Come on, fellow Losties, we can do this!!! Go here to find out more and to donate. Thanks to humanebean (who's really living up to his name!) for the link.
Mostly, I write about television, and with this being the home of the Great Buffy Rewatch of 2011, a lot of that television is Joss Whedon-related (when it's not about Lost). Stick around if you love Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, Sherlock, Lost, BtVS, Doctor Who, or anything on HBO.
you should check out what the LOSTARG's did in raising for money in the name of Lost. We raised over $4000. I hope you can raise alot as well because what ever is raised is going to a good cause. good luck !
I remain mindful that, after the bright spotlight has faded a bit, the people of Haiti will spend many long, dark hours trying to return their lives to some semblance of normality. I hope that we may remember them as we settle in to our leisure pursuits and joyful anticipation for the return of ... a TV show.
This is just one way we can show that the communal spirit we have found in LOST is rooted in respect and concern for others. We've watched these characters endure pretend survival for 5 seasons now. The real thing is right before our eyes.
*standing down from soapbox now*
Well said, Humanebean.
I don't get it. Did he donate a kidney? Is he from Lima? Wait! I know! He drives a Pinto!
Seriously, though, I appreciate the efforts of both Nikki and HB to rally us — especially since emotional fatigue sets in easily. We shouldn't let the astounding dichotomy between what's befallen our neighbors and the relatively pampered lives most of us live overwhelm us; that way lies only self-abusive thinking or a complete retreat into the trivial. For most of us, "everything in moderation" is how all but the most ascetic (on one hand; on the other, the most amoral) stay sane. To bring this back to Lost: I wouldn't be surprised to learn that the show's ultimate message, if it has one, is not that faith trumps reason or free will bests destiny but that for the most part we should avoid choosing between black and white.
Mr. Bean's comment on the long road ahead is particularly apt. The weeks and months to come will be hard ones, as survivors need to be kept alive and lives need to be rebuilt in every sense. If you forego a few impulsive song downloads a month, however, or drop that one comic book you've been debating from your pull list, there's some easy cash for a good cause.
Luuuuke... I am your fava...!!!
Nobody invited you, EB. *sigh* I'm donating another ten bucks for that.
I did some research on charitynavigator.org, and this organization gives almost 95% of it's funding to program expenses, which is quite high. So if someone hasn't already donated, and wants to, this is a good one (methinks).
Thank you, Jenn. You are too kind.
Blam - hahahahahahahahahahaha! As soon as you said "Pinto", I instantly flashed onto the scene in Top Secret where the infamous rear-end explosion is recreated. (and, no, not the one with the cow ...) Priceless. And, well said, yourself.
Evil Blam - you shall be hearing from my attorney, sir! Your scandalous defacement of my copyrighted image shall not go unpunished. *snort*
Blam, again - don't tell Evil Blam, but I laughed my asthma off at his avatar. Reminds me of the time I recorded a video tribute to some co-workers while wearing a Darth Vader mask. ah, good times ... good times ....
Verification word: "verst" - describing the negative superlative condition, e.g., "What's the verst that could happen?"
LOLZ! Seriously, you guys are the most lovable goofs on the planet. I often read the comments through my inbox because that's where they all come, but when there was talk of avatars I had to come here to read them, and Blam's exasperated face looking up at Evil Blam is the funniest thing I've seen this week. Thanks for the morning laugh!
And thanks for the words, everyone. I completely agree with humanebean. We all rally ourselves together and fight the cause for about a week and then go back to our daily lives while the people of Haiti continue to suffer. So let's try to keep this in our minds.
Eddie: Thanks for posting that! I, too, always want to know the percentage a charity is giving and the circumstances. There was one I gave to several years ago (I won't say which) that I later discovered gave only 10% of their donations to the cause itself, and the rest was rolled into administrative costs. Unbelievable. I immediately cut off my efforts and donated elsewhere. So definitely do your research in advance. I'd checked this place out yesterday before posting and then completely forgot to post that statistic. Thanks, Eddie!
Lisa: That is AMAZING. What a great job!
verif word: "blewin" A new word created when a Scottish person sings "Blowin in the Wind."
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