This was just posted at Lostpedia. Could it be??

Mostly, I write about television, and with this being the home of the Great Buffy Rewatch of 2011, a lot of that television is Joss Whedon-related (when it's not about Lost). Stick around if you love Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, Sherlock, Lost, BtVS, Doctor Who, or anything on HBO.
During the clip show they revisited a line of Juliet's from last season.
She says to Jack 'Your father died in Sydney', or something to that effect. Something about how that line was delivered got to me. Why wouldn't she just say, 'Your father is dead'?
If someone 'died' they can be brought back to life...medically or otherwise. If someone is dead, that's final.
Maybe I'm reaching, but that line of Juliet's, the final mobisode and the screen shot from last nights episode really convinces me that Jack's dad is alive. I would not be surprised if he was Jacob.
That's who I thought it was when it flashed by last night. But why would it be him (other than this is Lost and it would be a weird, creepy coincidence.)
Was Christian's body on the plane when it crashed? I can't remember if Jack was flying the body back to the US or not?
I've posted several times that I feel that people were brought back to the island who were here before (either different incarnation) or as in Richard's case, they've lived long lives. Maybe Christian is today's incarnation of Jacob from a long time ago (Black Rock era). The island healed Locke, could it raise Christian?
We've seen Christian in full body on the Island in a much earlier episode right?
Thank God Lost is back!
Well it does kind of look like him, but it's not enough to real ID him.
But he was listed as Guest Staring in the episode, and unlike the main cast, they only list guest stars in episodes where they appear.
Assuming, of course, he didn't have a scene that was cut. Jack might have seen or heard him on the island, I suppose. Or he might have been in the flash-forward!
Fiveagainst: Thanks for the link!
MatthewD and Jeremy: Yes, we've seen him in full body before, in "White Rabbit" at the beginning of season 1.
Brian: I think it looks exactly like him, but I'm also a little wary that when I freeze-framed it, the face is black, and all screen caps were black. Only when someone "enhanced" it did it look like Christian.
I've believed that Christian was alive from "White Rabbit" onwards. In fact, last week I was being interviewed by a reporter from California and he asked me if I thought Christian was alive or dead, and I said alive. He laughed and said, "Seriously?" (And then, in his story, put me on the side of the people who thought he was dead, which is weird...) I've believed all along that Christian is pulling the strings, that he's alive, and that the body Jack saw in the morgue might have been his dad, but he wasn't necessarily dead (the doc pulls back the bag very quickly and then instantly zips him up, not giving Jack a lot of time to digest things).
Then there's the moment of being on the plane. I interviewed someone from an airline who said there is NO WAY you could get a body on a plane without the requisite paperwork. We see Jack begging an airline ticket agent to let him on, even though he has no paperwork. Not possible. When the coffin was empty, and Jack smashes it, does he smash it because his father isn't there, or because he KNEW he wouldn't be there, and it was the frustration of knowing his Dad is still pulling the strings?
Just read both your Lost books and loved them. I'll check your blog often! Thanks for all the insight.
along the lines of fiveagainst's comment, on the recap show, they played that clip of Ben from the season 3 finale saying to Jack if you call the boat, "every single living person on this island will die." and maybe it's just to be extra-emphasizey, but why say every *living* person will die, and not just every single person will die? hmmmm.
Yup -- I saw this image on Pink is the New Blog earlier in the day (I sent the link in the comments of your third last post) -- it's definitely enhanced, but if you go to that link (, you'll see the non-enhanced image, and it's totally believable -- you can see his profile, tie, etc. Also, I'm not sure how the image could have been digitally enhanced on a computer to strip shadow, especially when the image itself was shot in partial silhouette. Perhaps it's a split second shot - blink and you miss it.
I was just listening to a podcast where the guys were talking about a 13th mobisode that featured Vincent, the dog. On there's only 12 to watch, but in this 13th mobisode Vincent is running through the jungle and runs into Christian. Christian tells him to go wake up his son because he has work to do. Then supposedly the scene fades to the opening scene of season one where Jack is waking up in the jungle.
Why doesn't have this one I don't know but it obviously puts Christian in an "in charge" role with knowledge of what needs to be done at the very beginning of things.
I hadn't read anything here about that missing piece. WOW...
Maybe after putting it out there they felt it gave too much away and took it off? I'm not sure but lostpedia has a screen shot from it so I have to believe its true.
The Wests: Thanks for coming! I hope you stick around and come back each week.
Crissy: Good one!
MatthewD: Wow, I'll have to go and check that one out! I don't know if it's because I'm in Canada, but I can't access the mobisodes. I click on one and the player just sits there saying it's getting ready, but it doesn't. I watched the first 4 on YouTube and commented on them, but then by the time I went to do the rest of them, they were all gone. That is fascinating about Christian. The transcripts are all available on Lostpedia, so I'll go and read it. Thanks for the heads up!!!
Did anyone take the bait and watch the show following LOST? There was an "ad" for Oceanic Golden Passes in which there are cutaways to the plane of flight 815 deep in the ocean. Could it be that they are all dead and the island is really purgatory? What then of the flash forwards? OY! Can't wait till next week.
Debjbaba, The producers have already said it is NOT Purgatory! Sorry. Keep thinking. You should try going to they have a list of all the theories that are debunked. The reason there is a plane at the bottom of the ocean is because someone is trying to cover up the crash so they won't find the island.
Were any other Canadians ticked off that CTV has picked up the ABC show that runs after Lost, simulcasting both so we can't flip to the US channel to watch the trailer?
It's Christian, he's doing an experiment, they're all on drugs in LA. :) Wait, I think that was a DS9 episode.
matthewd - I beleive the Missing Pieces on are always a week behind those available on the phones My grasp of technology is not the best, but I think this is to sell more of the phones that are advertised at the start of the latest Missing Piece.
Debjbaba and Chris: The producers have pretty much said from the beginning that it's NOT purgatory, and they're very insistent, but have you noticed they're not as insistent with any other theory?? It's like buying a Barbie Corvette for your daughter for Christmas, and she says, "I bet you bought me a Barbie Corvette," and you say, "No I didn't! Think again." and you become really insistent on it. Methinks they doth protest too much. I still think the purgatory idea could still have legs, and the flashforwards are simply showing a new level of purgatory. Matthew Fox is one of the biggest proponents of it, and still is.
redeem147: I was SO ticked about that. I loved watching the CTV previews last season and comparing them to the ABC ones, and then near the end of the season CTV stopped running the previews. Sure enough, the one we saw looked more like a collection of stuff we saw in the trailer. Bah.
What about clones? Dharma was doing some kind of experimentation on the island. The original inhabitants don't seem to 'die' in the traditional sense. Even the plane crash victims could be clones, with the ones under water being the 'real' people.
If they are clones of some kind, I could believe Christian is really Jack. He created a clone of himself...a clone with no issues, like a drinking problem. But notice how a clone can't fight his genes for long? Jack starts to drink and become addicted to drugs.
I don't know. Just a thought. I would explain some things about people seeming to be dead when they really aren't.
Perhaps this would also give some legs as to why people on the island can't conceive? Argh. I wish I could put this all together....
There are too many holes in the purgatory theory in my opinion.
You know - on the Christian/Jacob thing - little more of the obvious here - but do we all remember that Jack asks where his dad is in last season's final episode? Some of us wrote that off as, "he's trashed." However, what if the big discovery this season is that Christian is really alive (oh and by the way he does have the first name of the religion that has the focus tied around its key figure rising from the dead.
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