And now, a few housekeeping details: many of you have asked me what the deal will be tonight blog-wise. After a LOT of thought I'm just not sure it's humanly possible for me to watch the episode that finishes at 11:30, do a live chat for an hour, rewatch the episode at 12:30 and get anything that makes any sense up on my blog at 3am... so instead, here's what I'm thinking I'll do: later today I'm going to write a post on my final thoughts on Lost heading into the finale. One thing I wasn't able to do in the Globe piece was seriously pour out my heart, and I think I'll do that. I'll reserve some things for a recap post tomorrow, but I have a lot to say going into it, too. And then... I'll watch the finale (I've turned down several requests from various media outlets to host live chats DURING the episode, like WHATever, like anyone is actually online and not glued to their sets during the episode). I might occasionally jump onto my FB page or Twitter account to go OMG, but beyond that, I'll be pretty entrenched in the show.
When it ends, I'm thinking of doing a really quick, entirely uncensored, unedited video podcast, regardless of whether I'm sobbing and red-eyed or freaking out with joy (I'm thinking even if I'm freaking out with joy I'll still be happily sobbing and red-eyed). But the CTV.ca live online chat begins at 11:35, so I don't have a lot of time to actually put that together. But I might do that. And then, I'll be hosting the live chat, so PLEASE come on over and you'll see my real immediate reactions (caveat here: I don't want to be held to anything I say over there, since often after a few hours my mind entirely changes on an episode and on details within that episode!) Go to the CTV site and you'll find us there (I don't know if you have to sign up in advance... you might want to check that).
And then, I will be here all day Monday, starting with my long recap, and then pulling sections of the show apart in various separate posts so we can thread it out like that. And who knows... I might actually change my mind and be so stoked I'll just go ahead and post the entire thing tonight after all. If I do that, I'll say so on my Facebook page (that's usually where I've been giving readers the heads up when the posts will go live).
So tune in later today for my longer post (and I'm sure I'll have other funny videos to post, although I'm not sure I can top the Lost: Uncensored one!) and in the meantime, here are the last newspaper articles to come out today that I was interviewed for:
The Cleveland Plain Dealer's Mark Dawidziak interviewed me as a spur-of-the-moment thing, and he's always a TON of fun to talk to (we went off on this Twilight Zone tangent that was awesome) and he always tells me I should be teaching a university course on Lost, which makes me so happy to hear. He's written two pieces based on our interview, and you can find them here and here.
I linked to the London Free Press article yesterday, but the reporter also posted our entire back and forth email exchange on his blog, and you can read that here. Mostly me just blabbing, as usual (and as I mentioned on my FB page, "Lostie genius" is a bit of a hyperbole so just ignore that). ;)
The Philadelphia Inquirer posted an article that has a quote from me in it. You can read that one here.
And I posted this one late yesterday after I found it, but the National Post ran an essay yesterday that featured some quotes from me in it.
And I think that's it for Niks in the Media. As I said on my FB page this morning, while many of us are very sad today, I think we should also see today as a celebration. A celebration of the wonder of Lost, of the happiness it's brought us for 6 years, of the anticipation of all of the discussions we'll be able to have tomorrow and beyond once we know how it actually ends! So pick yourselves up and let's get excited and happy for the end of Lost!! :)
I am so excited! I can not even express it! I believe we will be chatting about LOST longer than we think we will.
Nikki, you have made my LOST experience richer and brought a insight to the show that gave clarity to many a fan.
Thank You.
Sounds good to me. Not where I'll be tonight, I might miss the live episode (and I don't have DVR - just some 'other' method) and I'm certainly not sure I
'll be able to catch the chats.
But hopefully I'll be there tomorrow for the full recap! I'll actually be out for the rest of the day until LOST (if I make it - so spoiler-free for me, YAY!)
I've only posted on your blog once, Nikki, but I've been a regular reader for years. You've done an incredible job with these episode guides, and I own each of your Finding Lost books. I've found them very insightful as the series has progressed, especially in the first season. I think I was so used to tv being this fairly banal, boring thing that Lost threw me a bit.
