And on Monday, Jesse David Weeks is going to be on the show, talking about his Lost tribute video. Jesse wrote and performed a song about Lost called "Answers," and the video is now up, directed by Jesse Hammond. Go here to watch the video. It's quite a lovely song... (Thanks for sending the link to me, Jesse!)
Such a beautiful song! (Yummy high notes, dude.) Made me glad, just now, that I have really good speakers for my computer. I cranked those babies UP. More, please. :)
I wasn't expecting much, but I have to say that was a really great video! The song had that "Fray" feel to it, but the dude's voice was fantastic. Also, it's hard not to well up a bit when presented all those gorgeous images from the show's history.
Thanks so much Nikki and Jesse, that is such an awesome song. Did you guys notice that there are riffs taken from Michael Giacchino's score from the show running throughout the song? It is very clever, beautiful song!
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