, or when Jack was really helpful and a pretty damn good doctor to people on the island. (Is it just me, or am I in love with Jack in this episode?! What has HAPPENED to me?!)
• Was anyone else thinking, “Sun, there are only a few pages in that little notebook... stop wasting them by drawing giant emoticons”?
• Notice Sawyer doesn’t quite finish his sentence: “Then we’re screwed six ways to Sun-”
• Sayid emerging from the water was SO Apocalypse Now.
So Many Questions...
• Does anyone know if what the customs guy says is true? Can they simply confiscate the money if he won’t fill out the paperwork? Isn’t there some law stating that they need to have a Korean translator standing there to tell him this stuff fairly?
• So if Jin isn’t married to Sun, why is he working for Paik? In the other world it was a necessary evil to get Sun, but in this one it seems he’s willingly working for Paik, and happened to meet Sun while he was doing it (I assume... or perhaps he met her and then worked for Paik to get closer to her...) Either way, working for Paik doesn’t seem to cause the personal turmoil that it did in the other world.
• In the sideways world, most people are living happier lives, but Sayid’s is miserable, and now Jin’s and Sun’s are falling apart. And notice theirs are interconnected but not connected to the others. Are they separate somehow?
• When Sun woke up, she could only speak Korean. In the sideways world, she can only speak Korean. Any connection?
• Why is Zoe looking for the pockets of electromagnetic energy on the island? She says she’s a geophysicist, so what does she have to do with Widmore’s team?
• Smokey tells Claire that her name isn’t on the wall (but we saw Littleton there... perhaps it was Aaron?) and that Kate’s isn’t... “Not anymore.” Her name hasn’t been crossed off Jacob’s dial, though. Why the inconsistency?
• So... is Jin the tomato?
• Jack promises Sun that he'll get her back to Jin... he's made promises he can't keep before, and I really hope this isn't one of them.
• So, does Sawyer really know what’s in the room in the sub, or does the Man in Black just THINK he knew what was in there?
• So... where is Penny? How did Widmore get Desmond? Did he take him out of the hospital? Does that mean he has Charlie, too? I remember saying at the end of S5 that we saw Eloise get into a cab, but Widmore was still there... did he do something?
And tomorrow at noon I will once again be participating in the Globe and Mail Lost chat from noon to 1pm EST. Go here to ask questions and comment. See you there!
1 – 200 of 420 Newer› Newest»I have not even read your blog yet, Nikki. Just want to say what is in my head first and then will go back to read your thoughts... :)
Wow, great episode! Not as fabulous as last week's but still great.
So here's my thoughts:
KEAMY!!! Glad he got to come back again. haha
Some of the best lines EVER!
Keamy: "I feel like I'm in a damn Godzilla movie." And especially... "Some people aren't meant to be together." Aw, he has a heart. Still dangerous but so sweet. LOL
Frank: "Asks the man who can commune with dead people."
The reveal that the Sideways section leads up to the episode featuring Sayid's Sideways story was great. :) Watching the lead up and knowing that many people on this list nailed it! Fantastic.
Jin and Keamy as Keamy taped him to the chair. Nice moment.
Sun running from FLocke and getting hit by the tree. Also good but OUCH!
Sayid speaking in monotones, with no emotion. "I don't feel anything. I don't feel anything anymore."
Did I say DESMOND?
Sun being able to understand English but not speak it. The complete reverse of what we have come to know - that Jin spoke no English and Sun did. Now she can't and he can. Wow...!
Sun on the beach. How Locke! And then Jack repeating what Locke had told Sun...now twice. Good to see she did not take FLocke's hand and chose to take Jack's.
Sideways Sun to Jin after being shot - "I'm pregnant." I screamed at that point. NOOOOOO!
My husband, Justin - magnets! His favourite LOST phrase. LOL
What was that again? Oh, yes! DESMOND!!
Must think some more about the episode when I watch for the third time, can't wait to see what others have to say, love this list. Going now... :)
glad to see desmond is back. sure plenty of you saw it coming. nice touches with mikhail and room 23.
paik is still a jerk, but sun was trying to sneak away with jin as opposed to leaving him. still not finding flash sideways compelling. however im sure there will be a big payoff.
love the island sequences. jack scene with speechless sun at end was excellent. nikki, you are dead on with widmore-ben relationship.
penny must be dead right?!
My highlight was Jin shooting Mikhail in the eye
You can't bring more than $10,000 into the country without the proper paperwork. Same in Canada. You can't deposit that much cash in a bank here without declaring the source either.
According to this they can seize the funds, and you could be liable for criminal charges.
I thought of you when I saw Desmond, Nikki. Good call btw.
Sayid seemed emotionless in both realities. He's been broken. Fix him!
Great re-cap Nikki - I believe the story is slowly starting to fall into place. Love the look on Jin's face seeing at the pictures and also Desmond when he recognizes Sayid's face. I also believe the pace is going to pick up starting next week so hold on we're in for a wild ride....
This wasn't a GREAT episode by any length (especially following Ab Aeterno) but to me, it set the stage for the rest of the season. This was the beginning of the end; whether you consider Sayid's infiltration, Jack earning Sun's participation, Richard taking lead, the Widmore and Locke facedown. By the end of next week's Happily Ever After (also mentioned by Keamy), everything should have started unravelling.
While none related much to Jin and Sun, the importance of their separation and the confusion as to who candidate #42 is plays a major role.
For a detailed personal analysis: http://theoreticalisland.blogspot.com/
Points of interest:
1. Sun an Jin, unmarried but happy and unbound by cultural traditions. She is a priority to him and he was part of her plans to run away. This suggests they may end up on the good side.
2. Mikhail. 23 languages, shot in the eye... always exciting Mikhail.
3. Sun pregnant... not how I expected it to be revealed, scary. Anyone think she may end up at Jack's or Ethan's hospital?
4. Locke needing to get all candidates together to be able to leave. His passport off the island?
5. Sayid being confused at his situation, not feeling anything.
6. Locke: "They could have chosen to come with me.", as most Christian gods would say.
7. Room 23, used to be DHARMA brainwashing, could Ben have just been using it on Karl... because it's Karl.
8. Widmore has maps of the island with Jin's name on it... AWE-SOME!
9. Widmore's disrespect for that 'thing': You're a combination of myths, ghost stories and noises through he night.".
10. Impending hate triangle Ben-Widmore-Desmond... should be more exciting than the everlasting love triangle!
@Nikki: Nice recap... quick comments!
or like she saw momentarily what she looked like in the other world. So far only the candidates have done that with mirrors in the sideways world.
But Sayid did not react that way though, I have an intriguing analysis of the candidates:
One thing that really hit me in the episode is how Locke claims to be short 3 to get off the island? At that time, he's in 'possession' of Kate, Sawyer and Sayid. With Jin off with Widmore, this leaves Jack, Hurley, and Sun missing from his group. Does this mean that the candidacy still applies when claimed as in the case of Sayid.
Is it just me, or has something happened to Jack to make him really super hot in S6?? Is it the hair? Is it his less douchey attitude? It is a combo? Maybe it’s just the hair.
It's the rugged beard... check it again ;)
Does anyone know if what the customs guy says is true? Can they simply confiscate the money if he won’t fill out the paperwork? Isn’t there some law stating that they need to have a Korean translator standing there to tell him this stuff fairly?
That is indeed the law, they are allowed to confiscate any undeclared goods/money. I'm not sure about a translator.
In the sideways world, most people are living happier lives, but Sayid’s is miserable, and now Jin’s and Sun’s are falling apart. And notice theirs are interconnected but not connected to the others. Are they separate somehow?
It did start off better than they ever had though. Sun was a priority for Jin and he was included in her plans.
More to come!
Is it just me, or has something happened to Jack to make him really super hot in S6?? Is it the hair? Is it his less douchey attitude? It is a combo? Maybe it’s just the hair.
But…the jears. I can't forget them. I just…can't.
Desmond! I have said it quite a few times, and now I solidly stand by my conviction: Desmond is the key to everything.
Do I know what I mean by this? No. Do I care to elaborate? Definitely not. But yep—Des is a major player, and I think his character is going to have a huge impact on the rest of the episodes. I hope so, anyways.
Keamy is a creep in a fantastic, movie-villain kind of way.
When Sun ran into the tree, I exclaimed out loud, "Oh Sun!"
I can't wait to see how the "war" between Smokie and Widmore plays out. Also, won't it be interesting to see a Widmore-Ben meet-up soon?
Ugh! What a weak episode! It is probably just because it aired after last week's amazing episode, but everything just seemed to drag for me. Even the teaser trailer for next week seemed lame.
Here is hoping that it picks up the pace again...and soon.
I loved how Mikhail got shot in the eye he used to have an eye patch on!
That's all I have to add for now
@ARTAR: Try a Ben-Widmore-Desmond relationship...
@Amstead: The teaser was actually a mash-up of previous season shots. Check it again. The only new thing is Widmore telling Desmond he needs to makes sacrifices and the the island is not done with him.
I was disappointed at that.
@redeem147 said: "Sayid seemed emotionless in both realities. He's been broken. Fix him!"
I have been thinking about this. I would agree that this is correct as of the moment that Sayid got to the restaurant in the sideways world. Of course he has been that way since he was 'drowned/baptised' in the Temple.
But I might be wrong with this, yet it seems to me that even though he did not respond when he saw Desmond, there seemed to be something there. He made no move, just stared. Does he recognize Desmond? If Desmond is an important element in this story, then I will not be surprised to see his presence play a part in Sayid's 'resurrection' so to speak.
@all, great stuff ...keep posts coming...im going to miss this hour post may...btw i did not watch V just because that stupid logo was staring me in the face most of the episode
Interesting Locke says he would “never make you do anything against your will” to Sun. Basically the same thing Jacob says/does, but Smokey is particularly manipulative.
Sun running, kind of like Ben running from Ilana, but less funny
@Nikki - Jin looks shell shocked. He does look dead. I thought the same thing when Sun looked in the mirror – who did she see?
why room 23?
@Nikki – jack is hotter. Hair + less self righteousness
Sawyer says - That'd be ridiculous! Haha
Smoke cannot go over water. Smoke on the water!
What three people? Jack, Hurley, Sun? So who are other three - Austen, Kwon, Ford?? Sayid?? Who am I missing?
Ben: Why won't you believe me? Ilana: Because you're speaking.
Finally, Sun is speaking! And has a personality!!
Clearly Widmore is against MiB. I wonder how Widmore really does play into all this. I assume he brought Desmond (DESMOND!!!!) because a-the island isn’t done with him, but also B-the rules do not apply to him. I cannot weight to see what his “special purpose” is. I have found that anyone who says “I come in peace”, doesn’t.
The heart wants what the heart wants. Some people just aren't meant to be together. Kind of mirrors Sawyer’s line, some people are meant to be alone. (Keamy was extra sympathetic towards Jin.)
Liz Lemon: Maybe you should have had a mercenary in charge instead of a geophysicist. I assume Widmore chalks up the whole Keamy escapade as a Major Fail.
OK, why does Ji Yeon have a Happy Birthday sign in English? Aren’t they in Korea?
Everyone we know and love would simply cease to be. That is EPIC. This definitely isn’t about good and evil. I wonder why “cease to exist” instead of die. Do we get erased???
The Package!!
Patchy - right in the eye!
Sun loses her language ability. Like you said, now Jin speaks English, and she doesn’t. I kept waiting for one of them in the sideways reality to speak English. Sun’s head injury looks like Jack's.
Does anyone else think that the Scottish bagpipes and the sad funeral song could be a small hint that Desmond is a goner and maybe his sacrifice that Widmore's voice over said is he has to die to save the world but most importantly Penny and Charlie? This was a good episode and I guess Smokey and Widmore aren't on the same "side" so are there 3 sides in this game? I can't see Widmore on Jacob's side after he was banished and could not find the island while Jacob was alive? Widmore does entice people the way Smokey does and since he kidnapped Desmond from the hospital probably I can't imagine he's doing anything good. Great recap as always Nikki,
All I'm gonna say about Sun's lack of English is moderate consciousness traveling between the Alt world and Lost Prime. See "Flashes Before your Eyes" and "The Constant". Also wager that Desmond travels back and forth between the two universes patching things up. I bet the Alt universe is what happens when Smokey gets off the Island and Desmond,with the help of Hawking and Widmore "course corrects" that situation.
