Goodbye to My Favourite TV Character

In life, a titan on the corners.
In death, an unknown body in a bag with the wrong tag.
Rest in peace.
Mostly, I write about television, and with this being the home of the Great Buffy Rewatch of 2011, a lot of that television is Joss Whedon-related (when it's not about Lost). Stick around if you love Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, Sherlock, Lost, BtVS, Doctor Who, or anything on HBO.
It's fine, trust me. The upside is I'll be able to prepare myself for the agony. I've known a couple "Lost" deaths ahead of time and it was nice to be able to brace myself. Besides, after Sobotka's death I don't think I can take any more trauma.
Hey there: I've altered the post to be more ambiguous, and removed our comments so we don't give it away. I hope this helps... though I know it's too late for you. :(
Thanks. I think that's the most influence I've ever had on somebody else's website. ;)
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