... immediately followed by the criticisms. One person said I looked like I was trying to trick people into buying my book who really wanted Meyer's. Well, I would actually be doing them a favour, BUT ANYWAY... as I responded, if they bought my book thinking it was part of the Twilight Saga, then they're actually as illiterate as Meyer is assuming they are. There are no vampires (except Richard Alpert, possibly) on the island. Lost was using chess as its main theme LONG before she had conceived of that horrible last book. Apparently Meyer has the market cornered on using chess as imagery? Right... because it's a fairly recent game that popped up for the gaming generation. *snark*
Then I got an email from someone who hadn't read the comments saying, "Oh Nikki, I'm so sorry to have to tell you this, but there's another book out there already and your book looks exactly like it" and sent me the picture of Meyer's cover right beside mine. I was starting to get seriously annoyed, but my publisher loved it, as did their sales reps, and the majority of all of you did.
And then, two weeks ago in a meeting, someone who works with me whom I really, really admire and respect (if she tells me to read a book, it immediately goes on my to-do list), joked, "Yeah, it's a great cover... apart from being a complete Breaking Dawn ripoff." I thought I was going to cry. If she thought that, KNOWING it had been foremost in my mind that I didn't want it to look anything like that (and also knowing the hatred I have for that book) then it simply had to change. I LOVE the cover, but I had to do something about it. I wasn't going to change it to backgammon, as a few people said it should be (that's something that was the obvious game in season 1, but chess has been the pervading theme throughout the series, just like it was in Through the Looking-Glass).
When this book comes out I want it to be critiqued on what's inside, not by the cover. I don't want the cover overshadowing my final book. AND because I think Barry is magnificent, I don't want anyone criticizing his work, either.
So I've agonized over what to do, and a few days ago went to Barry with my new idea: Let's maintain the integrity of the chessboard. I refuse to give it up. BUT... since season 6 is all about going back to the beginning and hearkening back to season 1, and my Finding Lost season 1 cover has a green jungle in the background, let's put a hint of a ghostly jungle in the background, behind the chessboard, that links this book to the beginning of the Finding Lost series, while also using a main element of the entire TV series. He said no problem, worked his magic, and he did it. There is now no more black background, and I'm happily convinced and thrilled to say that I don't think it looks like Meyer anymore (not that I did before, but whatever).
So now I present my NEW Finding Lost Season 6 cover, and I hope those who loved the first one still love this one, and those who criticized it as being too Twilight-like will change their minds. I hope you like it. :)

You know something, Nikki? Haters suck, don't they?
Now, I know you're probably going to be pretty disappointed when I tell you this—but I've read Twilight, and I recognize it for what it is: junk food for my brain. But, just like junk food—even though I knew it wasn't good for me, I liked it anyways.
That being said, I have to honestly say that when I saw your S6 cover, I never, NEVER even once thought that it looked like Breaking Dawn, nor was I reminded of Breaking Dawn, or Meyer, at all. Sometimes I can be a bit slow, but I really didn't make that connection.
And, maybe it was a blessing in disguise, because I really like the new cover. The jungle background seems to add a little more mystery to an already mysterious looking cover.
Either way: Haters STFU :) :) :)
I really feel for you Nikki - the problem with putting yourself out here on the internet is that you are open to all these comments and criticism. You are very brave to open yourself to it all, and sometimes you just have to filter stuff out! I don't blame you for being furious - you are right, Meyer does not have a monopoly on chess as a symbol. Now I am getting all mad on your behalf - *breathe*
p.s. Do you think everything could be De-Meyered? As a high school english teacher I am thoroughly sick of her (First it was Rowling, now Meyer)
Well, I would actually be doing them a favour, BUT ANYWAY... as I responded, if they bought my book thinking it was part of the Twilight Saga, then they're actually as illiterate as Meyer is assuming they are.
This is the best sentence I have ever read.
p.s. I really like the new cover!
I liked the first cover and I like this one just as well. I haven't been drinking any haterade, so two thumbs up from me for what it's worth!
Agree with everyone else. I think the jungle background is an AWESOME upgrade. I've never read/seen anything involving twilight so I didn't make the connection with the Buffy wannabe, but I would've told them to shove it regardless...but I guess that's bad business, right?
big hugs for being brave and level-headed enough to cope with people comparing your books to Breaking Wind...er, I mean, Dawn. Breaking Dawn. That's like comparing the Mona Lisa to a kindergartener's ADD-fuelled crayon doodle.