But since this show came out, it and you have changed the way I look at tv and movies and how I pay attention to them, and I get so much more out of it now. I'm so sorry Lost is ending, since nothing else is out there that holds my attention or has captured my imagination in this way, but thanks so much for all your hard work, and I can't wait for your next book to come out--I'll be first in line!
No, LOST isn't ending. What are you talking about?
No! You can't tell me LOST ends today, that's preposterous! NO. WAY. Simple as that. I'm serious.
C'mon... just another episode! ONE MORE EPISODE! I beg of you! *murmur*
Mmm... I wish it didn't have to end like this, it could have gone differently. Sigh...
Well, if it's going to end, I'll enjoy every moment of it. There's no rule that every LOST fan has to go through the five stages of death, right?
Been nice reading your weekly posts, Nikki. I'll keep reading far after LOST.
I agree with everyone else's posts, one of the worst parts of the show ending is that I won't be able to read your insights, without which I could barely make sense of the first couple of seasons, and when ABC messed with the show by putting it on hiatus for what seemed like years I found it hard to get back into it.....until I read your comments. So thanks for everything Nikki. I find the ending of Lost to be bittersweet, we hope to finally understand everything after the show tonight but I'm going to miss the Losties, especially Sawyer, Desmond and Miles. I have been really excited this final season as my dearly beloved Titus Welliver has been featured so prominently, I've been a huge fan of his for years and hope he will be far more visible on our TV screens in the future, a few guest starring roles is just not good enough for me! My husband is moaning that we are, in his words, "stuck in tonight" but I just can't DVR the show, I HAVE to see what happens!!
Thanks again Nikki, will be seeing you on CTV after the show!
Nikki -
Thank you for promising to be so prolific in the next 36 hours or so. I look forward to your recap (video and written!) and to the multiple threads. This may be the beginning of some serious theorizing [since we haven't done much of that here ;) ]
Just thanks for your spoiler-free oasis, and I wish I had discovered this blog much sooner! You are a wonderful resource for us.
Prediction: Your season 6 book will be the # 1 Amazon pre-order very soon!
I am going to watch the last episode in the exact same way in which I watched the first episode. Alone. Phone off the hook. That way, there will be no distractions. ;)
If like me you're immersing yourself in LOST today while trying to avoid spoilers, head on over to Cake Wrecks: http://cakewrecks.blogspot.com/ and check out the awesome edible tributes to LOST!
Thanks for keepin' it spoiler-free over here, Nikki. I can't wait to read your thoughts tomorrow (while I'm supposed to be working)!
I am going into seclusion at 7pm with some chicken lo mein and lots of coffee. I can't watch it with other people - least of all my husband who says stupid stuff ("So wait, Ben killed Jacob?") and giggles at sad parts.
I am so happy to have found you Nikki! I spotted your book in Chapters one day and pored over it for days - then I saw you had a website - hot damn!
You have done a ton of hard work here - you are one dedicated lady and I wants to say thanks :)
I'm having fun with my own personal re-watch. Just season premieres and finales. See if you know who said what when (there are some easy ones, some a little harder):
1.We have to get off this island, right now
2.Hold up, you don't get to die alone.
3.Do you want to help me tie him up?
4.You'd look weird in a beard, dude.
5.If you want to live, come with me.
6.Tell my sister that I love her.
7.I die.
8.She's not your daughter.
9.That's for taking the kid off the boat.
10.I'm going to kill him.
I wish I could go to the live chat but my television traveled back in time and, for me, the episode won't be finished when yours is.
Oh well, I'll be caught up by the time your blog's discussion picks up.
JS said..."I'm having fun with my own personal re-watch. Just season premieres and finales. See if you know who said what when (there are some easy ones, some a little harder):
1.We have to get off this island, right now
2.Hold up, you don't get to die alone.
3.Do you want to help me tie him up?
4.You'd look weird in a beard, dude.
5.If you want to live, come with me.
6.Tell my sister that I love her.
7.I die.
8.She's not your daughter.
9.That's for taking the kid off the boat.
10.I'm going to kill him."
JS: I'd appreciate it if you'd post the answers to each of these, please? It would be just one little thing I could stop going back to, ya know? There's one I don't know, and two I think I know but I'm not positive on. The rest I know that I know. Wanna help me (and maybe some others) out here?
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