And here is JW's dog, Madison (who curiously shares a name with another dog we know!) showing his love of the book. Madison recently played the Man in Black in a canine version of Lost at the local community theatre... Vincent played Jacob.

So there ya go! If you've already bought a copy for yourself, and all of your family and friends, buy one for your dog! Or your friend's dog! Or your dad's dog!
I'm off to go get my cats to pose with one of these...
@Nikki: So, like, did you give up a career in advertising to pursue book editing? 'Cause you're really good at both! :)
@JW: Dude! Nice to meet you. Nice to meet your dog. I've already met your wife and your father-in-law. And by the way, I've really enjoyed your "Lord of the Films" book. See ya around the blogs!
Just so you know, Nikki, I'll be watching this space for a picture of your kitties!
They are the cutest family ever. I would like to take this time to testify about the power of Nikki's books.
*Lights dim. A woman, possibly homeless, enters the room. She proudly displays her "Hug ME, I gave Blood Today" sticker*
"I was unable to read or comprehend even the most basic of requests made by others until I got my hot little illiterate hands on Finding Lost. Nikki's books will teach you how to read and you won't even know it! Now when others ask "Excuse me, Homeless Person, is that seat taken?" I can yell back "Eat crap!" all thanks to these books. It worked for me and it will surely work for you!
@Joan: You're so silly! I loved it! I try, but I can't be as consistently hilarious as you. :)
Thanks, Marebabe and all :) Nice to see pictures of everyone else, too!
I can't decide which one is more adorable - though the dog has a *slight* edge, seeing as how he won't ask to borrow my Season 6 book.
Thanks for reminding me of "Lord of the Films". Just ordered! :-)
it is so much fun getting to "meet" everyone! Nikki, I definitely smell a new advertising avenue.
Joan, you crack me up so much :D
Joan: Somehow I figured you more for the "Don't Hug Me, I Gave Blood Today and Am Feeling Quite Irritable (And Besides, I Don't Know Where You've Been)" type.
Blam - Hahaha! True, true, being a hostile germaphobe may be innate behavior for me but those court ordered classes are really helping!:D
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