I personally enjoy both covers. The black background was creepy and represented the darkness of the season, while the new jungle totally captures that "back to Season 1" feeling we've all been having. So, my final verdict is: I like 'em both!
Hell, the cover could be a picture of Randy Nations standing on his head wearing a Wonder Woman costume and I'd STILL buy your book, only because I know I'm getting some good quality reading!
Plus, nobody in your books sparkles when they come in contact with sunlight.
I hate to say this, but I still think it looks enough like the Breaking Dawn cover that I would concerned about her lawyers calling your lawyers.
There's a chessboard, and a big white queen of similar style.
Breaking Dawn
Or is it a King? I haven't played chess in a long time. :)
*OK, I just tried posting this, but it didn't come up for a long time, so if this repeats itself, my apologies*
mad hugs for being so patient and level-headed with people comparing your great books to Breaking Wind -er, I mean Dawn. Breaking Dawn. That's like comparing the Mona Lisa to some kindergartener's ADD-fuelled crayon doodle.
I think I'm a fan of both covers. the black background was nice n creepy & reflected the dark mood of this season, while the jungle really calls forward the whole "back to Season 1" vibe we've been getting lately. So my final verdict is: I like them both!
Hell, you could make the cover a picture of Randy Nations standing on his head wearing a Wonder Woman outfit, and I'd still buy the book because I know I'm getting some damn good reading material!
Plus, nobody in your books sparkles when they're exposed to sunlight.
Nikki, I have an idea that would silence any and all critics and nay-sayers if you continue to hear that your book cover and that OTHER book cover look too similar. Punch up and brighten the green jungle background so that it’s really obvious and GREEN. There’s not a speck of green on that OTHER book cover. Just a suggestion. I think your S6 book is beautiful as it is, and it will continue to be beautiful no matter how (or if) you tweak it. Sincerely, a fan. :)
I don't think it looks TOO much like Meyer's cover. It still has a resemblance, but only because you pointed it out to me. I don't know if I would make the connection personally.
One idea I have for it (here we go unsolicited advice!) is that you could have the two pieces on a scale as in the Name Cave with the black and white stones standing on top of the chess board instead of just having them facing off.
This new cover is an improvement, not that I thought the previous one was Meyer-ised or whatever.
Honestly, why does Meyer even have chess pieces on the 'Breaking Dawn' cover? Does it symbolise anything in the story or themes, or is it just there to look mysterious? Because if that were the case LOST has chess references coming out of its ears and is more deserving of the chess symbolism.
Nikki, I've just ordered your Finding LOST books fro Seasons 1-5. I can't wait to read them.
I liked the first one, but I LOVE this one. Both were gorgeous, but somehow this one just has a little something extra.
I wonder what the chess board would look like if it was shaped somewhat like an island, e.g. still solidly linearly black and white in the middle, but rounded at the edges and with height in the middle -- a chessboard overlaid over an island shape?
That might look really cool, still keep the theme, and be different enough to quiet the haters.
I wonder what the chess board would look like if it was shaped somewhat like an island, e.g. still solidly linearly black and white in the middle, but rounded at the edges and with height in the middle -- a chessboard overlaid over an island shape?
That might look really cool, still keep the theme, and be different enough to quiet the haters.
I'm sorry you've had to go through this Nikki. I liked the other one but I REALLY like this one! I love the jungle in the background. Totally takes us back around to the beginning! :) Honestly, I don't read the Twilight books so I didn't know what you were talking about until redeem posted it on here. I think it's different enough and hello, the huge title "FINDING LOST" is right there! No worries!
Hi Nikki,
I think I was the one that opened up the can of worms on the whole "Breaking Dawn" thing, because after I posted, others followed suit. I can't speak for everyone else, but I did not mean that you were copying it (as a fan of your blog, I knew better than that); I was just gently letting you know what I saw as a similarity. And as a big "Twilight" fan, I certainly didn't mean it as an insult. That being said, I know you weren't trying to insult "Twilight" fans' intelligence, right? (Right?!?)
Ha ha, anyway, sorry it bugged you so much that you had to tweek the cover! It still looks good. =)
Geez, you don't have to insult Stephenie Meyer or fans of her books. That's just mean.