I liked this episode. I think the key is for me to just mostly ignore the flashsideways. Though I did appreciate Mikhail showing up.
Frank as always. Like I say, every Lost episode could use a good Frank one-liner.
Sun hitting the tree. OK that sounds pretty bad, but I mean it's like when Michael gets hit by the car -- you don't see it coming so it's just WHAM.
Jack was awesome in this episode.
Not many answers but at least we're moving along.
Hurley was awesome in this episode.
Take-charge Richard is back.
Even a tiny bit of Miles and Ben is better than nothing.
A teeny tiny mention of the DI.
Two things I found lame:
Sun is pregnant in the FS... I've been pregnant several times, and I had to wait a couple of weeks to get a positive result. Has medical technology advanced so much since then?
Desmond on the sub. I mean, yay Desmond is finally back, but locked in a room on the sub (and being called the package) is super lame.
P.S. I had trouble posting this, so it may appear twice. Sorry in advance.
Is it just me, or has something happened to Jack to make him really super hot in S6?? Is it the hair? Is it his less douchey attitude? It is a combo? Maybe it’s just the hair.
Ugh. I know. He is hot. I hate it.
Jin’s sperm was OK in that world, and he didn’t need the Magical Island Sperm™ to impregnate her.
HA! Yay! I never thought I would be saying "Yay" about a TV character's sperm count but, there you have it. Thanks again, Lost. The button scene was great.
So...Keamy must be a big enough deal if mobsters from Korea are seeking him out?
I *really* want Sweet Claire back.
You know, I might be alone in this, but I think the woman everyone is referring to as "Liz Lemon" actually looks a hell of a lot more like Lorraine Bracco.
Mikhail was kinda a not-that-bad dude. SHOT THROUGH THE EYE! It was awesome! BOOM! NO EYE FOR YOU IN ANY WORLD MR.NOT SO BAD/HIGHLY EDUCATED GUY! At first I thought Sun was crying because she was being a baby about watching unspeakable carnage and I was like: this is where Jin slaps her and yells "I told you to move away! And button up that damn shirt!"
@Susan- I think Sun knew she was pg. She was about to tell Jin her news when Keamy knocked on door.
After Jin looked at pictures of baby, Widmore said to get the package. I was so sick that the package was going to be the baby. Thank goodness it was Desmond!
...and then Sun is all "I'm shot!...also, I am having your baby!"
And Jin goes quiet and then says "No English!" while running away.
LOVED the episode. So nice to have Sun and Jin back as characters (particularly Sun who has been one note ever since 5.05 (This Place Is Death) was over. I also think it's great to have a potential candidate who wants NOTHING of this whole "save the world" business and just wants to get Jin and get back to her daughter. It was crazy of her to leave Ji Yeon of course, but she clearly thought it possible to get Jin and return. This = good character motivation, and I can't wait to see it play out.
@ JS: You said, "Everyone we know and love would simply cease to be. That is EPIC. This definitely isn’t about good and evil. I wonder why “cease to exist” instead of die. Do we get erased???"
I was very happy when Widmore said that. I've been swearing up and down on my blog and elsewhere all week that the "evil" that the Island is keeping corked in is not moral evil but rather the huge stores of electomagnetic energy the Island has inside. For me this was near-confirmation that it's not something "moral" that Jacob is guarding but the utter literal destruction that would break loose if the energy were to be uncorked. So maybe, if all the energy did release, time would collapse in on itself or something crazy like that. You've still got to wonder what the consequences of Desmond letting the Swan Hatch implode though...
I also loved that Widmore needed Jin b/c Jin was in charge of documenting the grid of electromagnetic pockets on the Island. This works so perfectly with his gridwork last season as he searched for Locke and the Oceanic 6's return in his jeep. Plus it means the energy is important to Widmore. He has in some ways taken over for the Dharma Initiative as the face of Science on the Island...
But what the heck does he hope to accomplish? All he's ever seemed to have wanted previously was possession of the Island and revenge on Ben Linus...
Did Sun ever explicitly say the baby was Jin's in the sideways world? If things are wacky opposite, it could be Jae Lee's over there!
@Susan: Sun is pregnant in the FS... I've been pregnant several times, and I had to wait a couple of weeks to get a positive result. Has medical technology advanced so much since then?
We actually don't know when she got pregnant. Maybe it's indeed been a few weeks.
@Loretta: Hmmmm, I can't say I don't see it. Two weeks ago I would have said Liz Lemmon over Lorraine Bracco, this week I dunno.
Regardless, to me she'll always be Debbie Hunt!
Also, this isn't something I've heard anyone talk about, but were the nightvision shots we saw at the episode's beginning proof that the Others have a crazy-huge-intricate system of cameras all over the Island? Or were Widmore's folks wearing some kind of zoom-in-and-pick-up-great-audio google helmets?
I loved the little touch of Sun refusing to take Locke's hand, but taking Jack's without hesitation.
I knew it was Desmond, though I thought for a moment it might actually be Ji Yeon. And that scene at the dock with Des and Sayid was creepy foreboding.
Lots of talk about there still being six candidates. Flocke even said he needed six. Kate's officially crossed off the wall, but, as Nikki pointed out, not off the lighthouse dial. Flocke doesn't seem to think he needs her, though. Flocke crossed Locke off the wasll. So if Jack, Hurley, Sawyer, Sayid and a Kwon are five - then who is the sixth? Miles? Frank? Wallace - whoever that is?
Not as good as Richard's ep - but still a nice episode. Very S1/S2 feel to it.
So...who killed all the people on the Ajira flight? Did Smokey go as Locke and then turn into Smoke?
Jack offered his left hand to Sun, Locke offered his right. Would mean absolutely nothing in all other circumstances...but, it is Lost.
'Where is Penny?' - turns out she's on Flash Forward. Hope she has time to come back to Lost.
See? I knew I didn’t have to take notes this evening if I didn’t want to! I trusted that Nikki would note every single detail worth noting, and looks like she did. Bravo, Nikki! Excellent rundown of the episode, as usual! I’ll just go on record here that I loved this episode. And I’ll add one thing that enhanced my viewing experience this evening. At 8:20, just as a commercial break was ending, there was the lovely Yunjin Kim on my TV screen saying, “Mmm… cake!” And then she giggled. It was a treat for all the LOST fans in South Central Kansas, in the KAKE viewing area. I bet we’ll get to see all the others (Jorge, Elizabeth, Michael) in the weeks to come.
(By the way, the reason I didn't jump on here sooner is that I decided to watch "V" as it aired tonight.)
Ugh. I know. He is hot. I hate it.
Ew. Not creepy enough to be palatable. Plus, as I said above. The jears…they haunt me. And the jeard. The horrible, terrible jeard that came alive from time to time to eat the jears.
LOL. That was weird. Sorry:)
Speaking of “V”, I just now remembered hating that big red V on the bottom right corner of the TV screen all through tonight’s LOST, but the absolute worst was when Sun was writing her answers to Jack, and she held them up for him to see, and that stupid red V was in the way, making it almost impossible to see her written messages. Just another reason that I’m looking forward to the lovely wide-screen DVD presentation.
After Jin looked at pictures of baby, Widmore said to get the package. I was so sick that the package was going to be the baby. Thank goodness it was Desmond!
Did they actually confirm that Des came from the locked room, and that he is, indeed, "The Package?"
I am pretty sure Nikki calls Desmond "The Package" when she thinks about him :D
Hey, did anyone else catch Keamy saying something about the island when he was talking to Jin, while tying him up? It was quick, but I'm positive he said something strange about finding out what happened to that island (?)
@Jen - Ew. Not creepy enough to be palatable
Hahah! So you must be loving Sayid right about now...
Ever since I had that nightmare about Jack...I have found him attractive :(
@SP - Did Sun ever explicitly say the baby was Jin's in the sideways world?
No...but it would be cruel beyond belief to play the Button Game and then tell him she is carrying another man's baby. She is Stone Cold Sun Paik though, so who knows.
@SP (again) - Or were Widmore's folks wearing some kind of zoom-in-and-pick-up-great-audio google helmets?
It made me think "Oh, so Sawyer's wearing a wire." Maybe he is cooperating more with Widmore than we thought?
If I was diggin' Sayid, I'd be kinda scared to tell you. :P
In all honesty, all making-fun-of-Jack-the-emo-cry-baby-jear-king aside:
Matthew Fox was pretty excellent in this episode, and I did find his scene with Sun touching.
There. I said something nice about Jack.
Never. Again.
@Jen - If I was diggin' Sayid, I'd be kinda scared to tell you. :P
HAHA! Ahh, too funny! I am glad though; I was worried I'd have to start doing my Avatar Girl Hiss and then you would do your Saucy Shoulder Shrugs and then everyone else would be weirded out by us :D
@Jenn: Widmore had asked Zoe to get the package from the sub. Since she was now there bringing Desmond up, I'll go ahead and declare it was him.
@Annonymous: I think he rather says: "I'm gonna strap your hands, just in case you figure out what's about to happen to ya now/out there/(or something to that effect)." He was bringing Sayid in the kitchen and was planning on killing Jin, so that's what I think.
Keamy was never close to the island so why would HE say something like that. And the island is already sunk, what else could happen to it really.
@Anonymous - did anyone else catch Keamy saying something about the island when he was talking to Jin, while tying him up?
Yeah, he actually says:
"Omars loyal but he lacks attention to detail. You don't really understand a word i'm saying to you right now do ya, nothin. Allright. Hold still, ok."
"I'm gonna strap you here. Just in case you figure out what's about to happen to you, I can't have ya freakin out".
No island - I think that would be too important to have Keamy (wrong character) mumble (too important to let slip by).
Hey, did anyone else catch Keamy saying something about the island when he was talking to Jin, while tying him up? It was quick, but I'm positive he said something strange about finding out what happened to that island (?)
Yes! I thought I heard that too. I have the hearing of an 80 year old ex-roadie, so I just chalked it up to mis-hearing—but if you heard it too…
Thanks for clearing that up. You're right—they wouldn't have Keamy memble the first mention of the Island in Sideways world. :)
Ex-roadie--hilarious! Okay, I feel better now. I've been scouring blogs for the last two hours and no one has mentioned it, so I figured it had to be my own challenged hearing playing tricks on me...but I still had to ask. Thanks!
You know what bothers me about Liz Lemon? The actors on LOST are either ridiculously hot or very good actors or at least very interesting looking or some Venn diagram point of those. She is none of those things. She is not even in the bubble. She is unkempt, and that bothers me. A Lot. Charlotte was an archeologist/ anthropologist and managed to be hot/ bitchy/ interesting.
word verif: choses. Plural past tense of chooses? The island choses who the island choses.
Hey, did you see that Yunjin Kim got married this past weekend? When I read that, I felt so happy and delighted for her, as if I'd just heard good news about a dear friend.
Benny: We actually don't know when she got pregnant. Maybe it's indeed been a few weeks.
Actually you've made my point for me, thanks ;-) I've seen blog posts that assume Jin is the father, but as far as we know, this was their first time together so if she's pregnant a couple of weeks (or more) then he can't be the father. Which would make one more difference in the FS.
When Sun hit her head and stopped speaking English, did anyone else think for a second that her consciousness had been replaced with that of Sideways-Sun?
Also, I just realized that only with LOST could I ask a question involving "BLANK's consciousness being replaced with Sideways-BLANK's"
Hooray for Desmond, brotha! Now bring on Penny, Eloise, Walt, Eko, & Libby, and I'll be pleased as punch! :)
P.S.- For some reason, Sun throwing a hissy fit at Richard and calling him an idiot to his face made me chuckle a LOT!
Poor Ricardo! He gets all the blame!
@Susan: as far as we know, this was their first time together
Given that Paik was ready to pay 25,000 USD to take him out of the picture and she was planning to run away with him, I doubt that. They seemed to have been only keeping a veil of traditions but privately, they looked quite comfortable.
