Sonshine Music's blog
Blam's blog (he thought I didn't read it... I actually read it all the time but I'm totally crap at leaving comments, and really need to do that!)
AchingHope's blog
Kevin's blog (I've posted one of his Locke pics here... his drawings are extraordinary)
Jeff Heimbuch's blog
TV Writer's blog (and seriously, listen to her and watch Friday Night Lights... BEST SEASON EVER is happening RIGHT NOW)
Now, this next segment is thanks to Blam, who wrote something on the haiku post that made me laugh and laugh and laugh. And then I continued laughing. So now, here is my attempt at rewriting the opening of Yellow Submarine in light of last week's episode. I invite you to add your own verses to follow!!
On the isle where he was born,
Lived a man, all dressed in black.
And he tried to win us all
In the land of HOLY FRAK.
So we ran, like bloody freaks
Till we found the pier of green,
And as bullets flew o’er our heads
We were “safe” in a submarine.
We all died in a shallow submarine
Shallow submarine, shallow submarine.
We all died in a shallow submarine
Shallow submarine, shallow submarine.
And finally, I want to share with you my new little desk companion... when I got to the restaurant for the meetup, Rebecca "Sonshine Music" told me she had a little gift for me. I opened the little package, and THIS was waiting for me!!!

That's right... it's my own little Desmond!!! HEEHEE!! He's crocheted and... oh, I wish I were craftier but I'm not and I have no idea how she made it (maybe she'll help me out with how she made it) but he even has his little blue shirt undone at the top!!! Oh my GOD I love it, thank you so much Rebecca!!! Big hugs. (But I have to tell you my daughter's reaction when I showed her... "Is that supposed to be YOU, Mommy??" HAHAHAHA!!)
Thanks for the shout-out, Nikki! And... [drum roll] my post on the altered-universe theory that involved what Batcabbage has dubbed the infamous "mysterious napkin... of mystery" is now up — just in time for it to be totally debunked by tonight's episode.
hahahahahaha! Wow, so not supposed to be you :)
I actually did a post semi-recently with pics of some of the other amigarumi crochet that I've done with a little explanation, so if you care you can click over to Amigarumi Fun to check it out.
And thanks for the shout out!
And Blam - Yeah! I'm gonna go check it out. Something to do while I wait......
he thought I didn't read it
No... I just didn't know how often or how thoroughly. 8^) You're a busy gal; I understand. And I was referencing something you could easily have missed (since posts used to get knocked down a lot, and there was total erasure of my blog on Apr. 1st) — I think the "free association" about Wallace being Widmore, which was only just reposted here.
this next segment is thanks to Blam, who wrote something on the haiku post that made me laugh and laugh and laugh
Aww... Glad you liked it. Nice job with the lyrics!
my own little Desmond
I'd have guessed Hurley, maybe — but definitely not you. Lovely piece of work, Sonshine!
VW: renes — Women who should just walk away.
Cool! I love blogs. Now I can update my bookmarks with a minimal amount of surfing. Thanks, Nik.
I love the new Amigarumi Fun, Sonshine!
With apologies to Ringo Starr:
Jacob’s Garden
I’d like to be on Dharma t.v.
On a time traveling island in an ice cave,
J’d let us on, but be no help
On his time traveling island with an ice cave
I’d open my eye after the whoosh
Spring up and run through the bush
I’d like to be on Dharma t.v.
On a time traveling island in an ice cave
It would be warm with flaming arrows
As we hide in a shack from Hurley’s Dave
Miles says he’s read somehwere he’s dead
In an undiscovered lighthouse near a cave
We would run and go half cocked
Because we know that just ain’t Locke
I’d like to be on Dharma t.v.
On a time traveling island with an ice cave
Charles would lay such plans today
While Sayid swims beneath his dock
(Sun beneath the ocean waves)
Oh poor Joan saw Sayid blown
But knowing he’s in an alternate time
(Happy and he’s safe)
So much dynamite for you and me
Someone always telling us what to do,
I’d like to be on Dharama t.v.
On a time traveling island with Hugo.
@Fred - Ah! Brilliant! And I got a shout out *blushes furiously*
Made my night :D
Fred that was brilliant.
VW: undertne = where the garden is?
Eeee! So cute! Sonshine, you should sell these on Etsy. Will you make me a Sayid when you start your business? Um, actually, I am going to need two Sayid' shirtless and vulnerable and one badass with a torture scrunchie.
Nice one Fred :)
And thanks for the shout out Nikki! I feel all famous ans stuff.
Thanks for the plug, Nikki!
Joan C., thank you for the nice blog comments. You may be interested to know that my wife is reading "Things I Yell At You" right now and laughing uproariously.
In the driveway at my house
Sits a car I've owned for years
And it has way too many miles
It's the sum of all my fears
So when I must go to work
Eight days a week or so it seems
I say a prayer and turn the key
And hope it won't run out of steam
I ride to work in a purple Cavalier
A purple Cavalier, a purple Cavalier
I ride to work in a purple Cavalier
A purple Cavalier, a purple Cavalier
Uhhh, but I'd be "Lost" without it.
Fred: Oh poor Joan saw Sayid blown
... up!
Up up up up up!!! She's already talking about Sawyer's cocks and poking my cheeks...!
VW: exual — Getting frisky with a former love. (What has gotten into this blog?)
Oh poor Joan saw Sayid blown
Well, of course I saw him...
*awkward pause*
Say, do you know how it is submarines rise and fall?
p.s. Cocks? Plural? Maybe there is something about this James LaFleur that I missed...
To any and all offended - Blam started it; I was obligated!
To any and all offended - Blam started it; I was obligated!
What did I start? I'm not the one who brought up gun-cocking and dimple-poking; in fact, it's the ladies (and I use the word loosely — come to think of it, the word "loosely" seems to apply perfectly to you gals) who are making things dirty. All my friends, and I do have them, will tell you that I am of stern character and polite language.
Argh! I totally didn't see this yesterday! Thanks so much Nikki! Again, had a great time last week.
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