And you have to admit, it still DOES look like Breaking Dawn. Not saying Stephenie Meyer has a monopoly on the chess imagery, but c'mon, try to see the similarities and accept that people are gonna see them.
Cheer up Nikki! Looks great!
Good idea about incorporating the jungle from season 1 and from your first book! I like it better!
The cover is beautiful! Really love the jungle addition - it makes the book more "Nikki" and less stark, somehow.
I like this one better! Nice tie-in with season 1. Ha ha did anyone say you ripped off the Finding Nemo title too? Just kidding.
I agree with the QuestionMark, you could wrap your book in a paper back, and I'd still buy it. It's the inside which counts, and your book does count (if Flashforward survives, I hope you do one of that show, though I must admit it does seem a little too derived of LOST).
I can only see one problem with your cover, and it has nothing to do with its quality. I just get a bad feeling from the preview of Richard Alpert's episode that everything we had thought and imagined about the island, Jacob and MiB is completely going to be thrown out the window. The showrunners had better not reveal to us at the show's completion that everyone was comatose in these little pods, hooked up to some giant computer simulation. I have to trust Darlton won't do anything like that as so far they've been great on all other scores (baring the odd faux pas).
Other than that, it's your book and your book cover. And I do like the little reference to the island ijn the background flora (no red flower, hmmm). My only gripe with the cover is the coldness of the chess board against the more warmth of the jungle background. To my eyes at least it looks like its made of metal, with the silver tone. And one other thing, but who is Stephanie Meyer? I've never heard of her. But that shouldn't be surprising. I have a friend who only watches foreign films, and one day at lunch we mentioned Tom Cruise. He had a truly blank expression on his face. Amazing, someone in the western world who hasn't heard of Tom Cruise.
I just went to Amazon and looked up Stephanie Meyer. Huh! And I just thought they were advertising teen movies on T.V.. So they're teen-pop books about vampires. Kinda like "Varney the Vampire". Yes that is an actual book from the nineteenth century. Of course, if you want more of this sort, read "Wagner the Werewolf". But better than these is Le Fanu's "Carmilla". Lots of fun.
And, oh, yes, Nikki now I see the wood grain in the chess board. I enlarged the image so it's more apparent.
@ Fred
I think I love you for never having heard of Stephanie Meyer. Will you marry me?
Loved the first cover, Nik, and this one is just as good, if not better. Best not to mess with the Twi-hards. Those people are crazy!
This is my first time on your blog, but can't wait to read this new book about vampires lost in the jungle. Looks awesome!
Sorry, the cover still looks like that other book you don't like. I can hardly see the jungle.
I love both covers, Nikki and I wouldn't worry about people confusing it with Breaking Dawn (which is such a strange thought, it never even crossed my mind when you first showed us the cover!) Just because something has chess on the cover doesn't mean that people will confuse it with Breaking Dawn. Seriously, do Twilight fans wander into other sections of bookstores and find a book on chess (or flowers, or apples or red ribbons) and assume that it's a new Twilight book? I hope not, but maybe Aching Hope and Sonshine Music can tell us otherwise! Your book will be in a completely different section and I think the huge "Finding Lost" title will clear up any lingering confusing! I can't wait for my copy!
@ashlie: hahaha - no, I don't think ANYONE could confuse this book with Meyer's. There's a C.S. Lewis book with the identical cover to Twilight and I have never had anyone ask if they are connected. I do like the jungle addition and it is considerably different from the Breaking Dawn cover - Breaking Dawn has a queen in the forefront and a pawn in the back and only the slightest bit of a chessboard.
Silly people.
I should clarify: I never said Stephenie Meyer fans were illiterate, I said she wrote as if she assumed they were. I'm not dissing anyone who loves those books... I work with an entire office of dear friends who read and enjoyed them, and I don't think any less of anyone for thinking that. My sister-in-law is one of my favourite people in the world and she asked for the box set for Christmas. She'd read them all, but wanted keeper editions. I told her it was like forcing me to go into a store and buying porn for her... but I did it, and never thought any worse of her for it.