I'm not saying it's his child, but I don't think it was their first time either.
@Joan: I was worried I'd have to start doing my Avatar Girl Hiss and then you would do your Saucy Shoulder Shrugs and then everyone else would be weirded out by us :D
What do you mean "then"?!?
VW: ovensip — A taste of the sauce you're cooking.
Best Dialog: Ben: “I’ve told you four times now! Why won’t you believe me?” Ilana: “You’re speaking.”
Although this episode was Sun-Jin centered, we learned other things.
> If the “JohnLockeThing” gets off this Island, everyone we know and love would cease to be.
> SmokeLocke tells Claire: “Kate’s name isn’t on the wall anymore. I need Kate. I’m 3 people shy of getting off this Island.”
> SmokeLocke tells Sun: “I would never make anyone do anything against their will.” This, after he tells her he killed the people in Temple because they refused to leave and come with him.
> Sayid says: “Anger, Pain, Happiness – I don’t feel anything anymore.” SmokeLocke replies: “Maybe that’s best. It will help you get through what’s coming next.”
Widmore’s Package = Desmond!
Word Verf: unsur : 1. Definitely not Big Sur; 2. Really? Let me check – I’ll get back to you.
@Blammy Cakes - Ha! I know, I know. I thought that I should clarify it after but then you sprung up out of nowhere! There are only ever about 4 people who respond to me, the rest are like "Don't engage the Crazy". Must be my Weird Toe Vibes that scare them off...
While admitting that this one was definitely a step down from last week, I have to say it was good to finally get a Jin-Sun episode after nearly two years of waiting.
First, it was good to see that they're in love, even in a sideways world. At first, I thought that maybe Jacob not blessing them at their wedding would stop that from ever happening. But it's good to know even in an alternate universe, love conquers all.
Unfortunately, Mr. Paik seems to be, if anything, even more cold-blooded in this world than he did in the last one. Killing your daughter's lover is one thing; having her be around when it happens, that's dark.
Sun losing the ability to speak English seems to be something of enormous significance.I'm just not sure what it means yet, other than the obvious reversal of their roles from where they were when the first plane crash.
Am becoming especially troubled by what's happening to Sayid and Claire. The fact that the heart that got Sayid into so much trouble might finally be gone--- that's sad. Claire's beginning to look like she's frayed around the edges (understatement of the year, I know) I'm beginning to have a sinking feeling that one of them may end of killing the others.
I don't believe Widmore as a good guy for one moment. All the evidence we gathered during Season 5 was that he didn't understand the importance of the island, and that he's been a faker almost since his beginning. And if you think that any of the people on the beach are going to just walk willing into Widmore's side--- that's if Sayid doesn't kill him first. He's p-robably thinking I spent two years taking your organization apart, now I'm going to finish what I'm started.
Desmond--- I was certain he was on the sub, I was sure he has a role to play that may involve saving all of them. I just prayed I was wrong. He went through even more than the Oceanic 6, and all the evidence of Season 5 suggested that he might just get away clean. Oh, and even though Penny's on Thursdays at 8 for the immediate future--- I really hope we haven't seen the last of her.
And as one last thing, anyone else think when Mikhail got hit, did the words: "You'll shoot your eye out," go through everyones head.
As we go into the homestretch, next weeks probably going to be a Desmond themed episode. Will he get a flashback or a flashsideways? Anyone else wonder if he'll even exist.
Check out my blog at http://houseofdavid2010.blogspot.com/. Am doing some posts on great TV and I value your opinions.
@Sagacious penguin: Cease to be. It's like the identical rabbits that turn up in Dr. Chang's film. They are matter and antimatter. Clearly the MiB is a form of antimatter which when released in the world would result in complete destruction. Somehow, the geomagnetic forces on the island maintain a kind of barrier, a sort of cage containing him. Which is why Zoe wants to know where they are. Ugh. This sounds so much like Angels and Demons.
This episode is setting us up for the mysterious boat that fired on Saywer, Juliet et al. during their time travel experiences. It's likely it was Ilana in that past Season firing, and it will be her again. Seeing Sun shot in the LA X world, does this foreshadow her being shot in the boat? I think so.
Oh, thrills. Will Dr. Jack fix her in either world? Will Sun die in one world, but survive in the other? Precedence with Locke. Ilana seems driven on a mission. Perhaps seeing Locke with Sawyer in the other boat she thinks it's MiB. Or maybe she knows the difference, but like Sayid in 1977 she thinks she can alter the future. Anyway, her character is getting a little dark.
I am still of the opinion that the remaining Ajira passengers were killed by Ilana and Bram. Smokie could not get across the water, and Widmore just arrived (the bodies of the passengers looked like they had died earlier). Perhaps, Ilana and Bram poisoned them like Dogen tried to poison Sayid. Until something comes up to show this idea is wrong, I'll just go with it.
Nice parallel between the 2 worlds. Sayid opens the locked freezer door to discover Jin. Sayid investigates what was in the locked room on the sub, and finds Desmond. In the LA X world, Sayid leaves, as so many of the former Losties just meet then break apart. They give each other a little help, but that's it. Once they have helped, they are on their own. Is this reminiscent of Jacob's nudge?
Sloppy Joan: but then you sprung up out of nowhere
Me? You're the one who pops up breathing heavily on random old threads. After getting a new battery for my haywire laptop and ending a long night by watching Lost on tape, this is exactly where I'm supposed to be.
@Fred: Smokey CAN cross the water... or there are two.
1. The night that Sun and Frank arrive on the main island from Hydra, they hear smokey in the forest (and then talk to Christian, whom we believe to be smokey).
2. The next morning, smokey impersonating Locke is standing on the beach on Hydra. So either he crossed the water somehow, or there were two of them.
Holy cow, guys - over 50 comments already? Only on this blog could I be made to feel lazy while relaxing at home...
I know this ep was just really a lot of shuffling pawns around the board, but I loved the way they mixed it up between groups this time out (not nearly enough of that kind of balance so far this season), and I thought it was particularly peppered with funny this week. Some really good one-liners in there, with my hands-down favorite being Sawyer busting Smokey's chops on the idea of his flying from island to island "cause that'd be ridiculous." Classic.
And I'm with you, Nik -- Sun's button seduction was superhot, while also serving as such a terrific new twist on that now-iconic Sun-Jin interaction. Great stuff.
But Jin with the camera: dammit, that's three weeks in a row they've tried to make me cry. I'm getting totally soft in my old age.
{counting the seconds until Joan offers choice commentary using the words "battery" and "laptop"}
@Rack of Blam - Me? You're the one who pops up breathing heavily on random old threads
Pffft, says the guy who was there waiting by himself for someone to show up. You're *easily* as weird as I am. Easily. I was breathing quietly - you're the werido who made it into "heavily". It's true - go check. I'll wait.
P.S. Sloppy Joan - hehehehe!
When Smokie says to Claire he needs 3 more people to get off the island, it seems like he needs the candidates. Once he has them collected, whatever the rules are, he can leave. So far he has Sawyer, Kate, Sayid (Jin doesn't count, except as a means to get Sun). And it does seem like Smokie wants to take the airplane. So he'd need Frank, too. Is MiB trying to recreate the Flight 815 with the Ajira plane? Maybe.
Since I am a law dork I can tell you...yes, the government can seize a large amount of cash on a person like that. The government would report it to the DEA typically, who then can either investigate wrongdoing and file an action against you, or has to give you back the money. Probably should have translated for poor Jin though :)
@Anonymous: Curious, why the DEA?
@Nikki: • Oh DAMN Liz Lemon is back. Rats.
I agree! This character is soooo irritating and so out-of-place.
• Miles: “She hits her head and forgets ENGLISH? Are we supposed to buy that?!”
Yes, actually we are. Aphasia is a disorder that results from damage to portions of the brain that are responsible for language. For most people, these are areas on the left side (hemisphere) of the brain. Aphasia usually occurs suddenly, often as the result of a stroke or head injury, but it may also develop slowly, as in the case of a brain tumor, an infection, or dementia. There are cases of people who become aphasic as the result of a stroke or head trauma, and in recovery begin speaking a foreign language, often because it was their first language or because they had studied it and became fluent in it.
Word Verf: downa : Saith Desmond when he’s sad – “That’s a downa, brutha.”
Better episode than I was expecting...not as much of a letdown after Ab Aeterno as I feared.
I definitely appreciated the split focus...with time running out, no more "abandoning one plot for an entire episode" shenanigans, thankfully.
Oh, and as was mentioned during "Recon", I'd have much preferred to see Desmond return in some heroic, triumphant manner (rather than drugged and a prisoner of his mortal enemy) I'm not gonna complain that Desmond is back!
@Nikki: Is it just me, or am I in love with Jack in this episode?! What has HAPPENED to me?!
No, I found myself liking Jack in this episode too. And the last couple. Basically, once he stopped being Douchey Jack and started acting more like Classic Locke, I started liking him more. Go figure. ;)
Was anyone else thinking, “Sun, there are only a few pages in that little notebook... stop wasting them by drawing giant emoticons”?
@Benny Room 23, used to be DHARMA brainwashing, could Ben have just been using it on Karl... because it's Karl.
Unless I'm told otherwise by the show, I'm calling that a mystery solved: Ben appropriated Dharma's old subliminal messaging equipment to try and keep Karl from knocking up his daughter.
@Joan ...and then Sun is all "I'm shot!...also, I am having your baby!"
And Jin goes quiet and then says "No English!" while running away.
Bwa-ha-ha! Oh, Joanie. Always with the laughs!
@Jenn The horrible, terrible jeard that came alive from time to time to eat the jears.
Oh, how I miss the jears-devouring
I was breathing quietly - you're the werido who made it into "heavily".
You're louder than you think you are, Joan of Arkham. (Could be the aerated sternum; I didn't even know zombies breathed, myself...)
PS: What's a werido, exactly?
Now for thoughts on the actual show...
This was a solid episode that moved the plot forward, and I'm glad for that.
I did enjoy last week's departure in terms of its content (on the whole) as well as its break from form, but crunch time is here. While "Ab Aeterno" struck some folks as too much of an anomaly, answering questions that might have been better dealt with in past seasons than this late in the game with so much present-day plot to work through, in a strange way it only reinforced Lost's novelistic big-picture approach for me. Like "The Other 48 Days" or "The Constant" it presented pivotal information and also punctuated the grander storyline; chances are good that we're in for an unbroken, increasingly breakneck race through the final batch of episodes.
I haven't read any of the comments yet, but wanted to confirm that Jack is, indeed, really hot this season. I think the reason is that he has lost weight. Look at photos of him from a couple seasons ago; he was definitely a little chubbier. He's quite handsome with less weight; his cheekbones are nicely defined now.
Also? It could be the hair.
Sun, stop wasting pages in that note book! Your on an island; you only have so much paper!
@Nikki: I think after this episode it’s possible we had a hint that Sun was the candidate.
Hmm. I did not notice the mirror thing, but that's a good call. Now one has to wonder if her fulfillment of the role means a deal like Dogen's in which Jin and her friends are saved but she can never return home to see her daughter again.
@Nikki: “Unless Alpert’s covered in bacon grease I’m not sure Hurley can track anything.” LOL!!!
I liked Frank's reply even better. "Hey! Don't talk about" — and just when you think he's going to say "the kid that way," he finishes with "bacon."
My other favorite line was Ilana's use of a variation on an old lawyer joke with Ben when he asks why she/they won't believe him (about him finding Sun unconscious) and she replies that it's because he's talking; admittedly, the standard "lips are moving" is funnier.
@Nikki: Room 23!!!
Yeah. I was kind-of excited to see it again too, except that I quickly got the sinking feeling that it was more of a greatest-hits callback than a scene that would actually explain anything more about the room or the film or the Others in general.
Terrific episode! I wasn't expecting Desmond on the sub (mostly because I thought it was too obvious -- laughs on me, eh?). There were a couple things I really loved:
1. Isn't it ironic that Widmore and Ben hate each other, but now seem to be playing for the same team?
2. The maps Liz Lemon showed Jin were interesting, and prove that Jin, Sawyer, and Miles know a HELL of a lot about the workings of the Dharma Initiative than we've seen so far. Electromagnetic pockets of energy? Still? Even after Desmond turned the failsafe switch? What are the significance of these, and what is Widmore's play? Is he here to protect the world AND lay claim to something wholly selfish? Intriguing.
