By the way, I was sent the limited edition DVD for running the contest, which was nice, and I wanted to do another less-disastrous video podcast, but I still don't have a new microphone for my computer. [Insert anti-PC sentiment from humanebean here.] But if you guys haven't seen it yet, I'd love to show you what's inside. While it's not the sort of thing I would have bought (because I like all of my DVD box sets to look alike, which my husband says makes me a supergeek), it was pretty awesome.
@Nikki & Shari: I am perplexed, because what at first seemed to be a mirror shot, what with the backwards print on the Dharma Orientation Kit, can't be, because the Swan logo on the T-shirt is normal, as seen in our universe. Do I even WANT to explore this mystery? Because getting to the bottom of this may cause time to stop and every molecule in the universe to explode! I wouldn't want that on my conscience. ;)
Shari, lovely to see you, you grand prize winner you!
Marebabe: To help preserve your sanity, don't worry, the swan logo is indeed the opposite of what it's supposed to be (the head is usually facing to the right, not the left like that). ;)
@Nikki: Whew! Thanks. :)
Nikki, I am exactly like you: I HAVE to have all my DVDs to be the same. So I, too, am geeky when it comes to DVDs. I even try to organize them in size, and how much I like them (Lost and Lord of the Rings are always on the top shelf of my DVD case), and in alphabetical order (excluding Lost and Lord of the Rings).
. . .
Verification word: conalow Meaning: to con a lowlife person (something Anthony Cooper knows all about. In fact, he is a lowlife).
Nik - what kind of mic input does your *sigh* PC have? I may actually have a mic that I no longer need that you are welcome to have - all for the Greater Good. We MUST have more video podcasts!
Now, if you had an iPhone, you could just .....
hee, hee, hee!
humanebean: You're gonna send me a Mac mic, aren't you. I just know it. ;)
OK, now, I hope you can keep up with me as I explain in very technical terms what my mic input is...
It's a... hole. At the front of my computer. That has a little picture of a microphone in front of it.
Sorry, I know sometimes I get all jargony and it's hard to follow, but I hope that wasn't too much.
Heehee... I should totally be a computer salesperson. "And then there's this new model... um... what does it do? Well... it's pink! Come on, THAT is pretty cool, eh? Hello? Why are you walking away from me? I'm sure it has some doodads and whatsits on it, too. Read the manual!! Come back!!"
"Did I mention it has a hole in the front with a picture of a mic next to it!? Coooommmme bacckkkkk!"
Haha! Hey, do you like your Kindle? Does it fatigue your eyes? Does it feel as good as reading a book? Lastly, what made you decide to get one.
Verification Word: Eggrogyi - The offspring of two of my favorite foods an Eggo and a perogie! Oh, if only...
Wait. Ya lost me. It's a .... what? A ... hole? I don't get it. You mean, like, there's a gap in the front of the computer and it's .... round?
Hahahahahaha! I think what you have what is called a standard "mini-jack". It's a plain ol' 3.5mm headphone jack. Does either you or Mr. Lucky Guitar Man have a set of ordinary headphones? Not the really big jack kind that you find on older stereos but the small kind that you use on airplanes. If you do, and that fits into the .... whatchamacalit, hole ... in the computer, then you have that standard headphone jack.
*phew* Think I sprained a brain cell, there. Only one left! ; ]
No, wait, it's separate! There are, in fact, THREE holes in the front of my computer... two of them are headphone jacks, and the third is a microphone jack. While I am not the most technologically inclined person on this blog, I think I know the difference between a drawing of headphones and a drawing of a little microphone! A microphone is an upside-down U with two dots on the bottom, right?
Nyar nyar.
No, seriously, the jack on the right has a microphone drawn beside it. I wonder if Guitar Man's regular mikes would just plug right into it?
If THAT is the case, get ready for some Nikki Karoake!!!!
Seriously, I can't stop laughing here that you honestly thought I didn't know what a headphone jack is. Hahahaha!! Do all Mac users think PC users really ARE all John Hodgman?! "You know, there are days when I'd just like to listen to music, but when I put the iPod earbuds in my ear, they just don't seem to have any music in them! You don't think this little metal thingie is supposed to plug into something, do you?"
Humanebean, you crack me up to no end. Promise me you'll never leave this blog. EVER.
I've gotta go write up some posts about hobos now.
"Posts about hobos". Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!
I think I hurt something.
How could I ever leave THIS?? Nope, someday, the nurses at the Home will wheel me down to the telecomnet room every day at 8pm. "Mr. Bean? It's time for your Nik at Nite, now".
But if you guys haven't seen it yet, I'd love to show you what's inside.
Verification word: I am still waiting on the maple-sugar candies, eh, Collective Drooling Serfdom of Nikki Stafford.