I don't hate Stephenie Meyer as a person; I don't know her, so how could I make that judgement? She's probably quite lovely, and as I've said on here before, any mom of 4 who can pump out that many books and become a superstar has my vote. But the books are crap, and I read them, and that's my opinion. If you feel differently, I have no problem with that and won't judge you for it (Jenn just admitted to having liked them, and it's not like I plan on deleting... ALL her posts from now on. LOL!)
But seriously... did anyone read Breaking Dawn and actually thought that was a tremendous piece of writing? And who the hell will direct that movie?? David Cronenberg? It was INSANITY.
But as someone who read Flowers in the Attic when I was 13 and thought it was wicked awesome, I can totally understand the hype. ;)
Anyway. The jpg of the cover probably doesn't have the green turned up as much as it ultimately will, so yes, it will be more green, and that, I hope, will silence those who see the similarities.
And Fred, I similarly love you for not knowing who Meyer is. :)
Nikki, I have a confession to make: I read the Twilight saga! But I hated it! Watching paint dry was more interesting! I gave up halfway through Breaking Dawn because NOTHING HAPPENED. I almost ditched book three. And . . . I had all four books on my bookshelf collecting dust until I sold them in September. I was so proud of myself for selling them. And I never sell books. I have refunded books that had R-Rated language in them, but other than that, I never get rid of books.
At school, all the girls hate Twilight. My friend and I agree that it isn't her style of writing, it's that there's a LOT of repetition.
I agree with Nikki about Breaking Dawn. Who would want to make an adaptation of THAT?! Not dissing any Twilight fans, but I really dislike that series.
ANY-WAYYY . . . Love the new cover, even more than the previous one.
I LOVE the cover Nikki! I think the only people who have a problem with it are people who are devotees to the Meyer books. At least that is how it appears here in the comments. (I read the Meyer books and then I was done. No obsession. Things got pretty freaky-deaky in Breaking Dawn and that was a real turn off to me.)
But your cover is perfection.
However, I do agree with Fred that you shouldn't finalize anything yet. Who the heck knows what's coming next week with Alpert's back story, ya know?
Keep up the good work Nikki!!!
So wait... asking for porn for Christmas is a bad thing?!
How will I ever educate myself about the B-spot? :)
Anon: HAHA!!
Farley and Fred: The only thing about finalizing is A) it's required for the catalogue TODAY (today is the deadline) and B) if I include anything from episode 9 on there, it's a potential spoiler, so I wanted it to reflect the beginning of the season (much like the S5 book did) rather than the end, because many people actually buy my book not having yet seen the season, and read it alongside the DVDs. :) So I have to be careful about that.
Nope, sorry, Nik - the new cover just won't do.
First off, the chessboard is at a funny angle. Everyone knows that chessboards are square. You'll have to change that.
Secondly, two kings in the middle is all wrong. Never happens. Better change it to one king and, oh, let's say ... a bishop.
The color black is just stealing from Cormac McCarthy's brilliant The Road. Stop, or I'll call his lawyers. Seriously. Quit it.
The font size on the word "LOST" is way too big. Could you perhaps change it to something more tasteful, say Comic Sans 14?
Now, about those hieroglyphics - they're kinda misleading. I don't think we ever saw a chessboard on the show with Egyptian symbols on it. Unless you know something about the end of Season 6 that WE don't know, you gotta change that, or people will be confused. Maybe you could have the board decorated with .... rhinestones? I'm just spitballin', here.
Now, about that subtitle: "The Unofficial Guide". Really? Five seasons and four books in and you're still writing unofficial books? C'mon, Nik - you're better than that! Get a license, already!
Last thing: I know you HAVE to have your name at the bottom, for legal purposes (and to get paid) - but do you really have to list your previous books? It's all, "oh look at ME. I'm a big time AUTHOR. I've done OTHER BOOKS. Buy them PLEASE." Some counseling can help you get to the root of this troublesome insecurity you seem to feel compelled to exhibit. Is the front cover of your book REALLY the best place to air all that dirty laundry? I think not. Maybe smaller print for your name, too. Keep the praise to a minimum, you great big swelled head, you.
Aside from that, though ....
... it's completely acceptable. But, that's just ME, mind you. Let me shop it around to a few folks and get back to you.
humanebean: LOLZ!! You should be a sales rep... you pretty much said everything that will be said about the cover at the next sales conference. ;)
@Humanebean: Ha! Nice one.