3. I wasn't expecting that Smokey needed the candidates alive so he could leave the Island. And since he can't make anyone go against his/her will, what will he do if he is successful at defeating Widmore and someone says "Hell no, we won't go!"?
More on my blog later...
Thanks again for the great write-up, Nikki!
@Nikki: Mikhail!! With two eyes!!
But not for long...
@Nikki: DESMOND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When that poor fella gets over being so disoriented he's gonna be more teed off than the practice range at Augusta. "Fokkin' who brought me fokkin' where for fokkin' what?!?!?!?"
@Nikki: Oh DAMN Liz Lemon is back.
I prefer to think of her as Ashleigh Banfield.
Jack is looking kinda hunky without all those tears. Very happy hippie with laid back island hair at the end with Sun
Whether canon or not, didn't Darlton state that "Austen - 51" was on the cave wall, but there was an editing mishap that took it out of the scene in "The Substitute?" This was the first thing that I thought about when Evil Locke revealed to Claire that Kate's name wasn't on the cave wall. Since we never saw Kate's name, what Evil Locke said was true.
Am I wrong about this?
BTW: You Canadian folks probably had no annoying red V logo (and countdown clock to the show's imminent return on ABC after Lost) in the bottom-left corner obscuring Sun's notes or hanging there right below Jin's heart as Keamy poked at it. Did you?
@The Question Mark: When Sun hit her head and stopped speaking English, did anyone else think for a second that her consciousness had been replaced with that of Sideways-Sun?
I totally thought about that too!
Did anyone expect Sayid to appear out of the water with a knife in his mouth? Or face paint camo on with a bandana over his forehead? Anyone?!
I can't say I'm surprised Desmond was in the box. I was thinking either him or a miraculously revived Charlotte. But most of all, all I could think is all of the squee-ing Nikki probably did when she saw the last 2 minutes of the episode!
I got a little teary eyed when Jin was perusing the camera photos and seeing his daughter for the first time. It would have been really funny (but probably killed the moment) if he came upon a silly picture of Sun, Ji Yeon and Hurley together in a picture.
@Nikki: Why is Zoe looking for the pockets of electromagnetic energy on the island? She says she’s a geophysicist, so what does she have to do with Widmore’s team?
I was thinking that the EM energy could be used to set up some sort of trap for Smokey, like enclose him in the energy a la the pylons.
Also, I hope we find out what happens to "Penneh" and little "Chah-leh". And also, nice allusion to the tower of Babel.
And so help the Lost writers if something happens to Desmond in the next episode. Imagine the havoc Nikki could do!
@Nikki: I did wonder what might have been different in the alternate timeline to result in Jin & Sun's lack of marital status in 2004, but never lingered on the fact that their being together in the more familiar timeline was what prompted Jin to go work for Sun's father in the first place. More proof that even in the other timeline the characters are destined to cross paths, some more significantly than others, and perhaps more fodder for my theory that the alternate timeline "predates" what we've seen on the series' main narrative rather than results from it...
When Jack handed Sun the tomato, this is a reference to the Garden of Eden. Although the usual story is about an apple, some variant stories have a tomato, a fruit of passion (nice touch Jack found it in an abandoned garden--isn't the Garden of Eden abandoned?). So Jack said, it refused to die, another reference to Sun and Jin's love failing to pass away despite being separated.
This sentiment contrasts with Keamy's aside to Jin that some people just aren't meant to be together. Also a reference to Sayid and Nadia (and how many others on the island). So we have undying love (in the symbol of the tomato) or love destined to be lost.
It's interesting Widmore calls MiB/Locke a myth that he had heard of. clearly, Widmore never met with MiB, which suggests that the Others were left alone by MiB. Only with the death of Jacob could MiB attack the Others. Since Widmore came prepared (sonic pylons) did he expect Jacob's death, or did Jacob warn Widmore? I suspect if Widmore anticipated Jacob's death, Eloise Hawking is behind Wimore's preparations. She could also help in getting Desmond out of the hospital and to the island.
But Widmore made a mistake by not considering a water attack. In Season 1, Ethan approached the Losties from the water, circumventing Locke's line of defense. Did MiB pick this idea up from impersonating Locke? Maybe.
My theory and unless proven false, I'm sticking with it:
Widmore to Desmond about "sacrifice" = Penny. I'm about 90% sure now that Penny does NOT exist in the sideways world which is what'll happen should Desmond choose to kill Locke or not.
It's obvious Desmond has to kill Locke just like Ben did Jacob. I'm just not sure whether killing Locke or NOT killing Locke results to Penny "dissolving" or ceasing to exist.
Jack has always been hot. Well except Jeard episodes.
@Superbad: I like the idea that Penny may not exist in the sideways world.
Each person in LA X has a significant other that is absent in the real world.
Jack has a son in LA X; Sarah did not get pregnant in the first world.
Sayid lost Nadia in the real world; but she exists in LA X, even if he isn't with her.
Locke lost Helen in the real world; but she exists in LA X.
Sun and Jin are married in real world; not so in LA X (also Sun may die in one of these worlds, but survive in the other).
Ben lost Alex in real world; she lives in LA X.
To greater or lesser degrees, each person form the island finds someone who was either never born, or died in the real world.
Yes, customs can do that. My Korean American Hubby said that actually happens to Korean people a lot. He said they tend not to trust banks so they travel with cash. I guess Sun's situation might be a reason not to trust a bank! Yikes.
I really liked this episode. It wasn't 'OMG I just shit myself' revelatory as last week's episode, but it was still very good.
- Loved seeing Keamy back. Kevin Durand is a brilliant actor, and I'm so glad that we got to see him again.
- Kudos to Batkitty, who, when watching 'Recon', saw the locked door on the sub and said instantly 'Desmond is in there'. Very nice instincts, my love. Well done.
- Felt kinda sorry for Daniel Kim. He was all done with learning phoenetic Korean now that he could speak English, and now he has to do it all again!
- I'm sure the actress who plays Zoe (Liz Lemon) is very good, but she looks so much like Tina Fey that the result is so jarring, that all I can think about is 'Jesus, when is Jack going to show up and say something that's actually funny?' It's really off putting, and I know I'm being unfair, but her likeness to Tina Fey takes me totally out of whatever scene she's in. Seriously, they just should have gotten rid of her glasses, or something. Maybe the Lost spinoff could be called '30 Black Rock'? (Batkitty suggested that title. Not me.)
- Is it just me, or has something happened to Jack to make him really super hot in S6?? Now, as a man who is totally comfortable in his heterosexuality, JACK HAS ALWAYS BEEN THIS HOT. GO JACK! GO ON, MY SON!
- I think that the revelation that Widmore wants to keep Smokey on the Island is actually a manifestation of what the show has been about this whole time. It's not good or evil. It's shades of grey. From what we have seen, it's been Widmore vs Ben. But that isn't out of a difference in ideology, it's a difference of power, ie who has it at the time. They're both against Smokey, it's just that they have different ways of doing things. What I see is, two men hungry for power on the Island, but still united against a common foe. Shades of grey.
- I like how the Stand has been referenced yet again, this time by Sun becoming Nick Andros, and writing down her conversation. I hope more of these blatant tributes come in the rest of this series.
VW: imful - what you say when you've had enough to eat.
@Blam: Joan of Arkham AAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Weird toes are their specialty. (Also, if a character of that name shows up in an upcoming Bat-Book, I hope you get royalties)
Holding up the money is real, but it's not exactly a customs thing. More of a anti-money laundering thing.
They could hold things up on a flight from NY to Vegas as easily as Sydney to LA.
It is a crime, but how it usally works is they try to make sure it isn't drug money or linked to funding terrorists or an attempt to avoid taxes. If it's reasonably safe to assume that you could've came to the money legally the charges are almost always dropped. The law gives them time to snoop.
It's a post 9-11 law
If you're into gambling it's a pain in the rear
I am proposing that Flocke is Lucifer (snake like smoke/evil, trying to escape from hell to go home = heaven). I am assuming that everything he has told people has been a lie ie(his crazy mother) to get them to do something for him, with the exception of telling sawyer that he knows what it feels like to lose someone you love (God). When Widmore said that all would cease to be should Flocke leave the Island, it reminded me of Dogma, and if God is infalable, for Satan to leave Hell, or leak through the cork that is holding him in, then it would prove GOD wrong and therefore creation would cease to exist.
>> So, does Sawyer really know what’s in the room in the sub, or does the Man in Black just THINK he knew what was in there?>>
I think sawyer didn't know, and MIB believed him. I think he just sent Sayid to see if he could find out.
If sawyer knew what was in the locked room and didn't want want Locke to know, why would he mention the room at all?
...I've found Jack/Mathew Fox hot since his Party of Five days, not only in this Lost's last season, although IMHO he is way hotter now that he is older and last night I loved his hair too...
Yikes...92 comments already. All I am going to say for now is BEST JEARS EVER. Be still my heart. I heart JACK. Swoon. @NIKKI, it's the hair, the attitude, and I think it's that salt-and-pepper stubble. I was just hoping for Jack at St. Sebastian's Hospital in the sidways world for a double dose. But with Sun getting shot, my guess is that is where they will be headed. My husband didn't even want to watch it with me live last night because he knew I would be impossible throughout. And he was right. Only, my poor son got the brunt of my Jack swooning. Ok. I'm off to read the comments and then re-post. Just had to get this Jack stuff out of the way.
I have a theory (rough, at this point) that's based on some fairly basic Judeo-Christian premises.
It is that someone will need to "sacrifice" their only son (although could be daughter in these more modern times) to save the world. I wonder if Jacob and Smokey were brothers and "sacrificed" by Adam and Eve in the caves to be the island's yin and yang, thereby saving the world. And now a new yin and yang must be sacrificed for the sake of the world. If that was true, then who?
Jack and Desmond? Doesn't Desmond refer to Jack as "brother" a lot?
Or perhaps we only need one, to replace the yang of Jacob, and Smokey gets to stay on as the yin. If so, then who? Aaron? Ji Yeon? Little Charlie?
Just a thought.
Verification Word: changie. That thingie that the Man in Black does when he goes from being Lockie to Smokie.
I really enjoyed this episode - it was cool to see so many beloved characters and Mikhail! It was especially refreshing to see the return of bad-ass Sun, signalled by her throwing that knife down.
As per usual I agree with you Nikki - when Jack was talking to Sun I found myself thinking, 'Wow' he's quite cute' Disturbing isn't it?
What's even more disturbing is that I sometimes find Locke/Smokey a bit sexy. I need therapy.
But of course, my absolute favourite is Richard. Did you see the smile on Ilyana's face when he walked up? - that's how I would look if he walked up to me!
Why does Locke need all the candidates with him so he can leave the island? Is he planning on killing them all? And if so why can't he do it one by one? Does he need them to leave with him?
It was also refreshing to have 'The Package' mentioned and then have the mystery answered by the end of the same episode. I was expecting it to drag on forever in true Lost style.
@Anonymous and @ Jenn
Hey, did anyone else catch Keamy saying something about the island when he was talking to Jin, while tying him up? It was quick, but I'm positive he said something strange about finding out what happened to that island (?)
Well that makes 3 of us who heard Keamy say something about the island and I thought I heard something to the effect of: "we wouldn't want you to find out what's about to happen to the island"
So I'm going to rewatch it to make sure now...I will let you know...
@Zari - yes, re: aphasia - A family member of mine had a brain injury recently and her first conscious words were German though she was raised in the US. It took a few hours before she started to speak English.
@Benny – Smokey can cross the water as Locke, but not as Smokey. Remember when he went from Hydra to the main island with Ben and did the whole shoes-off, shoes-on thing? Also, re and earlier post, you mention gods of Christianity. There is only one God in Christianity, though in three parts – Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I am pretty sure you know this, so I was confused by what you meant in your post.
@ambivalentman – I thought the same thing re: Austen-51. It was crossed off in the cave, and not on the wheel. I think she is the wildcard , maybe she stays behind with Claire, and Smokey finds he cannot leave.
