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UPDATE: Hello everyone! I'm just responding to the questions in the comment section: Yes, I will be offering signed copies of the book from the copies that I get. The shipping is higher, so I always warn everyone to take that into consideration, but it'll be cost of book plus mailing costs (depending on shipping prices at the time, about $3 in Canada, $7 in the U.S. and $14 to anywhere else). Or you could buy a copy through Amazon and try to find me somewhere in the world when I'm traveling! :) So yes, I'll be doing the signed copy thing for anyone interested in that. Thanks for asking!
Please may I have one now, please. Now, thank you, please. Please. Thank you.
Will we be able to get them from you directly again??
Are you offering autographed copies like you did with previous book?
Looking forward to reading it Nikki!
I would like to second everything that Batcabbage, Jeff Heimbuch, Anonymous, and Missing Georgia just said! Also: "Neat-0!" :)
November, alas. But I will order from my Amazon, along with Season 6 DVDs. Now, Nikki, back to work, as we'd eagerly await your take on Fringe and Glee (here's hoping you are thinking of writing on those shows). Who else but yourself could do such a marvelous job on those two favorite shows.
Woooooo! Stand and Paradise Lost! As Borat would say, I'm very excite!
Amazon just sent me an e-mail telling me "You may like this" and I got a big grin :)
And yes please to the autographed copies!
Looks good- can't wait to read it!!
Am I ever going to get your thoughts on "Lost: Via Domus" before it's all over? I've been twisting your arm forever, but that's only because I really want to know. You've covered everything else...you can't leave that out!
And, hey -- I kid because I care. ;)
Can't wait to read it and I will order post haste. Nice to know I'm not the only one reading Paradise Lost right now. My copy is an old one printed on very heavy paper and it weighs about 10 pounds, but the illustrations are priceless.
This summer, hope we can exchange ideas on True Blood, Weeds and Mad Men.
Unrelated: I was in the middle of Notes from the Underground when the episode featuring it (Everybody Loves Hugo?) aired. It made me feel oddly special.
I also second (or third?) the question about whether we'd be able to get copies from you.
I have already pre-ordered mine on Amazon.com. Can't wait!
Nikki: Please see my comments regarding your last book in the comment section for The Candidate.
Done. But, how do I get a signed copy?
I forgot to mention this before...in the previews for next week's episode, they showed a chessboard and it looked like your cover! I couldn't help but hope Darlton saw your cover and planned it. LOL At first I thought it was backgammon they were playing but they flashed a chessboard.
Nikki-I really like the final (is it the final?) cover design. I was one of the ones who thought it looked like Breaking Dawn, but now, it doesnt look ANYTHING like that. It's very distinct.
Also, I've never pre-ordered anything before, is it cheaper or does it just guarantee a copy on the day of release?
Also, I would love a signed copy too!! I've never had anything cool like that before!
Nikki: What do we have to do to get a signed copy of your book? I'm not against Amazon as you know, but if I could get a signed copy, I AM going that way for all the reasons you already know!
Hello everyone! Just posted an update to the main post re: signed copies. :)
Nikki: How do we get one? Order direct from you? I WANT ONE!! I'll send you a check, or a money order, or Spouse, Child, you name it. (I think I was kidding about Spouse and Child.)
What do I have to do?
Hear, hear! I am with M. Chou Chauve-Souris et. al. Must remember to post another review over at Amazon so that prospective buyers will know what an enthralling experience awaits them. Rock on!
Next time you are in the UK come to Yateley for Tea and Cake - PLEASE.
Nikki, maybe you can sign some pieces of paper tonight at the NYC meet-up and we can insert them in the book when we get it in November!
wv: pacun- I will be pacun' a sharpie tonight for the above.
I would totally love a signed copy! How do we go about getting those, do we mail you the moolah?
Wait...your last book, period? Or last book about Lost?
Nikki, awesome news! I can't wait to read it. Amazon lists the book as a approx. 300 pages long. Do you think this companion guide will be longer than your previous LOST books?
Thanks for all your hard work.
Whoo-hoo! I'm stoked that you'll be sending signed copies again; I'm totally spoiled since the last one. I imagine this one's going to be longer because you'll have (most of) the "answers" and will wax poetic about them at great length, yes? :) This will be something pleasant to look forward to while we're in the midst of the "no more LOST" doldrums.
Donnie said: I think it ends with Jack ending the island reality and by end I mean the whole world. Jacob said it only ends once.
This goes back to one of my worst theories on how the show might end. Picture everyone at home, sitting around the TV, hanging on the edge of their chairs, and we're down to the last few seconds of the show. We get a conclusion like this, everyone is holding their breath, and the ABC channel just fades to black. As in the world just ended.
Regardless of where you live, you will here me scream if this comes to pass.
WV: mentests. These are the tests the male sex should be required to take in order to leave behind 'boyhood' and move on into 'manhood'. Then so many women wouldn't be able to claim they married someone with the mentality of "a little boy".
Posted on the wrong page! Sorry, my bad!
@crazyinlost: Also, I've never pre-ordered anything before, is it cheaper or does it just guarantee a copy on the day of release?
Both, if you pre-order from Amazon. Their policy is you will get the lowest price available the day they ship the book. If you pre-order at say $15 on May 15, but Amazon's sale price is $12 when it ships your copy on November 15, then you pay only $12 (because they don't charge your credit card until they actually send out your book). ;)
Nikki: I would like to place my order for one signed copy of your upcoming book "Finding Lost: Season Six". Just let me know what I need to do next. I can have a check in the mail tomorrow if I know where to send it to pre-order. But please consider me to be on the pre-order list with a request for a signed copy. (When you let me know where to mail the check, I also need to know the total of my bill. You mentioned that the cost is a little higher to mail to the USA. I don't care. Just give me a grand total for the signed copy and include shipping. That's what I'll send. If, on the other hand, you need a credit card number, I can do that too in an e-mail.) Just let me know where to get started. I can't be the only one that doesn't know what's next, can I?
I'll be waiting to see what I need to do from here.
Hey! I'm not back on-line yet in regards to an Inbox, and I know you need roller skates for getting your butt where you need to be faster, but don't forget, I also have your USA TODAY here, and don't know where to send that. It's yours as soon as I know how much of it you want, and where to send it. (You really don't want me to fold it!)
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