I liked your last cover fine, Nikki, and didn't make the Breaking Dawn connection until it was pointed out (and, working at B&N, I've walked past that cover countless times in numerous places throughout the store), but I think this one is an improvement.
Adding the jungle in the background to refer back to your first book is an idea worth doing regardless of whether or not the first cover was too Twilight-ish.
I agree, I read the Twilight books and have seen the movies and just like Jenn said, they're just like junk food. Fun and quick, but nothing more. To me, at least. If you think it's the greatest work known to mankind, then that's great.
@Nikki - Flowers in the Attic is still wicked awesome!
Someday, Nik, over a frosty beverage of choice, I shall regale you with the frolicsome adventures of my professional career(s). In the meantime, suffice to say, I getcha. Art and commerce, I tell you ... strange bedfellows.
The Question Mark: Hell, the cover could be a picture of Randy Nations standing on his head wearing a Wonder Woman costume and I'd STILL buy your book, only because I know I'm getting some good quality reading!
I second that emotion, of course, but it also reminded me of Greg Horn's cover to this comic book; Wonder Woman sure looks like Evangeline Lilly.
VW: Babari — Italian plural of the Babar family.
SonshineMusic: I liked the first one, but I LOVE this one. Both were gorgeous, but somehow this one just has a little something extra.
Yeah. At the risk of making Nikki self-conscious again, it's called "Christmas". 8^)
humanbebean: Could you perhaps change it to something more tasteful, say Comic Sans 14?
Ahahahahahahaha... Worst! Font! Ever!
VW: TableP — A prime spot in the Sesame Street restaurant.
@humanebean: HAHAHAHA! You could be an image consultant or someone's agent, if you get tired of your current occupation. Loved your critique!
redeem147: I hate to say this, but I still think it looks enough like the Breaking Dawn cover that I would concerned about her lawyers calling your lawyers.
Books with similar covers come out all the time. Ask Teebore, SonshineMusic, and our other bookstore slaves, or just check out the frequent Entertainment Weekly sidebars. Legal action is highly unlikely, and as for "confusion"... It says Finding 'Lost' in big, fat letters!
VW: Emusal — Do you resemble a large, flightless Australian bird more and more with each passing day? Emusal is guaranteed to not only halt but reverse this and other embarrassing avian transformations!
Books with similar covers come out all the time
Heck, books come out with the same titles.
I have to admit, I like the new cover much better than the old one. All that black was too dark for my taste...
Nikki, will that be the final book of the FINDING LOST series? Or do you consider doing another "re-watch" volume? I definitely plan to watch the show all over again once all is said and done. So I'd love a book as a companion piece that lists all the hints, easter eggs and foreshadowings you'll only understand once you know the whole story. And that points out all the story holes that won't be resolved as well...
@mgkoeln: Or do you consider doing another "re-watch" volume?
I've pestered her about that sort of thing too.
So, Nikki, do we need to convince you to do a final, retrospective volume, or is there an email address of someone at your publisher who needs to be deluged with requests for such a book? :)
Hi Niki,
Although I do like the cover, I just thought that maybe you would have chosen Backgammon as the game instead of Chess. " Two sides, one is light, one is dark."
Don't read Meyer... my students do however so I can't disown them either.
I love both covers! Just saying... :)
If you want your teens or kids to read something great, and well written, there is a lot of material out there. And much of that material is , well, old. I recommend Roald Dahl's books. I remember as a little boy having Kipling read to me before bed time, and in years later I ran across Richard Hughes "A High Wind in Jamaica," which is an excellent book, but a little disturbing. Not to mention George MacDonald's books would be an oversight, not to mention Andrew Lang. I read them now for pleasuant excursions from not only the day, but also our time. Oh, by the by. lots of these can be found in used bookstores.
humanbeane you are the best! You gave me a much needed laugh today! :)
I love the new cover, but I loved the “old” one, too! I agree with both Marebabe and Farley that “punching up the green” will make “your cover...perfection.” But, alas, I still can’t see The Numbers....
Word Verf: chrows : Blackbirds that roost on a church.
Actually, I like it even better!! Brian is a master at this and your idea was perfect. Now I'm ready to go pre-order it on Amazon. . .oh, that might be just a hair pre-mature;(
I have not read the tome you mention, but, it has been recomended to me. I will continue to avoid it now that I have heard from a better source that it is what I expected it to be.