@Blam – It occurs to me that in the current timeline, Keamy was (indirectly) responsible for almost killing Jin, and separating him from Sun, and this also happens in the alterna universe – Keamy kidnaps him, but then doesn’t actually kill him. I wonder if Jin will somehow be responsible for Sun getting hurt in the original timeline.
@Fred – It seems Widmore did anticipate an approach from the water – the pylons are only 30 or so feet from the shore.
@Batcabbage - I psychologically prepared myself to expect no awesomeness, so I was pleasantly surprised to enjoy the episode. There were some good bits.
From a theory perspective, I am moving further and further away from evil/good and I think we will see the electromagnetic energy as the weapon (or part of the attack) against smokey. Jacob never says he has to be killed, just that he cannot leave the island. If he is the other half of Jacob, with Jacob dead, does that mean he can actually “cease to exist”?
I really enjoyed this week's episode, although nothing can compare to "Ab Aeterno". Somehow I managed to stay awake as I had dental surgery earlier in the day, and I was still groggy from the meds.
I shouted out "I KNEW IT!" (or at least tried to) when they showed Desmond being dragged in off the sub.
Even though I love Richard with all my heart, I loved the scene where Sun goes off on him and starts ranting in Korean, and NO ONE understands her.
I totally suspected that the package was Desmond and guessed Nikki would freak out at the package :)
I loved how Sun was yelling at Richard in Korean and calling him an idiot. And Richard just looks like a deer in headlights.
I'm confused about Keamy's intentions towards Jin. Did he actually show that he had a heart? If he wasn't going to kill Jin, why would he say that some people aren't meant to be together, is this foreshadowing that Jin and Sun are not going to have a happy ending? Uh oh...It almost looked like Jin understood what Keamy was saying. Wouldn't it be neat if Jin was the one who pretended not to speak English but he actually could?
If Widmore is on Jacob's side (or at least against MIB) doesn't it strangely mean that he is on the same side as Ben??? They must have some side war thing going on...
Yes its the hair on Jack Nikki...LOL...and if I were Sun I wouldn't trust him any more than MIB given Jack's history of broken promises...
I'm surprised by Kate's trusting nature with MIB. She just seems to be blindly following him even though she is not on the list. Doesn't she realize she is expendable. Get a backbone!!!
Same goes with Claire but she is zoinked.
When Sun did her little striptease its like WHOA...I don't even know if she would do that in the real world with Jin as her husband!
Can't wait to see what has happened with Penny. If Widmore kidnapped Desmond, where was Penny? Also hope the Ben Widmore clash comes soon.
Loving the season. Missing it already as they constantly countdown the number of episodes until The End...sigh...
Under what does Zoe have to do with Widmore's team . . . she said thatWidmore should have hired a mercenary instead of a geophysicist -- like when he did when he hired Keamy and the freighter bunch . . . .
I'm also worried about next week -- Since Keamy said some people are not meant to be together and then they show a picture of Sun and Jin back together and they also flashe Lives Lost . . .
pete's sake. Joshua is right, you guys make me feel lazy on my day off.
I really liked this episode. A different kind of like from Ab Aeterno or Dr. Linus, but I really did like it.
@Nikki: unfortunately, yes I actually liked Jack this episode. But
@Jenn: The horrible, terrible jeard that came alive from time to time to eat the jears. YES! hahahahahahah!
@Joan: Rack of Blam pfshttt hahahaha
Re: Jin and Sun in LA X - I'm pretty sure they've had an ongoing relationship and that this wasn't the first time. Also, after they woke up and Sun was talking about them running away, when she asked Jin if he loved her and he said he did she said, "Good, I have to tell you something" or something to that effect, but then Keamey interrupts. I totally shouted, "She's Pregnant!"
Last night was one of those episodes where my sister and I babbled at each other during the commercials while our parents looked on in confusion. Room 23! and Sun yelling at Richard reminded me of the Mobisode with Jin on the golf course.
Smocke is SO slimy. I just cannot take him. He may tell the truth, but he certainly doesn't tell the whole truth. When he was talking to someone, he said in order for him to leave they all had to go together and I was like, he left off the "or die" part.
Then when he was talking to Sun and he says "I would never make you do something against your will." That SOUNDS great, but immediately before that they are talking about how he killed everyone at the temple. I'm sorry, but it isn't much of a choice if it's come with me or be smashed by a giant pillar of smoke.
I was also really confused as to why Locke just left Sun there after she knocked herself out. I mean, he was chasing her and then he just leaves her in the jungle? That made absolutely no sense to me.
When Keamey said to go get Mikhail I screeled (that's a cross between scream and squealed) and everyone looked at me like what is your problem. Silly people not remembering secondary characters from 3 seasons ago.
Interesting repeat of key phrases:
Locke: After that, well, what happens, happens.
Widmore: What's done is done.
And I blubbered, yes, Blubbered over the scene with Jin looking at the camera. Man, that got to me. Mom and AchingHope made fun of me, but Dad was all, it's the first time he's seen his daughter! (which was cool, cause usually he's like, good grief, it's not real. Maybe it's cause he's a Dad too?)
Was it just me or did they depart from their normal handling of subtitles. Don't they usually use them only if there is someone there that understands them? But they showed them for Sun's tirade and for Jin's conversation with Sayid. I know it would have been much less interesting without them, but I was just trying to remember.
VW: fulablu - when you have plenty of blue
And this episode was full of great lines. A couple of my favorites (though some of them have been mentioned before)
Jack: How are the tomatoes?
I don't know why, but that made me laugh.
Sawyer: No, because that'd be ridiculous.
Lapidus: Says the man that communes with the dead.
Oh Frank, how happy I am you stuck around this season.
Miles: This is your fault, isn't it?
Hurley: Kinda.
Me: *snort*
Ben: Hwhy won't you believe me?
Ilana: Because you're speaking.
hahahahahahahahahaah! Best. Line. Ever.
I'm not sure if this was mentioned yet but I think Desmond was brought to the island to kill Smokey. Farraday said that the rules don't apply to him. Maybe that means he can kill Smokey. Also, Miss Hawkins Said that is Desmond doesn't go to the island then "god help us all."
@Ali Bags - What's even more disturbing is that I sometimes find Locke/Smokey a bit sexy. I need therapy.
Ha! Me too - on both counts ;)
@Blam - Hahaha! I'll get you yet! Joan of Arkham. Heeehheee!
@Batcabbage - GO JACK! GO ON, MY SON! Looooooool!
@Virginia Katz - Sun, stop wasting pages in that note book!
Did anyone else find the "Strong Willed Tomato" talk a little...hokey?
M-O-O-N, that spells Strong Willed Tomato!
@Joan: "Don't engage the Crazy"
I think you should make this the title of your tell-all memoir... I know I would buy it ;P
@anonymous, et al.: I too was sure that Keamey said something about the Island. My head shot up, but no one else reacted, so I thought I must have misheard. Glad to know I wasn't going crazy. Or at least that I wasn't going crazy by myself.
I wanna go back and rewatch that part now.
Hey, guy's!??? This chat already was???
I guess Sun's situation might be a reason not to trust a bank! Yikes.
That was the part of the episode that bothered me. Nobody can get access to another person's account unless they are joint or a power of attorney, which the bank officer would know. She seemed very blase about it. And the bank would be required to reimburse her for the funds if they screwed up (which they obviously did.) I could see someone working for Paik on the inside helping with fraud, but not some random CSR at the branch she happened to go to. That's a really serious breach of security.
@The Question Mark said...
When Sun hit her head and stopped speaking English, did anyone else think for a second that her consciousness had been replaced with that of Sideways-Sun?
That was my initial reaction as well. Especially when her looks of confusion continued!
yay for Desmond being back, but I agree that I wish he came back in a more dignified fashion than having his jerk-off father-in-law drugging and dragging him back!
A little note of disappointment with Desmond being the Package... that means it wasn't Walt, which I fear means that we will never see him again! *jear*
The declaration of source of funds for negotiable items is part of anti-money laundering, but the declaration is part of the customs form. A form Jin would have had to fill out before he landed in the US.
He would also have to declare that watch as a gift to be left in the US.
Wouldn't the customs forms on a flight from Korea be offered in Korean? Maybe not; I've never flown from there.
I left out a couple of important highlights:
Jin looking at the camera -- I had tears in my eyes
Jin being removed from MIB's camp -- I've been afraid for him while he's been there.
@JS - Smokey can cross the water as Locke, but not as Smokey. Remember when he went from Hydra to the main island with Ben and did the whole shoes-off, shoes-on thing?
But Frank and Sun heard Smokey noises on the main island and then met Christian. So, how did Smokey get back to Hydra and become Flocke? Either there are two entities or Smokey became Flocke and then swam back to Hydra to appear on the beach.
? for anyone who remembers. When did Flocke change from his burial suit to the old Locke garb?
I realized this morning that I am probably over-thinking the six candidates issue. When Jacob went to Ilana she was recovering from serious injuries that we see no sign of when she hooks up with Sayid at the bar. Jacob likely included Locke in his six, because Locke wasn't dead at the time (maybe). So perhaps Ilana and Flocke are including both Kwons in the number because they are each unsure which Kwon is a candidate.
@ Fred - I was dreading the outrigger chase because if the Losties at the beach were the pursuers, that probably meant that Miles would no longer be around because he's the only one of that group who was in the lead boat and he would know what was happening. I also dreaded Frank being shot by Juliet. Now I'm thinking (hoping) that the pursuers will be LL and the baby goons.
From Benny
@Loretta: Hmmmm, I can't say I don't see it. Two weeks ago I would have said Liz Lemmon over Lorraine Bracco, this week I dunno.
Regardless, to me she'll always be Debbie Hunt!
Yes! Debbie Hunt!!
"Come to where the flavor is. Come to Debbie country!"
Love that movie!!
I have this fear that Locke is gathering all the candidates so that he can try to kill them. Especially since the conversation between Jacob and MIB last week, where Jacob said if MIB killed him someone else would take his place and MIB said he would kill them too, if that's what he had to do to leave.
I also thought Keamy said something about the island.
I think Liz Lemon looks like Courtney Cox in disguise.
I tried posting this earlier and something happened, so I apologize in advance if this appears twice.
When NotLocke says to Sayid, "Maybe that's best, Sayid. It'll help you get throught what's coming." Does he mean the impending war? Or does he mean his impending death? I can't help but think that Sayid is done for. So sad.
Widmore's team obviously doesn't want to kill anyone from NotLocke's group. They must need them all later. Plus, I guess Widmore knows about the "rules." I wish WE knew more about the rules.
NotLocke's shirt has "healed". Or he has found a new gray t-shirt that is better at hiding his "man boobs." Too bad everyone else is still wearing the same filthy clothing. And what's in that effing backpack already?
When Sun knocked herself out on that tree, my son said, "And THAT'S why you never look back when you're running away from someone." HA :)
When Sun looked at herself in the mirror, I thought she was going to see a "mark" on her forhead from running into the tree on island, ala Jack.
I really loved Ben when he was trying to help Sun. I "heart" Ben. And it made me wonder to my son later about Sun and her absolute hatred for Ben. How she was going to kill him the night before the Ajira flight. She has been hanging out with him now for a few days and nothing. Perhaps she's seeing that there is a bigger picture and Ben was not the one pulling the strings. Plus...she knows that Jin is actually alive now, so that hatred has subsided, or shifted.
Sayid has really become NotLocke's right-hand-man. His co-evil go-to man. He obviously doesn't really trust James, because he's got his wits about him and NotLocke knows he must have his own agenda. He treats Claire like a child. When he says, in essence, that "once Kate helps me get those three others on the plane, then whatever happens, happens," I think he is leading Claire back on the "have something to hate wagon." Giving her hope that she will eventually be able to exact her revenge on Kate.
I'm still struggling with who Smokey needs. He mentions that he is three people shy of getting off this island. It must be Jack, Sun and Hurley. But who are still considered candidates in his camp? Is he just lying to Claire about Kate not being a candidate to help her feel better? Who are HIS three? Is Sayid a candidate as long as he is still sorta alive? Jin?
