AND... if you're in the Toronto area, the launch of the book is going to be on June 1 from 7-11pm at Czehoski (678 Queen Street West). It's an alter-ego party, so you show up, write your alter-ego onto a Hello My Name Is sticker, and that's who you are for the rest of the night. Always wanted to be Buffy? Go ahead and write her down!! But don't be surprised if the vampire alter-egos stay far far away from you. (But please do me a favour and stake all the Edwards. Thanks.)
I'm going to be there (I won't tell you yet who my alter-ego is going to be!) so I hope you can come, too!
And now that I've got your attention, it's time for the new True Blood trailer! I know where I'm gonna be on June 13...
Yay! My Lost withdrawal is going to be a tiny bit less painful when True Blood starts...
I agree, Poggy. I've said for a while that this is the only thing that's going to help heal my broken heart over LOST. :(
I just saw this trailer and I love it. It seems Alan Ball put a twist on the storyline from the book (as always) but still maintained enough to be consistent. The book alone could hold its own so hopefully he didn't change it "too" much. Looking forward to seeing Debbie Pelt...in a sick sort of kill the bitch way...Heheheh...
I'm also planning to get seriously into True Blood once LOST is over with.
I've been reading the books one after the other for the last two months, they are great, very entertaining and well-written. they have a whole different feel than the series though.
but I have a question for you, Nikki: do you know where Season 3 will be broadcasted in Canada? I don't have HBO and was hoping to find it somewhere else....
Did anyone notice that in second-24the shot of Sam looks just like Titus Welliver?
I'm a true True Blood fan and can't wait until it starts (except that when it starts, Lost will be lost!)
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