I was getting nervous, not knowing the whereabouts of Evil Blam.
humanebean: I can just see what my Nik at Nite posts would be like when I'm in a nursing home:
So I've just discovered this new show called Lost. My kids keep telling me I already know the show, and that I spent the better part of my younger days writing about it, but I think they're crazy, so I'm gonna write about it now. Here are the things I noticed:
You know, Sawyer shouldn't be going out without a sweater. He'll catch his death of cold! And why can't Kate find a nice man to settle down with? Geez, Louise, if she waits much longer, her poor mother won't have much time on this earth to get to know her grandkids! Just watching that scene of Hurley eating the burrito made my gall bladder incision hurt... yowza that food was way too spicy! I wonder if the Dharma pallette has Ex-lax on it? If it doesn't, then that island is not the place for me! But let me tell you, dearies, that Desmond puts the zing in my motorized scooter! Well, it's 7 o'clock. Time to get off to bed.
The Joan Crawford lives and has not been killed by the Greek-American enchantress Maria Menounos!
And she says, I was getting nervous, not knowing the whereabouts of Evil Blam.
Does she think that I am a monkey to dance abooot for her pleasure?
Verification word: eh
The Young Ms. Gillian Whitfield says, Nikki, I am exactly like you: I HAVE to have all my DVDs to be the same.
Ooh! As am I, eh! Every one of my 23 sets of the DVDs is the 4th season of the Kate & Allie! Let us all dress alike and celebrate!
Verification word: Is that too mean? Why then do you call me Evil Blam?
Nikki, did you get the coveted fifth patch in your set?
::pouts and kicks at a clump of dirt::
I didn't.
(Which, actually, shouldn't bother me all that much; it's not like the patches are going to do anything but sit in this ridiculously oversized box, once I find a place to keep it, that is.)
@Nikki-Yes! More podcasts please!
word verif-pheing-the opposite of phooing?
@Nikki-gee, I'm actually looking forward to getting old (not!) just to read your "Nik at Nite-Nite Time"!
Humanebean: Can we start an Apple product fan club? After our PC ("short-circuited" as I said), died randomly, we had to get a Mac. That was in July. It hasn't done anything wonky to us. It's quick, efficient, and never crashes.
. . .
Verification word: nolocke. Consistent much in light of season 5?
And, undoubtedly, my comment from the Home on the future Nik at Nite-time blog posting:
"What's with you kids today? It's always NEW this and NEW that. Now, when I was a boy WE were perfectly happy with the OLD TV shows, we didn't need NEW ones all the time.
It's like this LOUD music the nurses are always playing. BOOM-BOOM-CHICKA-CHICKA-BOOM. Ach. Nothing like the bands we had back in MY day. You kids should check out Geronimo Jackson - now THERE was a band!
But this LOST show you're talking about ... if memory serves, we had a show like that ... but it was MUCH better of course. Men were men and women were women and smoke monsters were smoke monsters back then. Oh, how I used to enjoy frolicking through the jungle with Juliet on the holodeck!
Oh- sorry, I have to go, now. That nice young fella Richard is here for Pet Therapy Day. I hope he brings Vincent with him again ....."
Verification word: "carking" - the sensation I get when I hit fifth gear on the highway
I'm with ya, Gillian! That's two! See, Nik? See that happy and contented expression on Gillian's face? See how perceptive and enlightened she looks? THERE'S a Mac user for ya!
; ]
Dear Mac Users: GET. A. ROOM.
I'm a total geek too when it comes to my DVDs (well, and a total geek when it comes to A LOT of other things too, but that's neither here nor there).
As much as I love the new, relatively standard, slim case packaging for DVDs, in which case whole seasons sometimes come in a package no bigger than a single disc movie, it irritates me to no end when a show switches from one packaging format to another in the middle of its DVD releases.
I mean, come on, now they don't look all the same on the shelf!
Once upon a time I lent out my first season of Buffy to someone, and I've long since given up on ever getting it back. Yet I've been reluctant to buy a replacement, because that thin, narrow case it comes packaged in now will just look even weirder sitting on the shelf next to the original, phonebook-sized sets of seasons 2-7.
We probably need help, don't we? :)
Dear people with DVD box set issues: GET. A. ROOM.
; ]
Ahem. Actually (this is a word I say all the time and now my 5-year-old says it the same way I do: ACK-shoo-a-lee) the difference between the Mac users and the DVD box set users is we're all talking about how inadequate and crazy we are, whereas the Maccies are talking about how inadequate and crazy everyone ELSE is. I'd go on about how delusional you are, but I'm too busy trying to organize my DVD box sets by size and colour right now.
Now, back to weird DVD box set issues... (Teebore, the Buffy story made me laugh!) Here's one: I actually stopped buying the Simpsons box sets when they began releasing them in the shape of heads of the Simpsons, because they weren't the same size as my previous 5 seasons. ;)
Actually, Nikki, you can get all the Simpsons seasons in a regular case instead of the head case now.
The very first head case they did, there was such an outcry from people like you and me that they made a normal box available for free (plus S&H) to anyone who wanted one (I immediately ordered such a box).
After that, they began releasing each season with a choice of packaging: normal or ugly, irregular head.