There are sure an awful lot of pylons to fit in that itty bitty sub. Just sayin...
I love Richard's look of annoyance when he asks the collective group of Sun, "Why isn't she speaking English?"
Why couldn't Mr. Paik just take care of Jin in Korea? I guess he needed Keamy to do his dirty work, and he obviously owed him for something else. What, I wonder?
And Keamy to Omar..."Go pick up the Arab guy." Omar's all YO, "I'm an Arab." Keamy..."Just go pick him up." HAHAHAHAHA. Also, I am getting the sneaky suspicion that Jin can understand everything that Keamy is saying to him. He's playing it close to his vest, like Sun did when 815 crashed, but I'm almost sure of it after re-watching. Struggling with the part where he talks to Jin and you almost hear the word "island." But I don't think that's it. He says, "just in case you figure out what's about to happen to you, I can't have you freaking out." And Sayid just barely helps Jin out in the refrigerator. Man, he really is headed down the dark path. And I can't figure out whose bullet takes out Sun. Is it Jin's or Mikhail's? I have a very uneasey feeling about on island Jin and Sun and any eventual reunion.
I really loved the Sun and Jack scene by the campfire. I was so laughing when Sun wrote "Sorry" and Jack just smiles and says, "Don't worry about it...you're not the first person to tell me to leave them alone." Don't worry Jack, I'll always have your back, and take your hand when offered.
Great line by James: "I am worried, I'm just really good at pretending I aint." I'm worried too...and not just for Sayid anymore.
@SoneshineMusic: I too am glad that Lapidus is still around. And it looks like he found a brush and took care of that wild hair-do he was sporting for a while.
@JS: Smokey crossing the water...
Then how do you explain the smoke monster on the main island when Sun and frank arrive at the dock but the next morning he's on Hydra island? Then obviously the following night he's on the main island having arrive by outrigger with Ben.
I was trying to remember that line all evening before posting!
Wow... yes, finally!
Great movie indeed, Top Crowe for me.
@Ambivalentman: when Locke says Claire's and Kate's names are not not on the wall, I certainly assume he means they were scratched. Littleton appears on the cave wall scratched. The interview you cite also has CC say Austen in the cave was scratched.
@Blam: No we didn't... that's why Canada matters in the Lost universe, we get to know more, as in what Sun wrote.
@Superbad: We'll find out next week since it's the Desmond episode featuring some of our most beloved characters (not telling who).
@Sonshine: They also use it when the focus is on those characters. They did it in the first seasons' Sun/Jin episodes and in Ji Yeon. The only question would indeed be why do it for Sun on the beach.
@sedated ape: Two different laws. One relates to gambling and laundering as you said and is an internal issue. The other is an import issue (not dissimilar to capital flight) and is done at customs, it applies to both returning residents and foreign travelers.
@redeem: The forms are giving on the arriving flight, in which case this was Oceanic and would have been in English. And I think they are domestic forms, i which case for the US they would have been English/Spanish.
@Chris N: While the smoke-monster acts as much as Lucifer, there is no obvious God side. There is a strong presence of Abrahamic mythology and imagery, but there is a strong influence from other mythologies as well, so I think if we're looking for characters, we have to look further back.
@JS: Yes indeed. It was meant as different sects/factions (?) of basic Christian faiths. The different personalities of the God representation makes it as different Gods altogether.
Ambivalentman said...
3. I wasn't expecting that Smokey needed the candidates alive so he could leave the Island. And since he can't make anyone go against his/her will, what will he do if he is successful at defeating Widmore and someone says "Hell no, we won't go!"?
I don't think he needs all the candidate alive. I think about when Jacob was talking about how when people come to the island that they get a fresh start and as long as they don't fall off the "good" path they are still a candidate and he only needs one to stay on that path. I think Smokey is just trying to "knock off" the candidates from the good path -- they don't need to be dead just "tainted" by evil.
@Batcabbage: this time by Sun becoming Nick Andros, and writing down her conversation.
D'oh! I REALLY need to catch these Stand allusions. I keep missing them. Great point.
@Ali Bags Why does Locke need all the candidates with him so he can leave the island? Is he planning on killing them all? And if so why can't he do it one by one? Does he need them to leave with him?
My guess is, since Jacob is dead, one of them has already, technically replaced him. It's just that no one, including FLocke and the candidates, knows which one. So FLocke probably can't leave until the new Jacob is dead too, and since he doesn't know who it is, he wants to kill or corrupt all of them. And that's easier to do if they're all in one spot.
@Joan M-O-O-N, that spells Strong Willed Tomato!
There you go again, Joan. M-O-O-N, that spells Joan Cracks Me Up!
@Lisa(until further notice): Plus...she knows that Jin is actually alive now, so that hatred has subsided, or shifted.
That's been my take on it as well. Once she learned Jin was alive and Ben didn't kill him, she no longer felt compelled to kill him. Hwhack him with an oar, maybe, but not kill him.
I'm curious how long Sun's language problem is going to persist. It's interesting that, as this season keeps referring back to season one, we once again have one Kwon who can speak English and another who can't, only in reverse. It makes me think Sun might be Enlglishless for while, at least up to reuniting with Jin.
Cloe said...
@Anonymous and @ Jenn
Hey, did anyone else catch Keamy saying something about the island when he was talking to Jin, while tying him up? It was quick, but I'm positive he said something strange about finding out what happened to that island (?)
Well that makes 3 of us who heard Keamy say something about the island and I thought I heard something to the effect of: "we wouldn't want you to find out what's about to happen to the island"
So I'm going to rewatch it to make sure now...I will let you know...
Count me in too -- I know others have commented on it not being "island" but I watched it twice, albeit at a low volume. I will rewatch too!
hello y'all...I rewatched and it definately sounded like Keamy said to Jin "gonna strap you in here just incase you forgot what's about to happen to the island, can't have you freaking out"
I listened over a few times and that's what I hear...
Anybody notice that F Locke was basically giving Claire carte blanche to kill Kate once his plans were done?
@Kiki & Benny, re: Debbie Hunt -- me too! I keep expecting her to show up in spandex and a biking helmet. Which would look great with the rifle slung over her shoulder.
Widmore: "This is not what we discussed; we had a timetable."
Debbie: "No biggie."
@Mike - Anybody notice that F Locke was basically giving Claire carte blanche to kill Kate once his plans were done?
Yeah, I had the same thought. I wonder though, if Flocke isn't lying to Claire as a way to appease her and control her.
If Smokey needs all 6 candidates in order to be able to leave the island, and Ben was desperately trying to get all 6 to return to the island on the Ajira flight...does that mean that Ben was working for the MIB, not Jacob?
I watched the show kind of late last night. Then, while I was trying to fall asleep, wild Lost theories racing through my brain, a thought came to me...
The fact that Sun suddenly can't speak English, together with them saying something like "the two worlds merge" in the previews for next week (am I crazy, or did I hear this?)...is this the first sign that this is about to happen? That the two realities are about to merge into one?
I know, psychotic ramblings. You should probably just ignore me.
One of the last thoughts I had watching the episode...would Charles Widmore REALLY hire such bumbling dorks as "Liz Lemon" and that babyfaced guy to do such important work for him? REALLY??
Desmond Desmond Desmond!
And Mikhail! Don't hate me, but the Other I'd really love to see again is Tom.
For a powerful magnate, Widmore is sure bad at staffing. First the freighter with Keamy, now he sends a physicist in for guerilla warfare? Didn't he learn anything with the Daniel disaster?
How did Widmore know about the war coming? He couldn't find the island, but he knew what was going on. How?
Haven't read the other comments yet, so maybe these questions have been answered already.
Oh -- something I forgot. Sun in the sideways reality is quite different from the Sun we know, much more of a bad girl. And Mr. Paik is even worse than he was originally -- he sends Jin to pay his own assassin, while taking Sun's money to keep her under his thumb.
@Blam: ...more fodder for my theory that the alternate timeline "predates" what we've seen on the series' main narrative rather than results from it...
You might be right about that – you’ve been right about lots so far. But, the network description for the LA X episodes is: “The aftermath from the detonation of the hydrogen bomb is revealed.”
But, “right-or-wrong”, Blam – you have absolutely the best word verfs! Kudos!!!
Word Verf: wingsp : Daedalus’ first prototype -- didn’t quite measure up.
Sorry, I haven't read any comments yet, but I tried to this last week and it never appeared???
Has anyone else noticed (and I apologize if it has been discussed) how often Flocke offers his had to people?? He did it again with Sun this week with Sun. So far I have not seen anyone take it. I am afraid that touching that hand will make the person a recruit. So far Kate and Sun and I think Sawyer have failed to take that hand, although Sawyer was touched by Flocke when he nearly fell off the rope ladder.
Liz Lemon? No way! She is Velma Dinkley all the way.
I, too, heard the word "island" in Keamy's mumblings, and immediately replayed the scene to verify. However, after a couple of re-winds, I realized he didn't actually say "island".
Not sure exactly WHAT he was saying...it's too mumbly. Just know it wasnt' about the island.
Okay, I don't know HOW many times I've typed in the "word verification" EXACTLY the way it's spelled, but then gotten an error message anyway! Every other time I try to post this happens! And I KNOW I'm typing it right!
Does this happen to you guys too?
This time it's "ukstsid". Not even gonna TRY to define that one. (Watch it not work!)
@Donna S. Does this happen to you guys too?
Usually, yeah. Not sure if it's blogger or my comp. Probably the later.
asiancolossus said: "I'm confused about Keamy's intentions towards Jin. Did he actually show that he had a heart?"
I don't think Keamy was being soft-hearted AT ALL! I think his words were meant in a really evil-sarcastic way.
Yes, Donna, that happened last night and this morning every time I tried to post. I think Blogger’s the problem today.
Word Verf: fledini : Houdini’s cowardly brother who escaped by running away.
Sonshine/Rebecca said: "I was also really confused as to why Locke just left Sun there after she knocked herself out. I mean, he was chasing her and then he just leaves her in the jungle? That made absolutely no sense to me."
Hey, I wondered about that, too! (And then promptly forgot about it, lol!) Locke just "disappeared" after that.
@BATCABBAGE: Great call with the Sun/Nick Andros parallel! It got me thinking: in the book, Nadine Cross willingly becomes a follower of Randall Flagg, and then (STAND SPOILER ALERT!) realizes just how bad he is and kills herself.
I wonder if any of Un-Locke's follower's are gonna fo that. if so, my money's on Sayid :(
VW: imech- the sequel to I, Robot
Nikki, I seem to remember promising you Desmond in a box as a present for the anniversary of this blog last year! Guess the writers were reading and took note.
This year I think I'll get you tickets to the Sun / Shannon bikini face off.
Hello? Writers? Anyone?
Nikki, I seem to remember promising you Desmond in a box as a present for the anniversary of this blog last year! Guess the writers were reading and took note.
This year I think I'll get you tickets to the Sun / Shannon bikini face off.
Hello? Writers? Anyone?
Donna S - "That the two realities are about to merge into one?"
For some reason my mind keeps going back to the cloned bunnies. Keep thinking that instead of an alternate universe it's the same universe only with the real characters on the island and the clones are off island.
I know there are so many holes in this theory but it keeps coming back to me.
oops. double post.
that joke is only really funny once.
must be tough to be the episode after last week's Richard centric but I enjoyed this one...Island and Sideways..
nice to see Michail again...one thing I really am enjoyed this year is seeing these little "curtain calls"...
Ok ...first up...betting Ethan and Juliet will be showing up to aid Sun...which had better work show...
DESMOND.....YAY....and I must say Sayid...touch one hair..and I sincerely hope Des throws you into the nearest sonic fence.
All through this season I've been leaning towards Jacob and away from Flocke...and I've seen nothing in this episode to change that. Watching him work everybody against the middle and basically just write Sayid off with that "well better you don't feel" ...there is no way I can be convinced that he's a "good" force.
Nikki...just want to say..I've been here for a couple of weeks but I like this blog alot..very positive Lost site..
LGV: "For some reason my mind keeps going back to the cloned bunnies. Keep thinking that instead of an alternate universe it's the same universe only with the real characters on the island and the clones are off island.
