Thanks to Sagacious Penguin for this one!!
Mostly, I write about television, and with this being the home of the Great Buffy Rewatch of 2011, a lot of that television is Joss Whedon-related (when it's not about Lost). Stick around if you love Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, Sherlock, Lost, BtVS, Doctor Who, or anything on HBO.
Nice pic!
Good job SP.
That's a pretty big Easter Egg Jacob is holding in his hands. It's not just a clue, it is ALL the clues (and quite a few answers). But I don't think this picture is factual. If Jacob had been reading Nikki's book, then he'd have been so engrossed in it, he'd have never even noticed John falling behind him. It would lead to a paradox much greater than the eternal compass.
Nikki, these are so fun! But you know, there's bound to be one with Sawyer (or Desmond!) reading one of your books soon. When that happens, just stay calm, remember to breathe... ;)
Hehe I really like this one!
Love it!
Nice work.
These are all really amazing. I'm in awe! :)
Thanks for the positive feed back, all!
Love, love, love!
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