Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Picture of the Day

After yesterday's Sayid pic, many people requested the Sawyer promo pic. I don't have it yet, but until then, here's Josh at the TCA Conference yesterday (thanks to DarkUFO for the pic):


JennM said...

Now, that's what I'm talking about!


poggy said...

Keep 'em coming, Nikki. Keep 'em coming. *ç*

Erin {pughs' news} said...

Thank you, Nikki. I love you.

But I love Sawyer just a little bit more... sigh...

JS said...

he is a beautiful man.

Beth said...


Joan Crawford said...

Pfft, I *guess* he's OK. If you like dimples and a great smile coupled with a fabulous body and cute personality.

Rebecca T. said...

Well, that'll tide me over for today anyway. ::sigh::

Ali Bags said...

He's nearly as good looking as your readers, Nikki!

Beachgirl5835 said...

Puts a smile on my face!

Anonymous said...

He's gorgeous, but I still like him better scruffy, like the TV Guide cover photo!

teach3 said...

OMG! What an absolute hunk of burning love! This goes to my favorites-he'll be just a click away! Thanks for sharing!

SenexMacdonald said...