I know there are so many holes in this theory but it keeps coming back to me."
I don't know how much this theory holds up with the island being revealed as under water in the AU.
My personal belief is that the AU is that the "wine bottle" smashed and smokey is now unleashed on the world - good or bad, we don't know yet.
@LT McDi- I totally agree about Juliet coming to save Sun and her baby... I can't wait to see her!
But Juliet's on "V". Could she possibly spare the time??
New to posing, but have watched from the beginning and read all Nikki's books.
At first I found the side-ways, or AU to be irrelevant - because it wasn't "how it would have been if the plane had not crashed"... way different. But then I got to thinking that maybe *THIS* is the universe where Jacob has not touched anyone!
Seems that in the AU most of our characters have better lives - Sawyer is a cop, Jack has a son etc... so I'm thinking that in the AU, Jacob didn't touch them, and therefore their lives turn out better.... I think that evil followed the people Jacob touched or chose.
Would somebody please comment on my theory?
Regarding the question of which Kwon is a candidate, while Sun staring into the mirror offers compelling evidence of her being the one, I'm still holding out that they come as a "package" deal. I think the writers are misleading us to believe it's one or the other. I think they count as "one" candidate mind you. Possibly Jacob trying to think outside the box.
Re: AU=no touch from Jacob
This is one of the theories floating around LOST Fandom... questions arise due to timing of Jacob's touches.
For example: sure Sawyer's life and Kate's life would be more different if Jacob had never touched them, but that was in 1976 and ?1988?... But then you have to look at Jacob's touching of Jack (mid to late 90s), Sayid (2005), and Hurley (2007); their lives in the FS timeline are different in ways that would have had to have been different prior to those touches. Unless if Jacob touched them previously and we just haven't seen it.
@LJV: One whole being the island sunk, another being that everyone believed them to be gone and celebrated the O6 return. Would not have happened if they had been clones.
@Anonymous: As Jessica points out, that's a popular theory among lost blogs/sites. It holds only to the extent that you believe Jacob had touched some of our characters at an earlier time than we've seen. It remains a possibility.
As to why Jacob did not touch them, my personal belief would be that MiB has ceased to exist (over all times) - and maybe Jacob too (?) - and therefore there is no need for recruitment.
Smokey moving over the water
If smokey cannot move across the water, then does that put a hole in the Christian being smokey theory? Christian appeared to Michael on the freighter just as it exploded.
Furthermore, we know that Ben was telling Michael what to do, so what's the importance of Christian's appearance to Michael at that instant?
Yes, Jack is completely HOT in this episode, this season, this everything!
Re: Christian's other kid, Claire, she is totally crazy and annoying. It seems that Jack has gained confidance and Claire has a screw loose. What a switch! Jack has finally realized how important and what a natural leader he is. I think smashing that mirror and meditating on the mountainside must have jogged something in his brain to realize "hey, I am important!"
Claire has become trivial and annoying. I still do not get why she is blaming everyone for her abandoning her child in the jungle. Why won't Sawyer, Kate or non-Locke say that to her? Maybe when they catch up with Hurley, he will gently remind her.
@Zari: But, “right-or-wrong”, Blam – you have absolutely the best word verfs! Kudos!!!
Thanks, Zari! Yes, I just did an ego-check. At 150+ comments behind, it's perfectly natural.
VW: eysorst — The hands-down ugliest abandoned building in town.
@ Donna S: The twist is that V IS Juliet's sideways flash!
@ Scott: I defintiely think it signficant that Jacob touched them both and proclaimed that their love for each other was special. Love involves two, not just one. A bit different from the other characters' defining traits he augmented by his appearences
@ Benny: Could still be the whole vision versus physical presence thing, but that's a good point. If anything I would say it's a glitch that needs to be accounted for vs. the other way 'round. Not that we've had definitive proof non-suited Christian WAS Smokey... but it sure darn feels right and stacks up with everything else we've seen.
Also, I just got my 6.10 blog entry up, all - so please check it out and let me know what you think:
Here's an excerpt to add to the discussion here:
Widmore’s Mission:
Now that we know he’s clearly not on the MIB’s side, I say that whatever he’s up to, be the consequences good or bad, he’s out for himself. He’s always wanted ownership of the Island, and he’s still out to get it. But clearly, arrival and annihilation of his adversaries isn’t enough. With his sound barrier pylons, his subliminal Room 23, and his geo-physicist, he’s taken over the scientific reins from the Dharma Initiative, and is out to do SOMETHING with the Island’s Electromagnetic Pocket’s and his Electromagnetically-zapped time-hero son-in-law, Desmond.
I’m uncertain what his goal is, but I’m guessing it’s to fix some of the consequences of that aforementioned failsafe key turn. If “blowing the dam” reset the Island to the same “leaking” status it was at when the Dharma Initiative’s Incident went down, then it stands to reason Widmore needs to make a few repairs to the Island he wants to claim. So, perhaps he is technically on the side of “good” (A phrase which here means “desiring to prevent the collapse of space-time as we know it”), but if he’s the same Widmore who sent a team of mercenaries to the Island to kidnap Ben and kill everyone on it (and he is) then chances are he’s doing all this to satiate his own lust for power. I guess someone ought to tell him there’s an Infected bad-ass treading water near his dock…
I don't know if someone said this already but,
Isn't it interesting that Ben needed "everyone" to go back to the island, even dead John Locke, and non-John Locke needs all the candidates to leave the island?
Does Ben know more than what he has already revealed? He could be having another "Henry Gale" moment?
More fun with the numbers...not only was Jin on the 8th floor, but he was in room 842.
In this episode Jack and Smokey both extended their hands to Sun, and Smokey has done that to Kate and possibly Sawyer in past episodes.
Is it a parallel to Jacob's touch, or more of a sign of trust from the other person to Jack/Smokey?
"Donna S. said...
If Smokey needs all 6 candidates in order to be able to leave the island, and Ben was desperately trying to get all 6 to return to the island on the Ajira flight...does that mean that Ben was working for the MIB, not Jacob?"
Sorry Donna S, I just read these comments. Totally agree with you! He is working for someone, maybe Jacob, maybe MIB, maybe Widmore? Could be!
wv: pleest. "Pleest give me more Jack on LOST!"
Anonymous said, " This was a good episode and I guess Smokey and Widmore aren't on the same "side" so are there 3 sides in this game? "
That would really be ultimate groundbreaking television if there were 3 sides to this epic story. Isn't that what we have always heard? Three sides to any story, my side, your side and the truth. WOW!
maybe taking Locke's extended hand allows him to "claim" you...
Sawyer's actively plotting against Locke while Sayid his completely his (at least at this point)
@ Donna & CBP68: I'm still curious about the need to bring all of the Oceanic 6 back at once, too. I mean, from what it seems "scientifically," if Mrs. Hawking had the right flight, and the flight was destined to pass over the Island's current location, then why wouldn't it spaz out and go down no matter WHO was present on it? The whole NEED to bring back Locke's body and give him something of Christian's all sounds fishy to me too: it seems to have more to do with the MIB's need to transfer from Christian to Locke than the 06's ability to return. That said, then it wouldn't necessarily be Ben that had this agenda, but Mrs. Hawking who gave him and Jack her instructions... I doubt that she of people would want to UNCORK the Island, but perhaps the MIB duped her into thinking it was the only way to save Daniel...
@Donna and Sonshine/Rebecca regarding Locke leaving Sun unconscious.
I think this is just part of Locke and Jacob making everything a 'choice' for the candidates. Sun says no, so Smokey can't just drag her away. I think that's also part of why Smokey basically makes the official declaration of war on Hydra with Widmore. I think Widmore is interfering in Smokey's game with Jacob by breaking or 'not playing by' the rules. We've heard Ben say the exact same thing about Widmore killing his daughter.
I think that Jacob and Smokey agree that the players in this game must make a choice to join one side or the other(even if that choice is manipulated in some way, read Richard and Ben). On the other hand, we have Widmore returning to the island, after he was banned, possibly because Jacob is dead. And then cheating in a game that he isn't a part of...
So basically, I think Widmore is playing for his own team.
Late to the party this week due to a business trip - missed the episode last night AND the Globe chat. So much to catch up on! Great comments as always and excellent recap, Nik.
"Magical Island Sperm™" - bwahahahahaha! Oh, you slay me, Ms. Stafford. *wipes eyes*
"So ... is Jin the tomato?" Lettuce hope so. Actually, all I could think of when you said that was the old ginsu knife commercial where the guy says "but, this does not always work ... with a TOMATO!
Really loved this episode. Jin and Sun are each such wonderful characters ... and so well portrayed by these actors. Yet, they have been given so little to do this year. I was really happy to see them given some strong material to work with here.
So.... what role is Desmond to play in this "war"? If Zoe is searching for the electromagnetic hot spots (and needs Jin's help, since he apparently signed off on the grids he was searching back in Dharma Days) ... does Desmond's previous exposure to this energy make him essential to engage it once again? Is MIB's connection to the energy his Achilles heel? And, what about the volcano? I've been waiting for this season's storyline to engage the long-awaited volcano plot with nary a sign.
Nitpicks, though - loved this episode!
A funny moment for me was when Sawyer says to Locke "Why don't you fly your smokey ass over to the other island?" or something to that effect. :)
Also, I've browsed a lot of these comments and I didn't see this anyway (could have missed it)...did anyone else think that it's Jin who can speak English in the side world and not Sun? He says thank you to Keamey when Keamey tells him he was going to kill him (but seems he won't now). I think this is going to be an interesting twist that will come up again.
Overall, I felt some of the stuff in this episode was predictable and for me, I feel like things are dragging a bit. And I HATE THAT because I LOVE this show!! Wasn't shocked about Desmond at the end either...not sure why.
As always, Nikki, awesome-beyond-words recap!
Loved seeing the backstory on MIkhail's eyepatch!! Him speaking Korean made got me to wondering about Charlotte and if we're going to find out why she speaks Korean. Is she somehow part of the Paik organization? Is she this daughter of Widmore's that he referenced? Are Paik and Keamy and Widmore all tied together somehow?
All of you discussing when Sun got pregnant/whether or not Jin is the father is very interesting. I also really got the feeling this was not their first romantic encounter - the way Jin was SO emphatic that they have two rooms, the way Sun teasingly taunted him about the 'button up' command on the plane. They just seemed to be hiding their affair.
Keamy did seem to be a little less mercenary than he was on the island - it just didn't seem like he tried hard enuf to brutalize Jin! And that piece of duct tape was barely long enuf to go around both Jin's wrists! And why would Keamy leave a boxcutter on the shelf? Not saying he's not still a total waste of space!
@MIKE & JOANCRAWFORD - I knew Locke and Claire were up to no good - totally creepy when Locke insinuated that he'd use Kate then whatever happened would happen.
Jack telling Sun it had been 100 years since they were in her garden - cool.
@BATCABBAGE - 'LOST is shades of grey' - yeah! I know it's been said before but the way you put it just really made me say 'yeah'!
@LISA - OMG - I loved the interchange between Omar and Keamy too! Even thugs demand political correctness.
Either there are two entities or Smokey became Flocke and then swam back to Hydra to appear on the beach.
That's what I wondered last week, when we heard the Smoke Monster outside as Isabella talked to Richard in the Black Rock (if she was Smokey then.)
Couple of notes:
Do we know for sure that Desmond is the package that Widmore refers to? DO we all just assume this because we see Desmond at the end of the episode? Why would Widmore make a big deal about showing Jin the package and it only being Desmond? Just seems that it could be a typical mis-lead and that maybe we haven't really seen what is behind the locked door yet. There certainly is enough history with Desmond and Widmore that Desmond being on the sub is for another reason. I don't think Widmore would really need the dramatics of an guarded, locked door and going around calling him "the package" to have Desmond drugged and on the sub as well.
Also, I think the fact that that smokey is tethered to the island and can't even travel short distances (like to Hydra Island) over water will be significant. How I don't know, but I think it will be something that will be revealed later.
One last point and despite what I read on this blog, I wish Keamey and his giant chiclets would just die already.