I have read an excellent book which involved vampires, and I did not know until I was hooked on the story that vampires came into it at all. That is "The Historian" by Elizabeth Kostova. Prehaps you could recomend it to your vampire literature friends and show them what a well written story actually reads like! (I hope if you have read it you enjoyed it as much as I did:~ I've already read the second one, "Swan Theives" and liked it as wellor better.)
PS One other BIG difference from the Meyers productions, the very large DHARMA symbol!!! Can you get in trouble for exploiting that? No, I didn't think so.
If it doesn't matter to Ms. Meyers, it's okay with me. (Cause actually I don't care what she thinks - I couldn't get through a preview of her first chapter.)
I saw a store window yesterday with big chess pieces that looked liked the cover too. I should take a photo next time I'm out walking.
So, I guess the black piece is Smokey? ;)
Have you seen the Repo vs. Repo Men debate?
I still say that one of the kings should be laying down (black or white to be determined by the outcome of the final episodes) to show that there was a winner and a loser.
Aw, Jazzygirl - you went and made me blush. You are too kind - I live to amuse!
Flowers in the Attic!!! All I can remember is the tar in the hair. Actually, now that I think of it, that was kind of a sick book for a 13 year old to be reading.
Anyway, I like mgkoeln's idea for a rewatch book. I would buy it. How about a box set with a special rewatch volume ONLY AVAIALBLE with the box set. I'll have my people call your people.
Jungle = good.
Lastly, my stepdaughter somehow talked me into watching the first of that series with her, and I honestly have to say that was one of two movies where I felt the director owed me 2 hours of my life back. The other was idiocracy.
Best not to mess with the Twi-hards. Those people are crazy!
If that isn't the pot calling the kettle black...Lost fans are just insane. I mean, hello, some of the people here must not have lives outside of Lost and this blog, if they can devote so much time to typing out all their comments. I mean, I read them and all but don't comment like some others on here...DON'T YOU PEOPLE WORK???
@ of course I'm going to remain anonymous: Of course Lost people are insane. We admit it freely and often with tongue firmly in cheek. But at least us kettles have a sense of humor.
Now I must go off to work :)
@Of course I'm going to remain anonymous: I mean, hello, some of the people here must not have lives outside of Lost and this blog, if they can devote so much time to typing out all their comments. I mean, I read them and all but don't comment like some others on here...DON'T YOU PEOPLE WORK???
I consider myself a fairly regular reader/commenter around these parts, and speaking for myself, of course, I can say that I'm married, with two cats and a dog, and a house. I actually work two jobs (one full time, one part time) and have written/am writing a few novels, which I'm trying to get published. I play poker with a group of friends every Tuesday night (I record and watch Lost late), and we hang out on a less scheduled but regular basis in addition to that. I'm lucky enough to have both my family and my in-laws nearby, so I get to spend time with them on a regular basis as well.
Nik at Nite, while certainly a favorite, is but one of probably a half dozen blogs I read and on which I comment daily, and additionally, there's countless other blogs I read on a less daily schedule (having an iPhone helps greatly in keeping up with what I read). I also contribute to a blog myself, and write 2-3 posts a week for that.
Lost is but one of at least a dozen TV shows I watch each week. I'm also something of a film aficionado, with an extensive DVD collection, and I watch probably 1-2 movies week on average. Considering my part time job is at Barnes and Noble, I also own a lot of books, and usually am in the midst of reading 2-3 at a given time, in addition to a monthly stack of comic books.
If anything, I have TOO MUCH of a life.
I'm just lucky that I work a full time job that has internet access and is structured such that I have a minute or two of downtime periodically throughout the day that allows me to pop over and comment. That's really all it takes.
"Of course I'm going to remain anonymous"
You're the Skater freak, aren't you?
It seems odd that someone who is making a point about "having a life" is in turn taking out time from her busy schedule to insult people over the internet. Anonymously no less! Over TWILIGHT. Reread that sentence, would you? You are a funny, funny lady - even though you aren't trying to be.
But seriously, you're the Skater Freak, yes?
Geez, Teebore ... you call that a LIFE? Step it UP, willya? ; ]
@Joan - oh, you have such a suspicious mind. Don't you have anything better to do than harass perfectly innocent bystanders who choose to be critical of others anonymously? How inflexible is THAT?
I knew we loved you for a reason.
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