I'm pretty sure most retail stores now only carry back stock of the normal boxes (since they sit on the shelves so much better) and I'm sure you'd have a choice if ordering via Amazon or whatnot, so feel free to resume acquiring Simpsons DVDs. :)
ACT-ually, the difference between Mac users and the DVD box set issues peeps is that we have TRIED both kinds of DVD sets, so we can make the comparison!
Now, stop reshuffling your shelves and come on in the Apple pool ... the water's fine!
; ]
I have to weigh in on the dvd box set thing, because it's something that drives me and Batkitty (acshoolee, her more than me) mental. Our first two seasons of Lost are about two inches wide, each disc in it's own individual plastic case, with a cardboard slipcase. Then season 3 is about the width of two normal dvd cases, but with all discs in the one case. Season 4 and 5 are the width of a single dvd. Batkitty, who is normally such a placid person, swore quite loudly and succinctly, frightening me and unnerving the neighbours. She was even more angry when season 6 and 7 of her 90210 sets were different. It's like an obsession now. Know what's even worse? The Soprano's box sets came out in Australia not only with different packaging, but with the name on the spine FACING OPPOSITE DIRECTIONS! Mental. Sure, I could turn them upside-down, but then they don't line up! Infuriating, and yes, a little OCD. Oh well.
verification word: trypoxcr - the stuff on the sugar cube Oldham gave Sayid.
Should I be worried?
I am Mac user (and lover!!!!), with some serious DVD-box-set matching issues.
Uh-oh. I'll have to GET. A. ROOM. with both groups!
The Mr. Teebore says, Actually, Nikki, you can get all the Simpsons seasons in a regular case instead of the head case now.
to which I must reply, If I collected the head cases you would all be in my possession!
You play at false submission, but I know you for what you are. Look upon the face of thine enemy, eh, Caped Hoooser!!!
Verification word: This town needs an edamame!
My previous message, was, of course, directed at the Batcabbage, eh.
@Evil Blam
I've noticed a lot of eh's, and hooser's, etc. in your evil, evil comments.
Could it be that Evil Blam is also an Evil Canadian, much like Ethan Rom from Ontario, and the other Evil Canadians we've discussed from Lost?
(Being Canadian myself, I am of course in no way insinuating that ALL Canadians are evil. Just the Canadians on Lost...LOL)
I play at nothing, schweinhund! Your feeble bizarro cabbage head will not stop me, the One True Cabbage! Uh, I mean, I am so submissioning, Evil Blam, sir!
verfication word: submissioning - what I just said, up there a bit.
I hate when they do that with DVDs too! Gah. We have the first four seasons of StarGate with the regular size DVD cases. Then the next 6 all came in the slim line cases. Sure more fit on a shelf, but the first 4 have a cool pattern that lines up and makes a picture of the Star Gate on the spines of the DVDs.
Stupid change
p.s. I am an even bigger nerd in that I categorize my movies (family, tv, holiday, cartoons) and THEN alphabetize them.
And all my books are alphabetical by author.
verification: glemeyse - the goo stuck in the corner of your eyes when you wake up
@Teebore-I know what you mean! I asked for s5 STNG for Christmas from my parents (have gotten one season a year), and ended up with s5, s6 and s7 all at once! So much fun! But the s7 box was totally different from the other 6 seasons! What's up with that?
word verif-apillhed-Jack on the mainland
Where does everyone get all this extra time to 'catalog' their DVD's and books and things between watching Lost and blogging? (can someone come over to my house a catalog our stuff too? I'll make you lunch...and dinner...and probabally breakfast too!)
@crazyinlost: ooh! ooh! pick me! I'm crazy and I like to organize stuff.... hahaha. But seriously, my parents' DVDs are all alphabetical because of me. OCD much?
verification: equit - an online program to help you stop smoking
Haha!! You know, I used to have my bookshelves all in alphabetical order (they were all in one giant room, wall-to-wall, and you started at the one corner and went around the room and all of them were alphabetized). But then I had a kid. And then we moved, and we were in such a rush to get the boxes unpacked I just threw the books up on the shelves randomly and I said I'd alphabetize them at another time. Five years later...
So now when a book like Catch-22 comes up on Lost, I go, "Ooh, ooh!" and then spend an hour trying to find it on one of my 11 bookshelves that are in 4 different rooms. Argh. I told a friend of mine at work this and her eyes glazed over as she asked if she could please please please come and alphabetize them for me. She apparently, like Sonshine Music, lives for this sort of thing! ;)
@SonshineMusic: Oh, yeah, all my DVDs are arranged via category and then alphabetically too. My books are organized by subject (a star wars bookcase, a history bookcase, several graphic novel bookcases, etc) and then by author or other criteria (and, sometimes, just by height of book so the shelf looks all nice).
Once it's been done once it doesn't take much time to maintain it. I'm totally mental about organizing stuff like that. I love sorting and organizing my comic books almost as much as I do reading them.
That love of sorting and organizing is probably one of the reasons I've worked at Barnes and Noble for so long...
@teebore: haha! I work at Borders, so I totally understand. I love getting assigned to alpha projects. It makes the shelves look so nice!
verification: jocuplip - a mistake that causes much laughter
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