@Martin Lawrie: The only reasons to believe Desmond is the package are:
1. The title of the episode it The Package and we had yet to see it; and,
2. The previous segment had Widmore tell Zoe to get the package from the sub and take it to the infirmary, with Widmore telling Jin the package is "not a what, but a who". Next thing we know, Zoe is getting Desmond off the sub.
I say (2) is strong enough on its own with (1) being a clincher.
Nikki, I can't explain it either, but out of nowhere, last night's episode left me with one overarching thought: Jack is hot. He is hot and sexy and I want him. Gah. Who knew.
I’m waaaaay behind on reading comments, but I’ll just plug along here. @latelylost: About 24 hours ago you posted a comment that this episode had a “very S1/S2 feel to it.” And it reminded me of a thing I noticed that kind of took me by surprise. Jack was once again the Island doctor, tending to Sun after she got bonked on the head. It seems a very long time since he was occupied with the practice of medicine, and it was good to see that again. I remember before S6 started, Damon and Carlton promised us that this final season would feel very similar to S1, and they were right. And I also think that was a brilliant move on their part, because having that sense of the familiar is comforting to fans who are already tensing up, beginning the grieving process early for their favorite show that will soon be over.
Reflecting back on the last episode, both Richard and Sun aspired for the New world, and each learnt English. At the end of these 2 episodes, they have returned to thier first language from childhood: Richard to Spanish, and Sun to Korean. What Sun learns in the Side-world is that the New World is a dangerous place; Richard never arrives in the New World, but being enslaved surely indicates the New World is not all it's cracked up to be. In each episode a promise is made. Jack promises to get Jin back for Sun if she will join the group again. Richard communes with Isabella through Hurley, and joins the group again. But is this a safe bet. Jack hasn't got a very good track record of fulfilling promises with any near success. We all know what happened with Juliet. And in both episodes, MiB comes to Richard and Sun when they are at their lowest, and most miserable. We trust his plan, whatever that is, is being put into action. But in each case, MiB cannot convince either Richard nor Sun to join him. Finally, each episode has some symbolic image which conveys more than it seems to say: the bottle of wine with a cork; the solitary tomato growing in the wild garden. One is a symbol of the entrapped evil, the other a symbol of enduring love.
@ JS:, Lisa (UFN), et al: @Anonymous - did anyone else catch Keamy saying something about the island when he was talking to Jin, while tying him up?
Yeah, he actually says:
"Omars loyal but he lacks attention to detail. You don't really understand a word i'm saying to you right now do ya, nothin. Allright. Hold still, ok."
"I'm gonna strap you here. Just in case you figure out what's about to happen to you, I can't have ya freakin out".
Since I did not catch it the first time, I have gone back and listened to this about 12 times now, and that is NOT what he says! It really, really sounds like "just in case you figure out what's about to happen to the island, I can't have you freakin' out. No way, nohow does he say "what's about to happen to you.
I have an excellent sound system, and I don't hear it any other way. (I have turned it up, I have turned it down, I have even tried to turn it sideways, and it still comes out the same...) He says it really fast and he is mumbling, and it is not necessarily easy to catch.
I absolutely agree that it makes no sense to have the island referenced by Keamy, and in this context, but I believe it is there, nonetheless.
@ Martin Lawrie: One last point and despite what I read on this blog, I wish Keamey and his giant chiclets would just die already.
Giant chiclets!!!! LOL...I am totally with you on this one. I have been wanting him to die (for good, please!) since we met him.
WV: bearesse - One of the female polar bears.
@ Rainer: Are there two versions of this episode floating around!? I've seen reports all over the web now swearing up and down he says "happen to the Island," but I watched the episode twice before even coming online to talk about it and heard "happen to ya" very distinctly, clearly, and without even giving it a second thought. I've now gone back to listen again and still don't quite understand what people are hearing. The words "ya" and "Island" are very different! I doubt so many people would have the same mis-hearing without warrant... so why the discrepancy I wonder!
@Rainier - I checked out some other forums looking for the answer to this and some people say he said "In case you figure out what is going to happen to the Arab" -meaning Sayid but it is kinda garbled and could sound like "the island" coming from Keamy's weird mouth. I only saw it once - so this is second hand but you can go to the Lostpedia forum to see what others are saying.
I think Jack is getting hotter or is just more hot now that he's not irritating.
@Sagacious Penguin said... I guess someone ought to tell him there’s an Infected bad-ass treading water near his dock…
Love it!Let's just hope Sayid's infection hasn't eliminated his totally rockin bad-assness!
@Sagacious Penguin & @ Rainer, @Joan Crawford said...
@Rainier - I checked out some other forums looking for the answer to this and some people say he said "In case you figure out what is going to happen to the Arab"
I haven't rewatched the episode but that is what I thought I had heard while watching it. It seemed like Keamy was teasing Jin and then he duct taped his mouth because he didn't want him to interfere with what was going to be happening with Sayid.
First time I'm gonna try this...
VW: mumstrat: the world's most quiet guitar
Rainer said -- I absolutely agree that it makes no sense to have the island referenced by Keamy, and in this context, but I believe it is there, nonetheless.
I hear it too but when I listened to it several times I think he might have just stumbled over the I. If you say I and together quickly you get that "island" effect. If the directors intent was to have it sound like island and the actor pulled it off he deserves great kudos! Because it is causing a big buzz.
And I kinda like Keamy -- he is that villain you love to hate. He makes it easy to do! But he does pull me into the story.
@Fred: An add to your thoughts: MIB had managed to convince Richard. It was Hurley's timely interception of Richard that prevented him from joining Locke. After over 100 years, Richard was finally accepting MIB's offer, he had gone further down than Sun. Had Isabella not told Hurley to find Richard, and had Hurley not found him, Locke was right there to take his hand.
@Rainier: Rewatched scenes with closed caption (script based) and it is "what happens to you"
For Canadian viewers, Space has its broadcast tonight at 10:00 ET/PT, we can all look at it and comment again.
@Joan: That could very well make more sense too. Let see if that's what space CCs.
Did anyone else notice that there was purple everywhere in the episode?
Was this an homage to "The Color Purple"?
Foreshadowing Desmond's return? He did turn the sky purple once!!!
Geronimo Jack's Beard (Jorge's podcast) just posted an update on facebook saying that Keamy DOES NOT mention the island. Here's whta they say - Keamy did NOT say "your island" while tying Jin up in "The Package". The script says "Because if you figure out what's about to happen to you, I can't have you freaking out"
"So ... is Jin the tomato?" Lettuce hope so."
AHHHahahahahaha!! I LOL'd at this!
@Marebabe - thanks for articulating that so well. Jack is back to his old self. I think the fact that they were at Lostie beach helps invoke the S1 vibe as well.
@redeem (quoting me) - That's what I wondered last week, when we heard the Smoke Monster outside as Isabella talked to Richard in the Black Rock (if she was Smokey then.)
I am thinking about this way too much, probably, but I do have another theory brewing.
Frank and Sun went to the main island, heard Smokey and encountered Christian. Back on Hydra, Ilana discovers a man who tells her his name is John Locke. He remembers dying - specifically he remembers Ben killing him. He sits by Ben's bed, where Ben is recovering from Sun's oar-clocking. Later, they talk in Ben's office on Hydra. Ben kills Cesar, etc. etc. Locke and Ben take a boat to the main island, and on the dock there's an obvious moment with the shoes.
Ben goes to Otherville and meets Frank and Sun, but Locke isn't with him. Locke emerges from the jungle. Could it be that Locke didn't become Flocke until he went off into the jungle?
Unfortunately, this still doesn't answer what did, as you point out, seem to be two manifestations of Smokey with Isabella in the ship and the tikka tikka noise outside.
We've seen Smokey separate into tendrils, most noticeably when a bit of him encircled Montand's arm, so maybe Isabella was a tendril?
There has to be some reason that Radzinsky labeled areas as Cerberus Vents, and we did see Smokey with three heads in the carving in the chamber where Ben was judged. So maybe Smokey can be in two places at once.
Adding to the confusion is the Ajira passengers. Were they still alive when Frank returned to Hydra? I honestly don't think Ilana and Bram killed them, so unless Widmore's team is responsible, then Smokey killed them. How did Smokey get back to Hydra to do the deed? I suppose the simple answer is that he rowed the outrigger back to Hydra and then returned to the main island.
The shoes and crossing water are sticking points in the theory, though. I was also unsure when Locke changed clothes, but he still had his suit on - minus jacket - when he went into the statue.
There were no pylons on Hydra under either Dharma or the Others (that we know of). How did Widmore know he was going to need them on Hydra?
Isn't part of some vampire legends that they cannot cross running water? I find that funny in light of Hurley asking Richard if he was a vampire.
This post brought to you by rambling, half-baked, cockamamie notions.
@latelylost: this still doesn't explain Christian appearing to Michael on the freighter though.
-As for Locke being 'taken over' on the main island, Ilana and Bram take his body in the Ajira crate on Hydra. So from your theory, his body needed to come back somehow.
-In terms of clothing, Locke is back in his traditional clothing before entering the statue. When the group arrives and meets with Richard, Locke is wearing his collared shirt, right after the title screen, Locke is talking to Sun and is now wearing his greenish-beige tee (Follow the Leader)
Pylons: Widmore was once part of the Others, and the question is how did they know the plane was going to land there. Given that, it's foreseeable that they thought MIB/Smokey would want that plane, therefore bringing protection.
I'm guessing Smokey can't touch water, must use the outrigger to get to Hydra, and is allowed to go to Hydra Island only because it is, in fact, a part of The Island proper. Otherwise, he would be able to take a boat...Desmond's for example, anywhere off the island. As for his appearances in different places @ the same time, I wondered back a while ago if there were other "little smokies" that can assist him. HA. All this talk, and in reality, none of us really have a clue. Fun, though, isn't it?
@ashlie...thanks for that GJBeard post. I had read it too on facebook, but couldn't get over here to post it myself in time. All this proves just how whacked out all us fans get at times trying to glean anything out of nothing.
@Benny: this still doesn't explain Christian appearing to Michael on the freighter though.
Perhaps that Christian is the same as the one who appears to Jack off the island (and in White Rabbit)? A manifestation of the island/legitimate ghost?
Of course, there's a possible discrepancy in that in non-freighter, non-telling-Locke-what-to-do appearances Christian don't speak and he does speak to Michael. But just because he doesn't speak to Jack doesn't necessarily mean he can't, I suppose.
What was Christian wearing when he appeared before Michael (I forget)? It wasn't the suit, but was it the same garb as his appearances on the island to Locke, or just similar clothing?
"I've been waiting for this season's storyline to engage the long-awaited volcano plot with nary a sign."
humanebean, What "volcano plot"??
MartinLawrie said: "Keamey and his giant chiclets"
LOL! Good one!
I often find myself marveling at the size of Keamey's teeth...sort of distractingly huge.
Speaking of that devil...I wonder if he's "really" dead yet. And Mikhail, too. Ya know, those two guys are extra hard to kill!
Aha!! The ARAB, not the "island"! Yes!!! Thank you, that makes a whole lot more sense! And I'm sure it'll fit, next time I watch that scene.
(Guess Keamey's big Chiclets interfere with his diction. We'll have to dub him Martin "Mumbles" Keamey.)
@Teebore: Christian did call Jack's name in the hospital. But the big issue I have is that it would be a split from the dress code Christian has been following.
On the freighter, he was wearing the same vertical-lined dark shirt that he had when he talked to claire and Locke on both occasions (in the Cabin and in the cave).
It's a dark grey/blue dress shirt with pale vertical lines as opposed to his white shirt and suit with tennis shoes.
Further intriguing is that just as Christian appears to Michael, we can hear whispers and not 'tika tika'. I'll go check all other occurrences of this Christian to see if we have a match, this would suggest that perhaps Christian is not the smoke monster...(?)
@DonnaS: There is a volcano to play in the story. The volcano was mentioned by Olivia and it 'supposedly' will play a part in the final chapter. The writers also addressed it in a recent podcast.
Okay, so now the "Arab" theory has been debunked? (Sigh! All this theorizing is wearing me out!)
Am I the only one sitting at work with not much to do today?
Nope. Benny's still here!
I come and go... just like Christian!
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