But never fear, Announcement #2 is here! Some of you might recall me going to Slayage 3 in 2008 in Arkadelphia, Arkansas and blogging about my adventures there (you can go here if you missed it). I was the banquet keynote speaker. I had to follow the opening keynote speaker, Matthew Pateman (pictured here), and his speech was excellent. We became friends while staying at the same guest house and chatting about TV every night with the other keynote speakers, and recently we were chatting about Slayage 4, which will be from June 3-6, 2010, in St. Augustine, Florida. He was trying to come up with an idea for his paper, and I was relieved to not have to be giving one this time. We got joking back and forth about a possible paper we could give that would probably be filled with as many insults at each other as it is words of wisdom, and then when the joke wore off, we realized we might have actually hit on an idea. We fleshed it out, and then submitted it to the committee. A couple of weeks later, our paper was not only selected, but we were selected to be the joint keynote speakers for the banquet! They'll just have to name that slot after me soon. ;)
Yesterday I was suggesting Polaris as a possible place to meet up for the Nik@Niters, and here's another suggestion. If you live in the Florida area and are a Buffy fan, it's a great weekend of academics talking about the Whedonverse, and I had a blast the last time. And hey, you can watch me as I totally take down Matthew in our talk. He doesn't stand a chance.
You can find more information here.
And in other news, I'm going to be on the radio tomorrow at approximately 4:40 pm EST. It streams live, so you can listen to it online wherever you are. If you're in the London, Ontario, area, it'll be 1290 CJBK; elsewhere you can tune in here and listen online. We'll be chatting about season 5 of Lost and the upcoming season 6. Yay!
How fun! You & Matthew will make great keynote speakers. :) I got a paper accepted to present and look forward to seeing everyone again. This time I'll make sure I actually meet you!
What a great location for a conference -- St. Augustine is one of my favorite cities in the US. (I almost attended Flagler College, so great is my love for the place.) Not fooling myself that I'll be able to attend, but I know you guys will have a great time.
I hope you feel better soon and have a happy holiday!
Nikki, what does a paper for Slayage actually look like. Right now I've got Stacey Abbott's book, Celluloid Vampires, under a pile of papers. Been meaning to read it. So I don't know if that's a comparison. Not that I've watched much of Buffy, except in the final seasons, when we really got into it. And wow, it really was good. But from the beginning, I got more into LOST, and my wife and friends have had to endure me passing essays on LOST to them. Must admit they're just casual fans, enjoying like most the unfolding of the narrative, rather than seeking out and engaging with the text. So, will Slayage put your paper on-line? Do your readers here get a peak after the meeting? Oh, and will you do that for your LOST presentation? I know all of us fellow bloggers would be interested. And please, please, add pictures for your blogs on the LOST Hawaii presentation--since I can't go I have to live vicariously through other people's adventures. Namaste.
Wow, you're coming to FL in June?! Yikes. You'll want to be indoors at all times unless you're submerged! :)
I'm about 100 miles from St Augustine; too bad this isn't a LOST thing instead of Buffy (which - don't hurt me! - I've never actually watched), or I'd be all over this!
My wife and I submitted our papers for the extended deadline (mine over Firefly and hers over themes in Dr. Horrible/Buffy), but we haven't heard back from the committee yet. We missed the original deadline because it was on our wedding day, and Ms. Wilcox was nice enough to give us an extension before there was a general extension.
She presented at SC3, so here's hoping that we both get a chance to get our names on the program in '10. Looking forward to meeting you and hearing your keynote, too, Nikki. :)
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