Monday, January 04, 2010
Finding BLAM!!
Oh, Blam. You never cease to make me laugh. This photo made me giggle! This is Blam looking at us through the looking glass, it would appear, and the best part? My books still exist in that world!! (Though they're kinda backwards...) Let me know if you run into the White Knight, and if he helps you find your way back home! Hopefully that note that you've written backwards will help your cause... does anyone reading this know how to get him out of there?

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I do! I do! First you take a deep breath, arrange your magic talismans of power around you in a perfect circle .... then you hit the "flip horizontal" button. Works every time!
That is hysterical!
Verification: Herilog - an account kept by a woman on her iPhone
Aw, cute! He seems pretty OK with this situation though - it could very well be a trap. It only makes sense that Other Blam would be evil to counterbalance Good Blam that we have.
Ah! You are wise, Joan. Obviously Other Blam is luring us in with the trustworthy guides of our noble leader. We shall not be fooled by such an obvious attempt to free him!
It requires a bit of steely resolve, but here's what you do: Walk over to the door of the room, walk through the door, turning the light off as you go, and DON'T LOOK BACK! :)
Gasp! I think you're right, Joan!! Those are the evil Finding Lost guides from the other universe. If you look closely, you can see a black goatee on each of them (and Evil Blam is clearly hiding his).
Would that my own goatee were still black -- and it was, once upon a time, like my eyebrows, even though my hair went from blond to never darker than brown. A crop of white on my chin popped up about 10 years ago, though, and has since infiltrated my mustache and sideburns. Anyway, my point, and I do have one, is that I'm obviously not Evil Blam or I would have an eyepatch and be Canadian.
Verification word: imate -- The spouse of the woman in SM's post?
Pffft, that is so something Evil Blam would say :)
Wait, are all Canadians with eye patches evil? Because if they are, I think I need to do some serious soul searching...
@Joan Crawford: Wait, are all Canadians with eye patches evil?
No, just me. ;)
So where's your pic, madam? You know we're all dying to see it. :) Or are you really Atia of the Julii's twin?
@Blam: I finally figured out why Blam always sounds so familiar to me. Didja see (didja LOVE) "Tropic Thunder"? A running joke all through that movie was that people couldn't ever remember Sandusky's name and kept making up totally wrong names for him. Near the end of the movie, Robert Downey Jr. comes up with the best of all the wrong names, Blamtucky!
By the way, to anyone reading this who has not yet seen "Tropic Thunder", I strongly recommend the extended Director's Cut!
I am Evil Blam, eh! My name has been invoooked three times. I demand tribute in the form of delicious maple-sugar candies, eh! Or an audience with the Greek-American enchantress Maria Menounos of the Access Hollywood. Her ebony locks, nasal laugh, and wildly inconsistent fashion sense combine to form a curiously powerful aphrodisiac.
Git outta here, ya hoser! Yer phony Canadianness ain't foolin' us, eh?
(I was only able to type that after I stopped laughing hysterically at your new avatar. LOVE IT!)
Maria Menounos - you are killing me!
I will get around to sending in that pic! Soon - ish!
Maria Menounos - you are killing me!
Do not mourn for Joan Crawford, eh, readers of these comments! It would be an honour to be killed by the Greek-American temptress Maria Menounos. Tell me with your last breath, Joan Crawford: Did she lure you with her siren song? Does it lull you into a state of pure bliss before the cold embrace of death, or can you feel her ivory hands around your throat? Ah, how I envy you, eh.
AAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Evil Blam, you precocious thing! Your avatar is strangely mesmerising and discomforting. I feel compelled to follow your message of evil and... and delicious Canadian candies. I shall send my tribute forthwith!
verification word: bring - damn, that's a real one.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA! Oh what I missed by being gone for a day.
And I know this was said on another thread, but I don't remember which one, because I deleted the e-mail, but I totally think there should be a "Finding Nik at Nite" book with some of our best comments, running gags, verification words, puns, haikus and other general nonsense. I would totally buy a copy.
Verification: Viesele - a German rodent-type mammal
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